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Steve Rogers (public)

Origin: Transformed Qualities:

Prowess AMAZING (8) All-American Hero

Coordination INCREDIBLE (7) Fish Out of Water
Strength REMARKABLE (6) Friend to the End
Intellect EXCELLENT (5)
Awareness INCREDIBLE (7) Background:
Willpower AMAZING (8)
Steve Rogers was transformed into
Stamina 14 America’s Super Soldier during WWII with
the aid of an experimental serum. An
Powers: accident during one of his missions left him
frozen and lost. Recovered in the present
SHIELD. Cap’s shield is made of an day, he struggles to fit in the new world in
unbreakable vibranium / adamantium alloy. which he finds himself, while still fighting
It provides Monstrous (9) damage for the values of justice and individual rights
resistance against everything except mental that he cherishes.
and magic damage. He can block with it, or
use it as a bashing or throwing weapon (and Equipment:
with an additional successful Coordination Captain America commonly drives a
roll, the shield will bounce back to him). motorcycle. He also has access to military
and hi-tech equipment through his contacts
Specialties: when the situation merits it.

ART: Drawing
WEAPON (Expert): Shield Throwing
Monica Rambeau (secret)
Origin: Transformed Specialties:


Awareness GOOD (4) WEAPONS: Guns
Willpower GOOD (4)
Stamina 8
Lt., New Orleans Harbor Patrol
Powers: No, Not That Captain Marvel
Former cargo ship captain
ENERGY FORM. Captain Marvel has the
Unearthly (10) ability to transform into any Background:
energy in the E-M spectrum. While in
energy form, she can fly at Unearthly speed, Monica Rambeau was bombarded by extra-
dodge as though she had Unearthly dimensional energies while thwarting a
Coordination, move through any object that criminal scientist from creating a super-
serves as a medium for E-M energy, weapon. A long-time public servant, she
become invisible to the naked eye, and has decided to use her powers to protect
Unearthly damage resistance unless the mankind. Spider-Man introduced her to the
attack specifically targets her current kind Avengers, whom she soon join, and of
of energy form, or involves mental damage. whom she later became leader.

ENERGY BLAST: Captain Marvel can fire any

kind of E-M energy for Monstrous (9)
blasting damage. Sometimes she chooses to
fly through her target, but the effect is the
Peter Parker (secret)
Origin: Transformed Qualities:

Prowess REMARKABLE (6) Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Coordination AMAZING (8) Smart-Ass
Strength INCREDIBLE (7) Great Responsibility
Intellect EXCELLENT (5)
Awareness GOOD (4) Background:
Willpower INCREDIBLE (7)
After gaining his powers through a
Stamina 14 radioactive spider bite, Peter Parker initially
tried to turn a profit in show business with
Powers: his new abilities. However, his Uncle Ben
died at the hands of a criminal that Peter
WALL-CRAWLING. Amazing (8) level. earlier had neglected to apprehend.
DANGER SENSE. Amazing (8) level. Spider- Wracked by guilt, Peter now takes his
Man also carries several small tracers with Uncle’s words “With great power comes
him that he can track up to a mile away. great responsibility” serious, and uses his
WEB-SHOOTERS. Spider-Man can use these powers to stop criminals and protect the
devices to shoot webs for Swinging or for a innocent.
Binding effect of Incredible (7) material
strength, hardening to Monstrous (9) the
next page. He can also use them in a variety
of other ways (e.g., missiles, shields) with
an appropriate Stunt.


ART: Photography
WEAPON: Web-Shooters
Ben Grimm (public)
Origin: Transformed Qualities:

Prowess INCREDIBLE (7) “It’s Clobberin’ Time!”

