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To be labeled a ‘Work of Art’, a painting, sculpture or other art form should display

certain qualities that are unique. However, over the past century there has been a
decline in the quality of prize-winning artwork and it is now possible for quite
ordinary pieces of art to be labeled ‘masterpieces’ whilst true works of art pass
unnoticed. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

Art is one of those controversial subjects, like literature for instance, which raises
questions about its importance or its status. However, the most problematic of all issues
concerning this field is the legitimacy of calling a work of art a masterpiece. Lately, the
work that is being produced by artists which is awarded the title ‘masterpiece’ is seen by
many as exactly the opposite. 

          It is difficult for someone who has not studied art to be able to voice their opinion on
it. This is one of the arguments any ordinary person might give if asked what their opinion
on today’s so-called masterpieces is. They would say that experts know better and since
they are the ones who judge artwork, they are fit to judge its greatness. Besides, if the
simple layman does not understand the meaning behind a painting or sculpture which has
been labeled a masterpiece, that does not mean that it is not. The personal message each
work of art transmits is exactly that – personal – and cannot be negatively criticized
because of the incompetence of an amateur.

          On the other hand however, art to be truly great, should appeal to everyone, in the
sense that it should speak to even the simplest of individuals. Being unique entails that the
message or feelings roused in others are unique. That, in my opinion, is the criterion on
which a masterpiece should be founded. What is more, it is not difficult to see how certain
critics promote a piece for obscure reasons, be they financial or ones connected to private
interests, to the detriment of other true artwork. 

          It is therefore my belief that on this very controversial and personal subject of what
constitutes a great work of art, the answer lies in part with the few critics who honestly
view an artwork and have the insight to see whether it will live on through time as a
masterpiece. Besides them, it is up to the amateur to be able to see through promotion
gimmicks and try to find greatness in other, lesser known pieces.

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