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Vol. 61, No.

Week of Prayer, December 4-13, 2020
Volume 61, Number 6


It has been a whirlwind of a year. Many have
Editorial suffered serious trials and heavy losses. Yet,
It’s Time ................................................................................... 3 despite the tremendous difficulties, we must
keep in mind that the Almighty of Heaven—the
It’s Time to Know Your Saviour Monarch of the universe—tenderly watches
We need to know God and the power of His love, over all that mourn. Those of us in the land
as revealed in Christ, by an experimental knowledge............... 4 of the living still have much for which to be
thankful—especially for the precious promise of
It’s Time to Be Born Again life eternal through the abundant grace of Jesus
Men and women are to receive the new heart, Christ.
kept soft and tender by the grace of heaven............................... 8 This year’s collection of readings entitled It’s
Time . . . , covers a range of topics to inspire and
It’s Time to Be a True Reformer remind us of the distinct purpose God has for
us on this planet. Every single one of us is still
Obedience to the law of God as a result of a life
transformed by Jesus is increasingly rare in our day............... 11 here for a definite reason and we are called—in
fact, urged—to be fervently about our Master’s
It's Time to Know What You Believe
Let us each deeply and prayerfully consider
Who will unite with the angel in giving
the message of truth to the world?.......................................... 16 the readings for this Week of Prayer, sharing
them also with others who may be isolated or
homebound, and remember the following dates:
It’s Time to Be Healthy and Heal the World
We are to be represented to the world by the advance • Prayer with fasting: Sabbath, December 12
principles of health reform which God has given us ........... 20 • Offering for missions: Sunday, December 13
It’s Time to Prepare for the Final Events . . . May the Holy Spirit divinely invigorate and
In view of the signs of Christ’s coming, everyone bountifully energize us with fresh vitality to
who professes the truth should be a living preacher............. 24 be more faithful servants in the Lord’s cause
in whatever ways He empowers us—and
It’s Time to Be an Active Missionary strengthen our trust through His words, “Turn
We really can’t deny the benefit of using today’s you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope,”
communication tools to spread the gospel................................ 28 “for we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen
is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he
The Time Has Come yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not,
The call of the hour—our unique mission— then do we with patience wait for it” (Zechariah
expressed in poetry................................................................... 32 9:12; Romans 8:24, 25). Yes, our Lord is indeed
coming very soon! Let us cooperate together to
hasten the time to see Him! Amen!

Official Church Publication of the THE REFORMATION HERALD ® (ISSN 0482-0843) features articles Subscription rates:
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“The greatest want of the world is the want of men— Adventist Reform Movement General Conference, P. O. Box 7240,
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ften when we need to be eternity. On which platform
reminded, “It’s time,” it’s will we stand? For which side
because we’ve got to shift will we speak? It’s time for the
our frame of mind from Spirit of Christ to be poured out
where it’s been to where it needs without measure upon a people
to go. If we were really ready to do who are hungering and thirsting to
something, it might not be necessary receive it and share it with a world
to mention the time at all—things that is dying for it.
would just seamlessly flow from “On the day of Pentecost the
one to another. Holy Spirit was poured out upon
But with this Week of Prayer, we the praying disciples, and they testi- “It is the privilege of every Chris-
are all reminded that “It’s Time” fied as to its source to all, wherever tian, not only to look for, but to
for us to be more proactive in some they went. hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus
things that we evidently have not “The missionary spirit was Christ. . . .
been thinking about enough. If we poured out in unlimited supplies, “My brethren and sisters, plead
had really been thinking of them, the and the disciples testified of a for the Holy Spirit, God stands back
world could be a very different place. crucified and risen Saviour, and of every promise He has made.”5
God has blessed His people with convinced the world of sin, of righ- “We must pray that God will
the tremendous privilege to hear, be teousness, and of judgment to come. unseal the fountain of the water of
empowered, live, and proclaim the They did just as their risen Lord had life. And we must ourselves receive
last message of mercy to be given to directed them to do, and began at of the living water. Let us, with con-
a fallen planet: Jerusalem to publish the gospel, in trite hearts, pray most earnestly that
“The last rays of merciful light, the very place where the deepest now, in the time of the latter rain,
the last message of mercy to be prejudice existed, and where the the showers of grace may fall upon
given to the world, is a revelation of most confused ideas prevailed in us. At every meeting we attend our
[the Bridegroom’s] character of love. regard to Him who had been cruci- prayers should ascend, that at this
The children of God are to mani- fied as a malefactor. Three thousand very time God will impart warmth
fest His glory. In their own life and received the message, and were con- and moisture to our souls. As we
character they are to reveal what the verted. They were not intimidated seek God for the Holy Spirit, it will
grace of God has done for them.”1 through persecution, imprisonment, work in us meekness, humbleness
Over the years, we have been and death; but they continued to of mind, a conscious dependence
blessed with various means and speak with all boldness the words upon God for the perfecting latter
ways to carry out this task. Have we of truth, setting before the Jews the rain. If we pray for the blessing in
appreciated the resources entrusted work and mission and ministry of faith, we shall receive it as God has
to us as we should? It has been ob- Christ, his crucifixion, resurrection, promised.”6
served: “The missionary movement and ascension; and believers were May our hearts be sublimely
is far in advance of the missionary added daily to the Lord, both of softened with the outpouring love
spirit.”2 men and women.”4 of our wonderful Saviour during
Now we see that things are Are we willing to heed the pro- this Week of Prayer and be bounti-
becoming more difficult, and “the phetic clock telling us plainly that fully energized with His awesome
work which the church has failed to it’s time to pray and take action in creative power to redeem the time!
do in a time of peace and prosperity harmony with our prayers—or do Amen. ‰
she will have to do in a terrible crisis we vainly try to stifle and silence
under most discouraging, forbid- the alarm under a pillow while we 1 Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 415, 416.
ding circumstances.”3 snooze on? The choice is ours—and 2 The Review and Herald, October 12, 1886.

Yes, it’s time for many things to the decision is now. Are we willing 3 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 463.
4 The Review and Herald, November 6, 1894.
happen on our part—the sooner the to be emptied of selfishness and 5 Testimonies, vol. 8, pp. 22, 23.

better. We are at the very door of filled with the Holy Spirit? 6 Testimonies to Ministers, p. 509.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 3

Compiled from the writings of Ellen G. White


FR I DAY , D E C E M B E R 4 , 2 0 2 0

CONSCIENCE TODAY eternal, that they might know Thee
From the beginning it has
the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
The Old and the New Testament been Satan’s studied plan to cause
whom Thou hast sent.” And God
Scriptures need to be studied daily. men to forget God, that he might
declared by the prophet: “Let not
The knowledge of God and the secure them to himself. Hence he
the wise man glory in his wisdom,
wisdom of God come to the student has sought to misrepresent the
neither let the mighty man glory
who is a constant learner of His character of God, to lead men to
in his might, let not the rich man
ways and works. The Bible is to be cherish a false conception of Him.
glory in his riches: but let him
our light, our educator. . . . The first The Creator has been presented
that glorieth glory in this, that
great lesson in all education is to to their minds as clothed with
he understandeth and knoweth Me,
know and understand the will of the attributes of the prince of evil
that I am the Lord which exercise
God.1 himself—as arbitrary, severe, and
loving-kindness, judgment, and
As the works of God are unforgiving—that He might be
righteousness, in the earth: for in
studied, the Holy Spirit flashes feared, shunned, and even hated
these things I delight, saith the
conviction into the mind. It is by men. Satan hoped to so confuse
not the conviction which logical the minds of those whom he had
No man, without divine aid, can
reasoning produces; but unless the deceived that they would put God
attain to this knowledge of God.
mind has become too dark to know out of their knowledge. Then he
The apostle says that “the world
God, the eye too dim to see Him, would obliterate the divine image in
by wisdom knew not God.” Christ
the ear too dull to hear His voice, man and impress his own likeness
“was in the world, and the world
a deeper meaning is grasped, and upon the soul; he would imbue men
was made by Him, and the world
the sublime, spiritual truths of the with his own spirit and make them
knew Him not.” Jesus declared to
written word are impressed on the captives according to his will.
His disciples: “No man knoweth the
heart.2 It was by falsifying the character
Son, but the Father; neither knoweth
of God and exciting distrust of
any man the Father, save the Son,
Him that Satan tempted Eve to
LIFE-SAVING KNOWLEDGE and he to whomsoever the Son will
transgress. By sin the minds of our
TO SEEK reveal Him.”3
first parents were darkened, their