Coordination GOOD (4) Gruff Exterior
Strength MONSTROUS (9) Former Football Star
Intellect GOOD (4)
Awareness GOOD (4) Background:
Willpower REMARKABLE (6)
Ben Grimm agreed to pilot an experimental
Stamina 15 spacecraft designed by his friend Reed
Richards. When the ship was bombarded by
Powers: cosmic rays, Ben and the rest of the crew
found themselves transformed. Though he
RESISTANCE, DAMAGE. Incredible (7) level. sometimes still struggles with his monstrous
appearance, Ben has mostly come to terms
Specialties: with his new form, and has become a true
champion of justice as a member of the
PILOT Fantastic Four.
Abner Jenkins (public)
Origin: Gimmick Qualities:

Prowess GOOD (4) Big Aspirations

Coordination GOOD (4) Bit By the Gold Bug
Strength EXCELLENT (5) Villain for Hire
Intellect EXCELLENT (5)
Awareness REMARKABLE (6) Background:
Willpower TYPICAL (3)
Abner Jenkins is a former airline mechanic
Stamina 8 who used his technical know-how to create
his multi-function armor. In his early career
Powers: as a criminal, he often worked alone,
hoping to gain notoriety as a super-villain
BATTLE SUIT. Beetle’s suit provides by defeating heroes such as Spider-Man
Excellent (5) Damage Resistance, Energy and the Human Torch – goals that tended
Blast (Blasting damage), Flight, and Wall- not to go well. More recently, he has had a
Crawling. It also Increases his Strength from bit more success working with various
Typical to Excellent. The suit’s battle criminal gangs, under the direction of
computer can also be prepared against a masterminds such as Doctor Octopus and
specific opponent, against which it raises Doctor Doom.
Beetle’s Prowess, Coordination, and
Awareness two levels.


Otto Octavius (public)
Origin: Transformed Powers:

Prowess TYPICAL (3) TENTACLES. Doc Ock’s tentacles have arms

Coordination GOOD (4) made of Amazing (8) material and pincers
Strength REMARKABLE (6) made of Remarkable (6) material. A single
Intellect EXCELLENT (5) tentacle has Remarkable (6) lifting Strength,
Awareness TYPICAL (3) but two working together, with the other
Willpower EXCELLENT (5) two providing leverage, have Incredible (7)
lifting Strength. Doc can use his tentacles to
Stamina 11 perform melee attacks against targets even
if they are not in close range (distance
Qualities: benchmark level 2). He can use his arms to
attack twice per round, either a single or
Criminal Mastermind separate targets, without difficulty. With a
“Destroy the Web-Slinger!” moderately successful Willpower roll, he
Light-Sensitive can attack three or four targets, using as
many arms; a failed Willpower roll negates
Background: all his attacks that round. A single tentacle
attacks for Remarkable (6) bashing damage;
Otto Octavius invented a harness with four additional tentacles against a single target
mechanical arms to assist him in his attack with a single roll, but shift the
research as a nuclear physicist. After an damage up one round per extra tentacle.
accident involving a radiation leak, the His tentacles also give him Leaping, Super-
harness become fused to his body, and his Speed, and Wall-Crawling (all at benchmark
brain mutated so that he could control the level 3).
mechanical arms telepathically. He has
since turned to a life of crime, and has Specialties:
developed an unhealthy obsession with the
destruction of Spider-Man, who has SCIENCE (Master)
repeatedly foiled his criminal plans. TECHNOLOGY (Master)
Norbert Ebersol (public)
Origin: Gimmick Qualities:

Prowess TYPICAL (3) Self-Educated

Coordination TYPICAL (3) In and Out of Prison
Strength TYPICAL (3) Not a Fan of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Intellect INCREDIBLE (7)
Awareness EXCELLENT (5) Background:
Willpower GOOD (4)
Norbert Ebersol is a self-educated, high
Stamina 7 school dropout, technological child prodigy.
He turned to a life of crime for the
Powers: intellectual stimulation and as a means to
the respect to which he feels entitled. He
SUIT: Fixer’s suit provides him with Good (4) has worked with organizations such as
Damage Resistance. The accompanying H.Y.D.R.A. and against those such as
helmet also provides him with several S.H.I.E.L.D.
hours of air.
ANTI-GRAV BOOTS. These provide him with Equipment:
Incredible (7) Flight.
GADGETS. Fixer can create a variety of Fixer always enters a fracas with a variety of
improvised devices on the fly (see IAE 98) at toys, mostly of the offensive variety. The
an Incredible (7) rank. devices listed under his powers are only
those he always has. The GM should tailor
Specialties: his current devices and equipment to the
specific scenario.

