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Theatre FA

Mask(past)-Hi my name is the mask,and i am a cotton mask.I live in india and i am

found in the apollo clinic in Adayar.So far my life has being awesome,chilling in the AC
in the clinic,i have many friends who are sitting next to me,talking about how we would
never be picked and how life is so easy…..i am lucky because if a customer appears
and wants to get a mask the shopkeeper never chose me because i have a slight injury
on my arm(a small tear),the shopkeeper picks my friends…… puppet thingy…...,but
he never wants to pick me nor throw me because he thinks/assumes that one day i
could come into use...but i never think that will happen,ahhhh such a lucky life….

mask(present)(during covid 19)-ahhhh why have i been picked up by a customer,am i

really in that demand….nonononono,i am about to be worn on that mouth and nose of
the humans,yuck,the saliva is is coming on me ughhh!!!!(15 min later)ouch,that hurt,he
threw me,wait what…...where am i,it's so dark!Am I in a cupboard,ohh,I guess its time to
sleep goodnight…...wait what,why have I been picked up and I am going out
nooooooooooooo……..(after a day)why do i even exist…..ahhh how i wish i could go
back to the clinic,it has an ac…..wait she's picking me up…..ahhh finally i see lights an
ac yes,ahhhh how nice it is to be in the room of the owner,this is exactly like the clinic!!!!
wow they made me so clean and shiny,wow,i think this is better than the clinic ohh i get

Mask future-hahaha nothing can get past me,no virus nothing i am as strong as
diamond…i am so clean and even my customers stitched my wound,yay i feel strong
and mighty hooray!

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