4 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

natures were degraded, and their Brethren, with the beloved John the length and the breadth, the
conceptions of God were molded I call upon you to “behold, what depth and the height, of the love
by their own narrowness and manner of love the Father hath of God in giving His Son to die for
selfishness. And as men became bestowed upon us, that we should the world. Eternity itself can never
bolder in sin, the knowledge and the be called the sons of God.” What fully reveal it. Yet as we study the
love of God faded from their minds love, what matchless love, that, Bible and meditate upon the life of
and hearts. “Because that, when sinners and aliens as we are, we Christ and the plan of redemption,
they knew God, they glorified Him may be brought back to God and these great themes will open to our
not as God,” they “became vain in adopted into His family! We may understanding more and more.”5
their imaginations, and their foolish address Him by the endearing
heart was darkened.” name, “Our Father,” which is a
At times Satan’s contest for sign of our affection for Him and THE SPIRITUAL BATTLEFIELD
the control of the human family a pledge of His tender regard and It is Satan’s constant study to
appeared to be crowned with relationship to us. And the Son keep the minds of men occupied
success. During the ages preceding of God, beholding the heirs of with those things which will prevent
the first advent of Christ the world grace, “is not ashamed to call them them from obtaining the knowledge
seemed almost wholly under the brethren.” They have even a more of God. He seeks to keep them
sway of the prince of darkness, and sacred relationship to God than dwelling upon what will darken
he ruled with a terrible power as have the angels who have never the understanding and discourage
though through the sin of our first fallen. the soul. We are in a world of sin
parents the kingdoms of the world All the paternal love which and corruption, surrounded by
had become his by right. Even the has come down from generation influences that tend to allure or
covenant people, whom God had to generation through the channel dishearten the followers of Christ.
chosen to preserve in the world of human hearts, all the springs The Saviour said: “Because iniquity
the knowledge of Himself, had so of tenderness which have opened shall abound, the love of many
far departed from Him that they in the souls of men, are but as a shall wax cold.” Many fix their
had lost all true conception of His tiny rill to the boundless ocean eyes upon the terrible wickedness
character.4 when compared with the infinite, existing around them, the apostasy
exhaustless love of God. Tongue and weakness on every side, and
cannot utter it; pen cannot portray they talk of these things until their
THE DEPTH OF GOD’S LOVE it. You may meditate upon it every hearts are filled with sadness and
SHINES THROUGH day of your life; you may search doubt. They keep uppermost before
Christ came to reveal God to the Scriptures diligently in order to the mind the masterly working of
the world as a God of love, full of understand it; you may summon the archdeceiver and dwell upon
mercy, tenderness, and compassion. every power and capability that the discouraging features of their
The thick darkness with which God has given you, in the endeavor experience, while they seem to
Satan had endeavored to enshroud to comprehend the love and lose sight of the heavenly Father’s
the throne of Deity was swept away compassion of the heavenly Father; power and His matchless love. All

by the world’s Redeemer, and the and yet there is an infinity beyond. this is as Satan would have it. It
Father was again manifest to men as You may study that love for ages; is a mistake to think of the enemy
the light of life. . . . Christ declares yet you can never fully comprehend of righteousness as clothed with
Himself to be sent into the world as
a representative of the Father. In His

By dwelling upon the love of God

nobility of character, in His mercy
and tender pity, in His love and
goodness, He stands before us as the
embodiment of divine perfection,
the image of the invisible God. and our Saviour, by contemplat-
ing the perfection of the divine
Says the apostle: “God was in
Christ, reconciling the world unto
Himself.” Only as we contemplate
the great plan of redemption can
we have a just appreciation of the character and claiming the
righteousness of Christ as ours
character of God. The work of
creation was a manifestation of His
love; but the gift of God to save
the guilty and ruined race, alone
reveals the infinite depths of divine by faith, we are to be trans-
formed into the same image.
tenderness and compassion. [John
3:16 quoted.] . . .

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 5

so great power, when we dwell marks every tear; He is touched work. And how can we come into
so little upon the love of God and with the feeling of our infirmities. harmony with God, how shall we
His might. We must talk of the All the afflictions and trials that receive His likeness, unless we
mightiness of Christ. We are utterly befall us here are permitted, to work obtain a knowledge of Him? It is
powerless to rescue ourselves from out His purposes of love toward this knowledge that Christ came
the grasp of Satan; but God has us, “that we might be partakers into the world to reveal unto us. . . .
appointed a way of escape. The Son of His holiness” and thus become It is the work of the Christian
of the Highest has strength to fight participants in that fullness of joy in this life to represent Christ to
the battle for us, and “through Him which is found in His presence.7 the world, in life and character
that loved us” we may come off unfolding the blessed Jesus. If
“more than conquerors.”6 God has given us light, it is that
There is no spiritual strength for OBTAINING A KNOWLEDGE we may reveal it to others. But in
us in constantly brooding over our
OF GOD comparison with the light we have
weakness and backslidings, and “The god of this world hath received, and the opportunities
bemoaning the power of Satan. This blinded the minds of them which and privileges granted us to reach
great truth must be established as believe not, lest the light of the the hearts of the people, the results
a living principle in our minds and glorious gospel of Christ, who is of our work thus far have been far
hearts—the efficacy of the offering the image of God, should shine too small. God designs that the
made for us; that God can and unto them.” But the Bible in truth which He has brought to our
does save to the uttermost all who strongest terms sets before us understanding shall produce more
come unto Him complying with the the importance of obtaining a fruit than has yet been revealed.
conditions specified in His word. knowledge of God. Says Peter: But when our minds are filled with
Our work is to place our will on the “Grace and peace be multiplied gloom and sadness, dwelling upon
side of God’s will. . . . unto you through the knowledge of the darkness and evil around us,
Said Jesus: “The Father Himself God, and of Jesus our Lord.” “His how can we represent Christ to the
loveth you.” If our faith is fixed divine power hath given unto us world? How can our testimony have
upon God, through Christ, it all things that pertain unto life and power to win souls? What we need
will prove “as an anchor of the godliness, through the knowledge of is to know God and the power of
soul, both sure and steadfast, and Him that hath called us to glory and His love, as revealed in Christ, by an
which entereth into that within virtue.” And the Scripture bids us: experimental knowledge. We must
the veil; whither the Forerunner “Acquaint now thyself with Him, search the Scriptures diligently,
is for us entered.” It is true that and be at peace.” prayerfully; our understanding
disappointments will come; God has commanded us, “Be must be quickened by the Holy
tribulation we must expect; but we ye holy; for I am holy;” and an Spirit, and our hearts must be
are to commit everything, great and inspired apostle declares that uplifted to God in faith and hope
small, to God. He does not become without holiness “no man shall see and continual praise. . . .
perplexed by the multiplicity of the Lord.” Holiness is agreement Brethren and sisters, it is
our grievances nor overpowered with God. By sin the image of God by beholding that we become
by the weight of our burdens. in man has been marred and well- changed. By dwelling upon the

His watchcare extends to every nigh obliterated; it is the work of love of God and our Saviour, by
household and encircles every the gospel to restore that which has contemplating the perfection of the
individual; He is concerned in all been lost; and we are to cooperate divine character and claiming the
our business and our sorrows. He with the divine agency in this righteousness of Christ as ours by
faith, we are to be transformed into
the same image. Then let us not
gather together all the unpleasant

When the storm of persecu- pictures—the iniquities and

corruptions and disappointments,

tion really breaks upon us, the

the evidences of Satan’s power—to
hang in the halls of our memory,
to talk over and mourn over
true sheep will hear the true until our souls are filled with
discouragement. A discouraged