Prowess REMARKABLE (6) Qualities:

Coordination GOOD (4)
Strength UNEARTHLY (10) Spitting Image of Doc Ock
Intellect TYPICAL (3) Follows Its Programming
Awareness FEEBLE (1) “It Can’t Be Reasoned With!”
Willpower POOR (2)
Stamina 12
The Octodroid Robot is a 30-foot tall
Powers: invention of Doctor Octopus. It was used
during one of Doc Ock’s crime sprees. It is
ARMOR. The Octodroid’s vibranium-steel not a true android, and has no real
alloy armor provides Monstrous (9) consciousness or human intelligence, and
protection from damage. It cannot be behaves very predictably, according to its
penetrated by any energy (unless it is programming.
powerful enough to destroy the armor).
ARMS. The Octodroid’s extra arms give it
Unearthly (10) Strength and can attack
targets outside of normal melee range
(distance benchmark level 3). Otherwise,
the arms are unlike Doc Ock’s (e.g., they do
not allow for wall-crawling).
houses a cannon that fires an energy blast
causing Amazing (8) blasting damage. The
Octodroid can ordinarily only aim
effectively and attack with one per page
(though stunts or other advantages might
allow for exceptions at the GM’s discretion).
Chen Lu (public)
Origin: Transformed Qualities:

Prowess TYPICAL (3) World Authority on Radiation

Coordination GOOD (4) Rival (Thor)
Strength REMARKABLE (6) Radiation Leak
Intellect EXCELLENT (5)
Awareness TYPICAL (3) Background:
Willpower TYPICAL (3)
Dr. Chen Lu was China’s leading expert on
Stamina 9 nuclear physics. He transformed himself
into his radioactive super-powered form so
Powers: that he could challenge Thor, defeat the
Avengers, and take over the world. Though
ENERGY BLAST. Radioactive Man can shoot repeatedly defeated by various
blasts of gamma rays that do Amazing (8) superheroes, he still schemes to achieve his
blasting damage. goal of world domination.
FORCE FIELD. Radioactive Man can create a
force field that provides him with
Monstrous (9) protection. However, we
cannot attack while his force field is active.
It also has a limited form of telekinesis that
allows him to redirect physical objects that
are projected or thrown at him; it will do
whatever damage it would have done to
him, however he can only direct it with
Typical (3) Coordination.


SCIENCE (Master)
MacDonald “Mac” Gargan (public)
Origin: Transformed Qualities:

Prowess REMARKABLE (6) Former Private Investigator

Coordination INCREDIBLE (7) Just a Tad Unstable
Strength INCREDIBLE (7) Nemesis (Spider-Man)
Intellect TYPICAL (3)
Awareness TYPICAL (3) Background:
Willpower GOOD (4)
Mac Gargan was a P.I. hired by J. Jonah
Stamina 11 Jameson to figure out how Peter Parker was
getting his pictures of Spider-Man. During
Powers: his investigations, he came across Dr. Farley
Stillwell, who used experimental science to
BODY ARMOR. Scorpion’s costume provides transform Gargan into Scorpion. The
Excellent (5) damage resistance in general, process made Gargan psychologically
and Remarkable (6) damage resistance unstable, and became fixated on defeating
against electrical attacks. Spider-Man.
SCORPION’S TAIL. This device is made of
Incredible (7) material and allows Scorpion
to attack for Amazing (8) bashing damage. It
also gives Scorpion the Leaping power
(distance benchmark 3), and contains a
plasma projector that fires for Remarkable
(6) blasting damage.
WALL-CRAWLING. Scorpion has Excellent
(5) wall-crawling ability as long as he can
grip or make handholds in the surface (e.g.,
concrete, but not glass).



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