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Name___________________ Date________ Anticipation Guide Miss T and Mr.

“Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

Part A: Determine whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) _________________ It is better to live a poor life but live your dreams.

2) _________________ Lying is acceptable when trying to keep a good reputation.
3) _________________ It is better to ignore something unpleasant than to face reality.
4) _________________ Happiness relies on being financially stable.
5) _________________ Determination always leads an individual to fulfill their dreams.
6) _________________ Being “well-liked” is important to one’s success.
7) _________________ Many parents try to relive their own lives through their children.
8) _________________ A wife’s first duty is to her husband.
9) _________________ A wife’s first duty is to her children.
10) ________________ You shouldn’t blame your parents for the way your life turns out.
11) ________________ It is healthy to escape the difficulty of reality by turning to fantasy.
12) ________________ Suicide is never the answer.

Part B: Provide your opinion of the following as completely and thoroughly as possible.

13) What is your definition of success? To be a success, do you need to earn a lot of money? Can you
be successful without being happy? Can you be happy without being successful?
14) a) What makes a good parent? What do you talk to your parents about? What would you never
talk to you parents about? What do you fight with your parents about?
b) What are some ways parents can disappoint their children? What are some ways children can
disappoint their parents? Is there ever a time children should lie for their parents or vice versa?
15) Why do two people get married? Why do two people stay married? Do you think one partner
should accept the other partner’s “failings”?
Based on the questions you were just asked, what kind of issues do you anticipate to read about in
the play?


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