Shepherd’s voice. Self-denying

soul is a body of darkness, not only
failing himself to receive the light

efforts will be put forth to save

of God, but shutting it away from
others. Satan loves to see the effect
of the pictures of his triumphs,

the lost. making human beings faithless and


6 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

There are, thank God, brighter “seduce, if it were possible, even angel swell to a loud cry, and the
and more cheering pictures which the elect.” If there was ever a people whole earth will be lightened with
the Lord has presented to us. Let in need of constantly increasing the glory of the Lord.10
us group together the blessed light from heaven, it is the people “Depend on God; wait His
assurances of His love as precious that, in this time of peril, God has pleasure; follow Him; rely in
treasures, that we may look upon called to be the depositaries of obedience on the strength of His
them continually. The Son of God His holy law and to vindicate His Word.
leaving His Father’s throne, clothing character before the world. Those to “To obey when it seems the
His divinity with humanity, that He whom has been committed a trust hardest is true surrender to God.
might rescue man from the power so sacred must be spiritualized, This will quicken your moral nature
of Satan; His triumph in our behalf, elevated, vitalized, by the truths and subdue your pride. Learn to
opening heaven to man, revealing they profess to believe. Never did submit your will to God’s will,
to human vision the presence the church more sorely need, and and you will be made meet for the
chamber where Deity unveils His never was God more solicitous that inheritance of the saints in light.”11
glory; the fallen race uplifted from she should enjoy, the experience
the pit of ruin into which sin had described in Paul’s letter to the
plunged them, and brought again Colossians when he wrote: We “do THE CALL OF THE HOUR
into connection with the infinite not cease to pray for you, and to A general faith is not enough.
God, and, having endured the divine desire that ye might be filled with the We must put on the robe of Christ’s
test through faith in our Redeemer, knowledge of His will in all wisdom righteousness and wear it openly,
clothed in the righteousness of Christ and spiritual understanding; that ye bravely, decidedly, exhibiting
and exalted to His throne—these are might walk worthy of the Lord unto Christ, and not expect too much of
the pictures with which God bids us all pleasing, being fruitful in every finite man, but keep looking unto
gladden the chambers of the soul.”8 good work, and increasing in the Jesus, and become ravished with the
knowledge of God.”9 perfections of His character. Then
we shall individually make manifest
FOCUSING ON HEAVENLY the character of Jesus, and make it
THINGS THE ACTION FOR TODAY evident that we are invigorated by
In heaven God is all in all. When the storm of persecution the truth; because it sanctifies the
There holiness reigns supreme; really breaks upon us, the true soul and brings into captivity every
there is nothing to mar the perfect sheep will hear the true Shepherd’s thought to the obedience of Christ.
harmony with God. If we are indeed voice. Self-denying efforts will be Every missionary will have hard
journeying thither, the spirit of put forth to save the lost, and many battles to fight with self, and these
heaven will dwell in our hearts who have strayed from the fold combats will not become fewer.
here. But if we find no pleasure now will come back to follow the great But if we are constantly growing
in the contemplation of heavenly Shepherd. The people of God will in Christian experience, if we
things; if we have no interest in draw together and present to the continue to look to Jesus in faith,
seeking the knowledge of God, no enemy a united front. In view of the strength will be given us for every
delight in beholding the character of common peril, strife for supremacy emergency. All the powers and
Christ; if holiness has no attractions will cease; there will be no disputing faculties of a regenerated nature
for us—then we may be sure that as to who shall be accounted must be brought into constant,
our hope of heaven is vain. Perfect greatest. No one of the true daily exercise. Every day we shall
conformity to the will of God is the believers will say: “I am of Paul; and have occasion to crucify self, to war
high aim to be constantly before I of Apollos; and I of Cephas.” The against inclination and a perverse
the Christian. He will love to talk testimony of one and all will be: “I temperament that would draw
of God, of Jesus, of the home of cleave unto Christ; I rejoice in Him the will in a wrong direction. The
bliss and purity which Christ as my personal Saviour.” repose and triumph of victory are
has prepared for them that love Thus will the truth be brought not yet ours, except as we by faith
Him. The contemplation of these into practical life, and thus will enter into the victory that Christ has
themes, when the soul feasts upon be answered the prayer of Christ, gained for us.12 ‰
the blessed assurances of God, the uttered just before His humiliation
apostle represents as tasting “the and death: “That they all may be one; References:
1 Special Testimonies on Education, pp. 14, 15.
powers of the world to come.” as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in 2 Ibid., p. 59.
Just before us is the closing Thee, that they also may be one in Us: 3 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 737.
4 Ibid., p. 738.
struggle of the great controversy that the world may believe that Thou 5 Ibid., pp. 738–740.
when, with “all power and signs hast sent Me” (John 17:21). The love 6 Ibid., pp. 740, 741.
7 Ibid., pp. 741, 742.
and lying wonders, and with all of Christ, the love of our brethren, 8 Ibid., pp. 742–745.
deceivableness of unrighteousness,” will testify to the world that we have 9 Ibid., pp. 745, 746.
10 Ibid., vol. 6, p. 401. (1901 ed.)
Satan is to work to misrepresent been with Jesus and learned of Him. 11 Reflecting Christ, p. 108.

the character of God, that he may Then will the message of the third 12 Ibid., p. 108.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 7

BY David Mureșan — Romania

S A B B AT H , D E C E M B E R 5 , 2 0 2 0

ne of the most precious by sin: “Jesus answered and said “When Jesus speaks of the
divine promises is: “Behold, unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto new heart, he means the mind,
I make all things new” thee, Except a man be born again, the life, the whole being. To have
(Revelation 21:5). Whenever he cannot see the kingdom of God” a change of heart is to withdraw
it is necessary to renew an object, it’s (John 3:3). the affections from the world, and
because the one that is currently being Such an approach is given fasten them upon Christ. To have
used doesn’t match anymore with the because God wants everyone to be a new heart is to have a new mind,
requirements of the user. saved. For, He declares: “I have no new purposes, new motives. What
The decision to make “new pleasure in the death of him that is the sign of a new heart?—A
heavens and a new earth, wherein dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore changed life. There is a daily, hourly
dwelleth righteousness” (2 Peter turn yourselves, and live ye” dying to selfishness and pride.”1
3:13) is taken by the Creator (Ezekiel 18:32). At the same time, “The mind is the capital of the
Himself. It is because He is needing God respects the will of every man. body.”2
to end the dark, sin-stained history He is using all possible ways to “The mind controls the whole
in the universe. make man conscious of his need and man. All our actions, good or bad,
It is interesting that all of God’s presents him with opportunities to have their source in the mind. It is
creation, though affected by sin, accept the offer of salvation. the mind that worships God and
will be renewed by the power and allies us to heavenly beings.”3
absolute will of our Creator. Yet So, the place where genuine
mankind, having chosen to sin, WHERE DOES THE RENEWAL renewal begins is the mind.
is invited to accept in advance a
special renewal performed by God “And be not conformed to this
through the Holy Spirit, because world: but be ye transformed by THE WILL
in the city of God “there shall in the renewing of your mind, that After the Lord has spoken to
no wise enter into it any thing that ye may prove what is that good, our mind and His offer impresses—
defileth” (Revelation 21:27). and acceptable, and perfect, will of becomes attractive to—us, He asks
The warning given to Nicodemus God” (Romans 12:2). Here the term for our consent saying: “If thou
is still valid for all beings affected “transformed” means changed. wilt” (Matthew 19:21).

