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Monologue on Paper-

I know what you are thinking now, why is this piece of paper so pale and
dull. Well I have the answer, the summer holidays have come to and end!
You know what that means? School is going to start! Now why is that a
problem for me I'm just a plain old white piece of paper with black lines
on me! I am stressed out because when school starts, I need to be used! I
don’t think I'm ready for that! I just get the shivers thinking about a long
pointy needle which emits blue liquid being scratched on me. Its just like
a tattoo, the permanent ones except this time I don’t really have a choice.
School starts tomorrow and I am the second page in the book! Which
makes me even more frightening because the first page is never used! Oh
no, He is opening his bag, choosing a book…… Fingers crossed its not me!
Aaaaaaaah its me! There goes the pen, I can see the nib coming write at
my nose, I'm not ready, for this, tell my teddy I loved him, here goes
nothi- ow, ouch, eek, move out of my nose buddy move out of my nose.
Yes, the bell rang I finally I have a break from all this pricking and
scratching, he makes too many mistakes and did his mom teach him to
not kill the paper but to write softly. Wait, is that Mr. Double ruled, what
is that kid doing to him tearing him out of the book Folding him! Ow that
will hurt! And then throwing him in the air, does that kid know that Mr.
Double ruled is scared of heights! What wrong with that kid! Wait, that’s
my friend Lavender Paper what is that girl doing to her, oh lord, she is
cutting through her and making a flower out of her, I can’t bare to see her
go through this misery! What is that kid doing to my cousin tissue, why is
he pulling out bunches of tissues just to wipe his hands, carry a napkin
kid! What will happen to all of them afterwards, they will just give all
these bratty kids pleasure for one day and then, they will be just thrown
in the stinky garbage, I don’t get it. Hasn’t you teacher taught you not to
waste paper! Break time is over! Wait I can hear a voice the teacher just
told the students to preserve this book to pass it on to the next batch, My
tears are making the ink blot! I am happy I am being used as a paper in a
book. I am happy that my life is serving a good purpose! At least I will be
preserved in here for a year with loads of respect!

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