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Haneen Mohamed Hassan 1610161

Music Pitches Names that Used Universally:

Pitch is an indication of a sound's perceived frequency, from low to high.
 In Romance language speaking countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, etc.) music
notes are named DO, RE, MI, FA, SOL, LA, SI.
 In one of the most common pitch-naming schemes, each pitch is referred to as
one of the first 7 characters in the Latin / Roman / English / etc. alphabet -
namely A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The pitch named "A" is the lowest frequency, and
the pitch named "G" is the highest
 In Western music, we name musical pitches with the first seven letters of the alphabet:
A, B, C, D, E, F and G. From A, if we continue increasing in pitch through all the letters to
G, we start over again at A an octave higher.
Table [1] illustrates the system used for different musical Names all over different languages:


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