8 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

God never forces our will, but patience godliness; and to godliness for thy people, to destroy the frogs
whenever possible, He meets us brotherly kindness; and to brotherly from thee and thy houses, that
in the way with the appeals of the kindness charity” (2 Peter 1:5–7). they may remain in the river only?
Holy Spirit to remind us of the only “Through the cultivation of And he said, To morrow” (Exodus
chance of salvation. righteous principles, man may gain 8:8–10).
“Your will is the spring of all the victory over the bias to evil. If “He set the next day, secretly
your actions. This will, that forms so he is obedient to the law of God, the hoping that in the interval the frogs
important a factor in the character senses are no longer warped and might disappear of themselves,
of man, was at the Fall given into twisted; the faculties are no longer and thus save him from the bitter
the control of Satan; and he has ever perverted and wasted by being humiliation of submitting to the
since been working in man to will exercised on objects that are of a God of Israel.”7
and to do of his own pleasure, but character to lead away from God. In In other words, “tomorrow” is
to the utter ruin and misery of man. and through the grace bestowed by Satan’s working policy, and is one
“But the infinite sacrifice of God Heaven, the words, the thoughts, of the most effective for destruction.
in giving Jesus, His beloved Son, to and the energies may be purified; a On the other hand, the Holy Spirit
become a sacrifice for sin, enables new character may be formed, and says “today” because we do not
Him to say, without violating one the debasement of sin overcome.”6 have the guarantee of tomorrow.
principle of His government: ‘Yield “God speaks to men through
yourself up to Me; give Me that will; His servants, giving cautions
take it from the control of Satan, IT IS TIME and warnings, and rebuking sin.
and I will take possession of it; then Even though we did not ask for He gives to each an opportunity
I can work in you to will and to do our existence, we still enjoy the life to correct his errors before they
of My good pleasure.’ When He given by God, a period in which we become fixed in the character;
gives you the mind of Christ, your are subjected to the most important but if one refuses to be corrected,
will becomes as His will, and your examination that has eternal divine power does not interpose
character is transformed to be like consequences. The Holy Spirit to counteract the tendency of his
Christ’s character.”4 wants us to realize what that means own action. He finds it more easy
“The Spirit of God does not today. to repeat the same course. He is
propose to do our part, either “As the Holy Ghost saith, To day hardening the heart against the
in the willing or the doing. This if ye will hear his voice” (Hebrews influence of the Holy Spirit.”8
is the work of the human agent 3:7). [Emphasis added.] “Those who are quieting a
in cooperating with the divine The Bible abounds in examples guilty conscience with the thought
agencies. As soon as we incline of people who have received that they can change a course of
our will to harmonize with God’s the invitation of grace and have evil when they choose, that they
will, the grace of Christ stands to been transformed, renewed, and can trifle with the invitations of
cooperate with the human agent; prepared to live with sinless beings. mercy, and yet be again and again
but it will not be the substitute to But many are those who have impressed, take this course at their
do our work independent of our rejected and disregarded the appeal peril. They think that after casting
resolving and decidedly acting. of the Holy Spirit, letting the time all their influence on the side of
Therefore it is not the abundance for a change, for their new birth, to the great rebel, in a moment of
of light, and evidence piled upon pass by. utmost extremity, when danger
evidence, that will convert the compasses them about, they will
soul it is only the human agent change leaders. But this is not so
accepting the light, arousing the THE EXAMPLE OF PHARAOH easily done. The experience, the
energies of the will, realizing and “Pharaoh king of Egypt is but education, the discipline of a life of
acknowledging that which he a noise; he hath passed the time sinful indulgence, has so thoroughly
knows is righteousness and truth, appointed” (Jeremiah 46:17). molded the character that they
and thus cooperating with the Let us observe an essential aspect cannot then receive the image of
heavenly ministrations appointed to of the second plague that fell upon Jesus. Had no light shone upon their
God in the saving of the soul.”5 Egypt. Pharaoh had called Moses pathway, the case would have been
and Aaron, saying: different. Mercy might interpose,
“Then Pharaoh called for Moses and give them an opportunity to
THE ACTION and Aaron, and said, Intreat the accept her overtures; but after light
To say “I believe, I want” is Lord, that he may take away the has been long rejected and despised,
fundamental, but that is not enough. frogs from me, and from my people; it will be finally withdrawn.”9
“And beside this, giving all and I will let the people go, that
diligence, add to your faith virtue; they may do sacrifice unto the Lord.
and to virtue knowledge; and And Moses said unto Pharaoh, NEBUCHADNEZZAR
to knowledge temperance; and Glory over me: when shall I intreat How impressive and uplifting
to temperance patience; and to for thee, and for thy servants, and are the changes made by the work

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 9

of the Holy Spirit! After his renewal, and decision of the human to incline creative power of the Holy Spirit.
Nebuchadnezzar recounts his the will and way to God’s will and They are to receive the new heart,
experience of change: God’s way. . . . The character will that is kept soft and tender by the
“At the same time my reason determine the nature of the resolve grace of heaven. The selfish spirit
returned unto me; and for the glory and the action. The doing is not in is to be cleansed from the soul.
of my kingdom, mine honour and accordance with the feeling or the They are to labor earnestly and
brightness returned unto me; and inclination, but with the known will with humility of heart, each one
my counsellors and my lords sought of our Father which is in heaven. looking to Jesus for guidance and
unto me; and I was established Follow and obey the leadings of the encouragement. Then the building,
in my kingdom, and excellent Holy Spirit.”12 fitly framed together, will grow into
majesty was added unto me. Now As soon as Saul understood and a holy temple in the Lord.”15
I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol accepted the truth, he began to work “Sincere Christians have no
and honour the King of heaven, for the cause of Christ tirelessly, doubtful piety. They have put on
all whose works are truth, and his saying: “I made myself servant unto the Lord Jesus Christ, and have
ways judgment: and those that walk all, that I might gain the more” (1 made no provision for the flesh,
in pride he is able to abase” (Daniel Corinthians 9:19) for Christ. to fulfill the lusts thereof. They
4:36, 37). are constantly looking to Jesus for
“The once proud monarch had His orders, as a servant looks to
become a humble child of God; the MY CASE AND YOUR CASE His master, or as a maid looks to
tyrannical, overbearing ruler, a wise “And that, knowing the time, her mistress. Wheresoever God’s
and compassionate king. He who that now it is high time to awake providence may lead, they stand
had defied and blasphemed the out of sleep: for now is our salvation ready to go. They take no glory
God of heaven, now acknowledged nearer than when we believed. The to themselves. They do not call
the power of the Most High and night is far spent, the day is at hand: anything they have—learning,
earnestly sought to promote the fear let us therefore cast off the works talents, property—their own, but
of Jehovah and the happiness of his of darkness, and let us put on the regard themselves as only stewards
subjects.”10 armour of light” (Romans 13:11, 12). of the manifold grace of Christ, and
“When the sinner reaches the servants to the church for Christ’s
cross, and looks up to the One who sake. These are messengers of the
SAUL OF TARSUS died to save him, he may rejoice Lord, a light amid the darkness.
Being one of the most zealous with fullness of joy; for his sins are Their hearts throb in unison with
persecutors of the church of Christ, pardoned. Kneeling at the cross, the great heart of Christ.”16
caring not how much blood was he has reached the highest place Since the chance to receive
shed as long as he achieved his to which man can attain. The light salvation is only when we surrender
purpose, Saul wrote: “I persecuted of the knowledge of the glory of the whole being to Christ so that
this way unto the death, binding God is revealed in the face of Jesus He may recreate us in His image,
and delivering into prisons both Christ; and the words of pardon are let us not be ignorant of such great
men and women” (Acts 22:4). spoken: Live, O ye guilty sinners, salvation. This offer is made only
Saul’s unbelief was honest, live. Your repentance is accepted; in this short life, which we do not
but not excusable. “The mind that for I have found a ransom.”13 know how long will last. So, there
resists the truth will see everything “The youth especially stumble is only one option for the one who
in a perverted light. It will be over this phrase, ‘a new heart.’ They wants eternal life—renewing—and
fastened in the sure toils of the do not know what it means. They not tomorrow, but today.
enemy, and view things in the light look for a special change to take God expects this from us, for our
of the enemy.”11 place in their feelings. This they eternal good and happiness.
“Always the Lord gives the term conversion. Over this error The Lord is near. Amen. ‰
human agent his work. Here is the thousands have stumbled to ruin,
divine and the human cooperation. not understanding the expression, References:
1 The Youth’s Instructor, September 26, 1901.
There is man working in obedience ‘Ye must be born again.’ ”14 2 Testimonies, vol. 3, p.136.
to divine light given. If Saul had “One of the most earnest prayers 3 Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1, p. 72.
4 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 515.
said, Lord, I am not at all inclined recorded in the Word of God is that 5 Mind, Character and Personality, vol. 2, p. 691.
to follow your specified directions of David when he plead, ‘Create 6 Ibid., vol. 1, pp. 30, 31.
7 Patriarchs and Prophets, pp. 265, 266.
to work out my own salvation, in me a clean heart, O God.’ God’s 8 Ibid., p. 268.

then should the Lord have let ten response to such a prayer is, A 9 Ibid., p. 269.
10 Prophets and Kings, p. 521.
times the light shine upon Saul, it new heart will I give you. This is 11 The SDA Bible Commentary [E. G. White Comments],

would have been useless. It is man’s a work that no finite man can do. vol. 6, p. 1057.
12 Ibid., vol. 6, p. 1058.
work to cooperate with the divine. Men and women are to begin at 13 Ibid., vol. 5, p. 1033.

