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Accroading to Behavioral theory, which emphasized the behavior of the leader

We think he is an autocratic leader with the fact that he control most of the
decision and little and even no input from his staff. he typical make choices
based on his judgement. When his staff complained about study's material's
issues, he did not get their suggestion and present a tentative action to fix
them .Another indicator for his autocrat is his disapproval when teaching
assistants ask for a better salary when the job load becomes overwhelming.
Leadership derailer also takes place because of his Self-centeredness and poor
coaching ability
The leader has excelled academically that attracts people by how bright he is,
His self-centeredness, viewing himself as superior to other people and inflates
his own abilities,, Fail in giving recommendation and solutions for both online
anf offline staff .He reacts skeptically to the teachers’ feedback and rarely cares
about other had puzzed the staff and prevents them from reaching their

It can be seen that the boss has enough qualification and intelligence to be a
leader. However, his lack of both attention to online teaching and control over
the quality of teaching process were contrary to the trait “Integrity” (5 major
leadership traits, Northouse, 2018) that a leader needed. The way he ran and
organized his teaching methods may lead to a distinctive result rather than the
objective that his center has committed to students. He only cared about how
many students his staff could get, how many benefits they could bring to him.
Hence, according to the teleological hypotheses (Plato and Aristotle, as cited in
Northouse, 2018), which 8 considers an act as morally right or acceptable if it
produces the desired result or consequence, it indicates that he was only looking
at the results rather than the nature of activities. That may be beneficial for him;
however, it could have negative consequences for others, especially in the
educational sector.

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