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The standard I choose is 2 (g), which is to understand and identify differences in

approaches to learning and performance and know-how to design instruction that uses each

learners’ strengths to promote growth. The artifact I choose for this standard is a create-a-

strategy document. This document was created in a Grand Valley Class known as universal

design for learning. I feel this create-a-strategy document fits this standard because it provides a

different approach to instruction in the classroom for students. That uses their prior knowledge

and strengths to start the lesson and promote growth in the classroom for everyone.

This document generates a strategy to help students with special needs to improve

understanding and have access to the general education curriculum. The assignment was to think

about the skills students (academic or behavior) must have to succeed in your class. The skill I

choose was W.R.I.T.E, which was a way for students to begin class. This acronym provided

explicit instruction to students on what they should be doing when they enter my class. For this

strategy, I provided a rationale for its use and described and modeled how it would work/look in

the classroom and have equipped students to practice and give feedback.

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