And it is the very hardest, sternest the beginning, seeking God most 14 The Youth’s Instructor, September 26, 1901.
15 The SDA Bible Commentary, [E. G. White Comments],
conflict which comes with the earnestly for a true Christian vol. 4, p. 1165.
purpose and hour of great resolve experience. They are to feel the 16 Ibid.,vol. 6, p. 1081.

10 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

BY Aroldo
Gessner — Brazil

S U N DAY , D E C E M B E R 6 , 2 0 2 0

THE SITUATION IN THE subject to human preferences. Most the law of God, even in the face of
WORLD who remained in defense of the fierce opposition.
truth were sadly led to maintain Nehemiah was the servant of
Planet earth—our home—arrived
a religion of outward show, the most powerful king of his day.
in beauty and splendor from the
establishing forms and rites devoid However, his heart was troubled
hands of the Creator. Everything
of love. by the knowledge that Jerusalem,
was perfect, prepared with love
his homeland, had been devastated
and dedicated to the human race to
and destroyed. But he was not dis-
fully enjoy it. (See Genesis 1:31.) The WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE couraged by the difficulties and
first man and woman were created A REFORMER? impossibilities. With the disposition
physically beautiful, but, above all,
Such a chaotic scenario requires common to reformers, he took all
they had intellectual perfection and
the presence of reformers. “And the necessary steps to reach his goal.
an upright character, which was to
they that shall be of thee shall build Under God’s direction, he overcame
be solidified by communion with
the old waste places: thou shalt raise all barriers and arrived in Jerusalem
the Creator. “The sinless pair wore
up the foundations of many genera- with the resources to restore the
no artificial garments; they were
tions; and thou shalt be called, The city of his forefathers. And when
clothed with a covering of light and
repairer of the breach, The restorer the enemies tried to distract him
glory, such as the angels wear. So
of paths to dwell in” (Isaiah 58:12). from his tasks—or even destroy
long as they lived in obedience to
This important mission presented him—so that the renovation work
God, this robe of light continued to
by the prophet Isaiah identifies the would not continue, he would say
enshroud them.”1
people who work to restore divine with conviction: “I am doing a great
This perfect scene lasted until
principles that have been nullified work, so that I cannot come down:
sin entered, plunging the world
and misrepresented. why should the work cease, whilst
into the terrible state of corruption,
To be a reformer is not to accom- I leave it, and come down to you?”
immorality and sin.
modate to this scenario. It is to fight (Nehemiah 6:3).
The divine principles presented
with vigor and conviction to restore Satan wants to involve us in
in the Holy Bible were abandoned
the destroyed pillars of truth. It is to things that make us incapable of
and degraded into mere customs
remain faithful to the duty to defend being reformers. He wants to di-

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 11

vert our attention from the solemn reform, starting from the heart and more need be expected of them.”4
legacy we have received through the expanding to the point of preparing Our reform forefathers immediately
eternal Gospel; but, as true reform- for the return of Jesus Christ (see took on the mission of maintaining
ers, we must answer: “I am doing a Acts 3:21). the divine legacy.
great work, so that I cannot stop!” Living and practicing the The responsibility to bear the ark
principles of the Word of is now on our shoulders. The spirit
God in this present age is our of reformation must be ours. We
THE TIME IN WHICH WE LIVE responsibility. God has given us the cannot stop the work that started
Our days are compared to the privilege of witnessing to His name, more than a hundred years ago.
days before the Flood. Just as at and we cannot be distracted. Treading this path will not be easy,
that time, the sacred principles “The practice, in the details of but it is the path we must follow.
established by God are forgotten, life, of the principles laid down in Our divine Companion will be with
abandoned and ridiculed. God’s word, is too often looked us at every step.
According to the world, being upon as unimportant—a matter too “ ‘Strive to enter in at the strait
faithful today is not a virtue. As in trivial to demand attention. But in gate; for wide is the gate, and
Noah’s day, debauchery, immorality view of the issue at stake, nothing is broad is the way, that leadeth to
and dishonesty are common to the small that will help or hinder.”3 destruction, and many there be
human race. “And because iniquity As God’s remnant, He expects which go in thereat; because strait is
shall abound, the love of many shall us to be true reformers. However, the gate, and narrow is the way, that
wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). we cannot fall into the same mistake leadeth unto life, and few there be
Obedience to the law of God as a as the Jewish nation. They were the that find it.’ These roads are distinct,
result of a life transformed by Jesus chosen people, the holy nation, and separate, in opposite directions.
is an increasingly rare feature in that filled them with satisfaction One leads to eternal life, the other to
our day. Relativism leads humanity and pride. Imagining that they eternal death. I saw the distinction
into the swamp of sin. “Woe unto would always enjoy this status, between these roads, also the
them that call evil good, and good they neglected true religion. They distinction between the companies
evil; that put darkness for light, and became satisfied with pleasing traveling them. The roads are
light for darkness; that put bitter for themselves—and they forgot opposite; one is broad and smooth,
sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah about God. A mere sense of family the other narrow and rugged. So the
5:20). heritage was sufficient for them, and parties that travel them are opposite
All of this shows that Christ is their daily life did not match their in character, in life, in dress, and in
at the door. His return to this world profession of faith. conversation.”5
is closer than we can imagine. The same seems to be happening To be a reformer is to live
Inspiration shows us, through the to us. We have been chosen by God our denominational identity day
prophetic clock, that the hour is to bear the standard of truth in by day. We inherited from our
coming. the time of the end. We cannot be forefathers the blessed hope of
“When the professed people of proud and allow the satisfaction of the advent of Jesus to this Earth.
God are uniting with the world, this privilege to make us forget the The brightness of the fourth
living as they live, and joining with mission. To be reformers that God commandment on the tables of the
them in forbidden pleasures; when can count on, we need to be aware law of God has been revealed, and
the luxury of the world becomes that our hearts must be totally the seventh day, the Sabbath of rest,
the luxury of the church; when the transformed by the grace of Christ. is included as part of our Christian
marriage bells are chiming, and (See Ezekiel 36:26.) With a new life. By having the description,
all are looking forward to many heart, we can be used by God in the “Reform Movement” added to our
years of worldly prosperity—then, great work of restoration. denominational name, we realize
suddenly as the lightning flashes that our spiritual journey can suffer
from the heavens, will come the end decline if we are not vigilant. To
of their bright visions and delusive THE CONCEPT OF A RE- reform means to change from
FORMER something worse to something
Our denominational history better. However, in reforming, we
began with the need to emphasize must maintain—uphold—the Word
WHAT DOES GOD EXPECT the immutability of God’s law. His of God in its proper place, as our
FROM A REFORMER? commandments are eternal, His law only rule of faith and practice.
To live in this age of utter is forever. When, for convenience
destruction of godly principles as and union with the world the sacred
faithful bastions and defenders principles were broken, we were THE RETURN OF CHRIST
of the truth, is the mission of called to stay on the narrow path The greatest event in history is
reformers. Now is the time of in obedience to the Word of God. Jesus’ second coming to this earth
restoration, and God expects “When a people are wholly satisfied to seek His church. Because we are
from His people a real work of with their own attainments, little Adventists, because we are waiting

