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Corporal punishment in schools (for)
Summary position
The Society for Adolescent Medicine concludes that corporal punishment in schools is an
ineffective, dangerous, and unacceptable method of discipline. The use of corporal punishment
in the school reinforces physical aggression as an acceptable and effective means of eliminating
unwanted behavior in our society. We join many other national and international organizations
recommending that it be banned and urge that nonviolent methods of classroom control be
utilized in our school systems

“Corporal Punishment in Schools and Its Effect on Academic Success” Joint HRW/ACLU
Statement (for)

The use of corporal punishment in schools is interfering with students' right to be treated with
dignity and, as a result, is interfering with their right to a quality education.  By prohibiting the
use of corporal punishment and helping states to develop safe and effective behavioral practices,
this Congress could help to ensure that our nation's children are able to achieve their full
educational potential in a supportive learning environment.  

Is Corporal Punishment an Effective Means of Discipline? (against)

"Until researchers, clinicians, and parents can definitively demonstrate the presence of positive
effects of corporal punishment, including effectiveness in halting future misbehavior, not just the
absence of negative effects, we as psychologists cannot responsibly recommend its use,"
Gershoff writes.

Corporal Punishment in Schools: Theoretical Discussion and Personal

Experience (against)

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