12 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

Now is the time of
restoration, and God
expects from His people
a real work of reform,
starting from the heart
and expanding to the
point of preparing for the
return of Jesus Christ.

for His return, we are candidates and great glory. He will lead as points to Jesus as our Creator,
to enjoy this epic moment with joy. many as possible to put off the evil Redeemer and supreme King of the
Ascending with Jesus in the clouds day and become in spirit like the universe.
and starting the journey to the world, imitating its customs.”6 “Had the Sabbath been
eternal home is our ultimate goal. We cannot, for a moment, take universally kept, man’s thoughts
However, to achieve it, our eyes off Heaven and its wonders and affections would have been
preparation is necessary. Waiting promised to the faithful. Many of led to the Creator as the object of
for Jesus means preparation, us don’t think much about eternity, reverence and worship, and there
faithfulness, and complete but we do everything we can to would never have been an idolater,
surrender to Him. Waiting for get the most out of this earthly life. an atheist, or an infidel. The keeping
Him, identifying ourselves as His For that, we invest all of our time, of the Sabbath is a sign of loyalty to
children—while at the same time strength and money. We may even the true God.”7
devoting our affections to the things achieve everything possible in this When the Lord’s messenger
of this world, is treason. And Satan world, but miss the mark. “For what received a vision of the heavenly
presents countless attractions to is a man advantaged, if he gain the sanctuary, she was shown an in-
divert our attention from Christ whole world, and lose himself, or tense glow surrounding the fourth
and His return in order to fix our be cast away?” (Luke 9:25.) Do you commandment, giving it prominen-
eyes and hearts on the world and want to live in Heaven? If so, it’s ce over the other commandments.
its attractions, just as in the days of time to be a real reformer, awaiting This served not only to show that
Noah (see Luke 17:26, 27). and hastening Jesus’ return! this commandment was not void,
“I was shown our danger, as a but also to say it is God’s seal identi-
people, of becoming assimilated fying His people.
to the world rather than to the THE SABBATH “To those who keep holy the
image of Christ. We are now upon One of the great biblical truths Sabbath day it is the sign of sanctifi-
the very borders of the eternal hidden from nearly the entire cation. True sanctification is harmo-
world, but it is the purpose of the human race for many centuries is ny with God, oneness with Him in
adversary of souls to lead us to the validity of the Sabbath of the character. It is received through obe-
put far off the close of time. Satan fourth commandment of the law dience to those principles that are
will in every conceivable manner of God. It was given to our first the transcript of His character. And
assail those who profess to be the parents as an emblem of His love the Sabbath is the sign of obedience.
commandment-keeping people and care for humanity. And ever He who from the heart obeys the
of God and to be waiting for the since, Satan has fought to hide, fourth commandment will obey the
second appearing of our Saviour in cancel, and destroy the Lord’s holy whole law. He is sanctified through
the clouds of heaven with power day. Why? Because the Sabbath obedience.”8

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 13

And how are we keeping the this temptation; but He met it in our should dress. But the desire to be
Sabbath? What have been our behalf, and conquered.”9 like unbelievers has led the children
conversations and thoughts during Satan also presents the world of God to dress according to the
God’s sacred hours? We have come and its practices to us as an achie- world. They ignore the instructions
a long way in this regard—we vement. We are bombarded at all that God has left for us and decide
don’t work on Saturday, we don’t times with the “beautiful fruit” of to follow their own taste. Like Eve,
buy or sell that day, we don’t cook worldliness and invited to parti- they disbelieve the Word of God in
on it and we dedicate it to church cipate in it. And, unfortunately, it favor of the words of the enemy.
and missionary work. But the has achieved success. The church “Many dress like the world, in
sanctification of the Sabbath is not has suffered great loss for giving order to have an influence over
just about these things. It begins in to the enemy’s attacks. We have unbelievers; but here they make a
with preparation, taking care that not repelled it with “it is written,” sad mistake. If they would have a
everything is ready in order to as Jesus did. In this solemn time of true and saving influence, let them
enjoy the Sabbath in the company sealing, our minds are absorbed in live out their profession, show their
of Jesus. The limits of the holy day secular matters. The apostle John faith by their righteous works, and
are sacred. We must be faithful warns us: “Love not the world, nei- make the distinction plain between
at both the opening and closing ther the things that are in the world. the Christian and the worldling. The
of the Sabbath. The family must If any man love the world, the love words, the dress, the actions, should
enjoy these hours in harmony. Our of the Father is not in him” (1 John tell for God. Then a holy influence
thoughts must be captive to Jesus 2:15). will be shed upon all around them,
that day. On Sabbath, our only goal “Intense worldliness has been and even unbelievers will take
should be to focus on doing God’s one of Satan’s most successful knowledge of them that they have
will, not our own. (See Isaiah 58:13, temptations. He designs to keep been with Jesus. If any wish to have
14.) It’s time to be a true reformer in the hearts and minds of men so their influence tell in favor of truth,
upholding the Sabbath! engrossed with worldly attractions let them live out their profession,
that there will be no room for and thus imitate the humble
heavenly things. He controls their Pattern.”11
WORLDLINESS minds in their love of the world. “Self-denial and sacrifice will
From the beginning, it has Earthly things eclipse the heavenly, mark the Christian’s life. Evidence
been Satan’s intention to separate and put the Lord out of their sight that the taste is converted will be
us from God. And for that, he and understanding. . . . Men are seen in the dress of all who walk in
presents the world and its theories charmed with the glitter and tinsel the path cast up for the ransomed of
to us as something very precious, of the world. They are so attached the Lord.”12
implying that its loss will bring to the things of the earth that many
us unhappiness, just as he allured will commit any sin in order to gain
Eve with the forbidden fruit. When some worldly advantage.”10 PROTECTION AGAINST
Satan took Jesus up to a high
mountain, he showed Him all the Fig-leaf garments are not pleas-
greatness of the world, its kingdoms CLOTHING ing to God. Moral protection is a
and their glory, promising Him One of the main evidences of our virtue of Christian dress. Sensual-

possession of it if He would only religion is our appearance—the way ity is a trap that Satan has set for
worship him. “But Christ was we present ourselves. The Word of us. And the children of God must
unmoved. He felt the strength of God reveals how a true Christian be protected from falling into that
temptation by being constantly con-
nected to Christ. He who does not
have his feet planted on the rock

By God’s grace, we can have

will not be able to resist temptation.
Not only that, whoever provokes

His character implanted in

temptation in others through any
attitude—such as inappropriate
clothing—will be equally guilty as

our hearts. And when that the one tempted. “For all that is in
the world, the lust of the flesh, and

character is fully fixed in our

the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
life, is not of the Father, but is of the
world” (1 John 2:16).

lives, we will be reformers like “The world must not be intro-

duced into the church, and married

Christ was.
to the church, forming a bond of

14 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

It is time for us to be true reform- work of uplifting the principles of CONCLUSION
ers! Our clothing must be of good His Word; he was often exposed
Elijah was chased and hunted
taste, of durable quality. But that to death by his persecutors, but he
everywhere, yet God hid him. He
which displeases God—lack of mod- never shied away from the clear
was sentenced to death by the
esty, sensuality and “fig leaves” duty to speak and live the truth
idolatrous queen when he called the
—must be rejected by Christians. found in Christ. On one occasion,
people to reform. After fulfilling his
“Be not hardened by the deceit- when advised not to appear before
ministry, he was elevated to Heaven
fulness of sin. Fashion is deteriorat- the authorities who accused him,
without seeing death.
ing the intellect and eating out the Luther declared: “If there were as
John the Baptist was mistreated,
spirituality of our people. Obedi- many devils at Worms as its tiles on
defamed and imprisoned. His short
ence to fashion is pervading our roofs, I would enter.”15
and blessed ministry ended when
Seventh-day Adventist churches This courageous spirit,
he was arrested and beheaded.
and is doing more than any other characteristic of all reformers, was
Most reformers in the Middle
power to separate our people from also found in the pioneers of the
Ages were persecuted and executed
God. I have been shown that our Reform Movement. In the face of
for fulfilling their call to reform the
church rules are very deficient. scorn and accusations, they stood
cause of God. “Yea, and all that will
All exhibitions of pride in dress, firm in defense of the truth, even at
live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer
which is forbidden in the word of the cost of their lives. And, due to
persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).
God, should be sufficient reason the efforts of these brave warriors of
It doesn’t matter what happens
for church discipline. If there is a faith, we are here today.
to us as a result of our profession of
continuance, in face of warnings The Spirit of Prophecy
faith. Before us is one of the darkest
and appeals and entreaties, to still emphasizes the importance of a
chapters in earthly history. We will
follow the perverse will, it may be Christlike character in the work of
be brought before the authorities,
regarded as proof that the heart reform for today.
tried and unjustly condemned.
is in no way assimilated to Christ. “Reformers are not destroyers.
However, what is more important?
Self, and only self, is the object of They will never seek to ruin those
Jesus bids us, “be thou faithful unto
adoration, and one such professed who do not harmonize with their
death, and I will thee a crown of
Christian will lead many away from plans and assimilate to them.
life” (Revelation 2:10). The promise
God.”14 Reformers must advance, not
for the true reformers, who live
retreat. They must be decided,
in the last days, is: “To him that
firm, resolute, unflinching; but
EXAMPLES OF TRUE overcometh will I grant to sit with
firmness must not degenerate into
REFORMERS me in my throne, even as I also
a domineering spirit. God desires
overcame, and am set down with
Elijah was a true reformer. He to have all who serve Him firm as a
my Father in his throne” (Revelation
put principles above everything rock where principle is concerned,
3:21). Isaiah 51:11 shows that the
else. At the risk of his own life, but meek and lowly of heart, as was
reward of the faithful reformer will
he led the people to a decision to Christ. Then, abiding in Christ, they
be incomparable and eternal.
abandon idolatry and return to God. can do the work He would do were
A true reformer will suffer
The Bible mentions him as a symbol He in their place.”16
persecution, rejection, and offense.
of the work of restoration in the last We cannot afford to mar the
But the work needs to be done.
days (Mark 9:12; Malachi 4:5, 6). The work by “a rude, condemnatory
I have been called to fulfill this
faithful who do not bow the knee to spirit,” this “is not essential to
mission. You have been called to
Baal are those whom God can count heroism in the reforms for this
fulfill this mission. What are we
on now. time.”17
waiting for? May the Holy Spirit
John the Baptist, in the spirit of By God’s grace, we can have
guide us to be true reformers! ‰
Elijah, also preached unpopular His character implanted in our
truths, calling sin by its right name, hearts. And when that character is References:
thus preparing the way for the fully fixed in our lives, we will be 1 Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 45.

Messiah. He lost his life for fulfilling reformers like Christ was. We will 2 The Great Controversy, pp. 338, 339.
3 The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 313, 314.
his duty as a reformer. However, his have divine wisdom to apply the 4 Ibid., p. 239.

name is among the greatest in the right words to the sinful woman or 5 Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White,
p. 156.
kingdom of Christ, who declared to rebuke the impetuous Peter. We 6 Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 306.

of him: “Among those that are born will succeed in both blessing the 7 The Great Controversy, p. 438.
8 Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 350.
of women there is not a greater people and overturning the tables 9 Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 255.

prophet than John the Baptist” of the moneychangers. But we will

10 Ibid., pp. 254, 255.
11 Evangelism, p. 672.
(Luke 7:28). never be true reformers without 12 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 523.
13 Testimonies to Ministers, p. 265.
In the Middle Ages, valiant the Spirit of Christ. We live in the 14 Testimonies, vol. 4, pp. 647, 648.
reformers rose up in defense of time of restoration of all things, and 15 Bullock, Thomas A., The History of Modern Europe, p.
44, British Library, 1871.
biblical truths. Luther and others Christ must dwell in us to fulfill 16 Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 151.
were used by God in the great what He expects of us. 17 Ibid.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 15

BY Cezar Pérez Díaz — Mexico


W ED N E S DAY , D E C E M B E R 9 , 2 0 20

he time has come to make “All who have received the light the laws of health reform. And as
known the truths of the upon these subjects are to bear testi- mentioned above, the truth about
faith. There is a present mony of the great truths which God the investigative judgment (Christ’s
truth for this time revealed has committed to them. The sanctu- ministry in the Most Holy Place),
in the precious light of the heavenly ary in heaven is the very center of the final judgment, and other truths
sanctuary. Christ’s work in behalf of men. It that we profess all are embodied in
This is how the pen of Inspira- concerns every soul living upon the the sanctuary.
tion describes it: earth. It opens to view the plan of At this time, let us focus
“The subject of the sanctuary redemption, bringing us down to especially on the message of the
and the investigative judgment the very close of time and revealing three angels of Revelation 14 and
should be clearly understood the triumphant issue of the contest that other angel of Revelation 18.
by the people of God. All need a between righteousness and sin. It
knowledge for themselves of the is of the utmost importance that all
position and work of their great should thoroughly investigate these THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL
High Priest. Otherwise it will be subjects and be able to give an an- “The third angel of Revelation
impossible for them to exercise the swer to everyone that asketh them a 14 is represented as flying swiftly
faith which is essential at this time reason of the hope that is in them.”1 through the midst of heaven
or to occupy the position which The time has come to know what crying: ‘Here are they that keep the
God designs them to fill. Every you believe about the truth of the commandments of God, and the
individual has a soul to save or to sanctuary, since all the truths for faith of Jesus.’ Here is shown the
lose. Each has a case pending at this time are embodied therein. The nature of the work of the people
the bar of God. Each must meet sanctuary speaks of the incarnation of God. They have a message of
the great Judge face to face. How of Christ and His death on the so great importance that they
important, then, that every mind cross. It reveals the truth about are represented as flying in the
contemplate often the solemn scene justification, sanctification, and presentation of it to the world.
when the judgment shall sit and the redemption. It teaches the truth They are holding in their hands the
books shall be opened, when, with about baptism, the truth about bread of life for a famishing world.
Daniel, every individual must stand the Sabbath (the sealing) and the The love of Christ constraineth
in his lot, at the end of the days. law, as well as the truth about them. This is the last message.

16 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

There are no more to follow, no sins, and to cleanse us from all proclaimed with power becomes
more invitations of mercy to be unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9).”4 tame and voiceless.”6
given after this message shall have In Revelation 14:12, we Therefore, the Lord was kind
done its work. What a trust! What read about “the faith of Jesus.” enough to send another angel, who
a responsibility is resting upon What constitutes the faith of unites his voice with the third angel.
all to carry the words of gracious Jesus enshrined in the third He does not bring a new message,
invitation: ‘And the Spirit and the angel’s message? Jesus bore our but rather strengthens the existing
bride say, Come. And let him that transgressions as the sin-pardoning one.
heareth say, Come. And let him that Saviour. He came to our world and “The third angel’s message is to
is athirst come. And whosoever will, took our sins upon Him so that we be given with power. The power
let him take the water of life freely.’ could receive His righteousness. of the proclamation of the first and
“Everyone who heareth is to And faith in the power of Christ second messages is to be intensified
say: Come. Not only ministers, to save us fully and completely, is in the third. In the Revelation John
but the people. All are to join in the faith of Jesus. But while the law says of the heavenly messenger
the invitation. Not only by their reveals our sins, it does not provide who unites with the third angel: ‘I
profession, but by their character the remedy. Only the gospel of saw another angel come down from
and dress, all are to have a winning Christ can offer forgiveness. To heaven, having great power; and the
influence. They are made trustees be forgiven, sinners must exercise earth was lightened with his glory.
for the world, executors of the will repentance toward God, whose And he cried mightily with a strong
of One who has bequeathed sacred law has been transgressed, and to voice.’ Revelation 18:1, 2.”7
truth to men. Would that all could have faith in Christ and His atoning “The third angel’s message must
feel the dignity and glory of their sacrifice. go over the land, and awaken the
God-given trust.”2 people, and call their attention to
We need to know what is the the commandments of God and the
third angel’s message that is to THE LIGHT OF THE MESSAGE faith of Jesus. Another angel unites
be given to all the world. It is the
FROM THAT OTHER ANGEL his voice with the third angel, and
law and the everlasting gospel. Sadly, “the Lord has been the earth is lighted with its glory.
Sometimes people ask why it is insulted. The standard of truth, The light increases, and it shines out
called the everlasting gospel. It of the first, second, and third to all the nations of the earth. It is
is because the law is eternal and angels’ messages has been left to to go forth as a light that burneth. It
the gospel—the good news of trail in the dust. If the watchmen will be attended with great power,
salvation—is eternal, as well. are left to mislead the people in until its golden beams have fallen
“No man can rightly present this fashion, God will hold some upon every tongue, every people,
the law of God without the gospel, souls responsible for a lack of keen and every nation upon the face of
or the gospel without the law. The discernment to discover what kind the whole earth. Let me ask you,
law is the gospel embodied, and the of provender was being given to His What you are doing to prepare for
gospel is the law unfolded. The law flock.”5 this work? Are you building for
is the root, the gospel is the fragrant “We are in danger of giving eternity? You must remember that
blossom and fruit which it bears.”3 the third angel’s message in so this angel represents the people
“The law and the gospel are in indefinite a manner that it does that have this message to give to

perfect harmony. Each upholds not impress the people. So many the world. Are you among that
the other. In all its majesty the law other interests are brought in that people? Do you really believe that
confronts the conscience, causing the very message which should be this work in which we are engaged
the sinner to feel his need of Christ
as the propitiation for sin. The
gospel recognizes the power and

Are you building for eternity?

immutability of the law. ‘I had not
known sin, but by the law,’ Paul
declares (Romans 7:7). The sense
of sin, urged home by the law,
drives the sinner to the Saviour. You must remember that this
angel represents the people
In his need man may present the
mighty arguments furnished by

that have this message to give

the cross of Calvary. He may claim
the righteousness of Christ; for it is
imparted to every repentant sinner.
God declares, ‘Him that cometh to
me I will in no wise cast out’ (John to the world. Are you among
that people?
6:37). ‘If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just to forgive us our

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 17

is truly the third angel’s message? unrighteousness’ (2 Thessalonians “Then will I sprinkle clean water
If so, then you understand that 2:12), shall be left to receive strong upon you, and ye shall be clean:
we have a mighty work to do, and delusion and to believe a lie, then from all your filthiness, and from
that we ought to be about it. We the light of truth will shine upon all your idols, will I cleanse you. A
must sanctify ourselves by a strict all whose hearts are open to receive new heart also will I give you, and
obedience to the truth, placing it, and all the children of the Lord a new spirit will I put within you:
ourselves in right relation to God that remain in Babylon will heed the and I will take away the stony heart
and His work.”8 call: ‘Come out of her, my people’ out of your flesh, and I will give you
There are some who think that it (Revelation 18:4).”9 an heart of flesh. And I will put my
does not matter what denomination The message brought by the spirit within you, and cause you to
you are in—but according to this fourth angel is based on Revelation walk in my statutes, and ye shall
statement, we are encouraged to be 3:18, 19. This is how the pen of keep my judgments, and do them”
among that people represented by Inspiration describes it: (Ezekiel 36:25–27). This is the work
the angel who illuminates the earth “Several have written to of the Holy Spirit sent by God to do
with his glory. These are the people me, inquiring if the message of a special work. It began in 1888.
engaged in proclaming the precious justification by faith is the third All of Revelation 18 will be
truth for this time. angel’s message, and I have accomplished at the glorious
There is still a people who set answered, ‘It is the third angel’s conclusion of this work, which is
aside their own will and seek to do message in verity.’ ”10 not yet finished. The light of the
God’s will, a people in whose heart fourth angel’s message began to
and life the divine law is written. shine in that impressive movement
“Revelation 18 points to the time A WORK OF PURIFICATION, in Minneapolis in 1888. The only
when, as the result of rejecting the
PREPARATION, REFORM reasonable conclusion is that the
threefold warning of Revelation The prophecies of Revelation light has been hindered by human
14:6–12, the church will have fully chapter 18 will soon be fulfilled. instruments.
reached the condition foretold by During the proclamation of the “The time of test is just upon us,
the second angel, and the people third angel’s message, that other for the loud cry of the third angel
of God still in Babylon will be angel who descends from heaven, has already begun in the revelation
called upon to separate from her fills the earth with the glory of God of the righteousness of Christ, the
communion. This message is the and through the knowledge of sin-pardoning Redeemer. This is the
last that will ever be given to the Jesus Christ our Saviour, the Holy beginning of the light of the angel
world; and it will accomplish its Spirit will conclude His work of whose glory shall fill the whole
work. When those that ‘believed purification on the minds and hearts earth. For it is the work of every one
not the truth, but had pleasure in of all believers. The Lord declares, to whom the message of warning
has come, to lift up Jesus, to present
Him to the world as revealed in
types, as shadowed in symbols, as
manifested in the revelations of the
prophets, as unveiled in the lessons
given to His disciples and in the
wonderful miracles wrought for the
sons of men.”11
The message of hope brought by
this angel (Revelation 18:1) is the
message of the faithful witness to
the church in Laodicea, symbolizing
the movement of reformation.
This angel who unites his voice
to the proclamation of the third
message, will lighten the whole
earth with his glory. This is how
a work of universal extent and
extraordinary power is predicted.
All obstacles will be overcome by
the powerful movement developed
under the proclamation of the last
warning of the third angel. Some
do not realize that this is a religious
movement, but the following
reference clarifies this for us:

18 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

is decided. It is now that self is to

Why not love the things that be crucified—when there is work

to do; when there is some use to be

Christ loved, and hate the

made of every entrusted capability.
It is now that we are to empty and
thoroughly cleanse the vessel of its

things that Christ hated? He impurity. It is now that we are to

be made holy unto God. This is our

has made provision ample

work, this very moment. You are
not to wait for any special period
for a wonderful work to be done;
enough for you that you can, it is today. I give myself to God
today. . . .

through Him, be more, yea, “Are you ready to make the

surrender now? You are to put away

more than overcomers.

your sin right now when you see it.
. . . Do not make leeway [that] you
are going to overcome by degrees;
you are going to try little by little to
“Of Babylon at this time and John the Revelator sees it give up sin. Now, while it is called
it is declared, ‘Her sins have increasing in strength and power today, heed the invitation and
reached unto heaven, and God until the whole earth is illuminated harden not your hearts.
hath remembered her iniquities.’ with his glory. The path of God’s “Oh, my soul, why not leave the
[Revelation 18:5.] She has filled commandment-keeping people cursed thing today? Sin crucified
up the measure of her guilt, and is forward, always forward. The my Lord. Why not turn from it
destruction is about to fall upon message of truth that we carry has with loathing? Why not love the
her. But God still has a people in to go to every nation, tongue, and things that Christ loved, and hate
Babylon; and before the visitation people, until the earth is filled with the things that Christ hated? He
of His judgments, these faithful its glory. Are we preparing for this has made provision ample enough
ones must be called out, that great outpouring of the Spirit of for you that you can, through
they ‘partake not of her sins, and God? Him, be more, yea, more than
receive not of her plagues.’ Hence “We need not worry about the overcomers.”14
the movement symbolized by the latter rain. All we have to do is to
angel coming down from Heaven, keep the vessel clean and right side
lightening the earth with his glory, up and prepared for the reception of  CONCLUSION
and crying mightily with a strong the heavenly rain, and keep praying, “Our time is precious. We have
voice, announcing the sins of ‘Let the latter rain come into my but few, very few days of probation
Babylon. In connection with his vessel. Let the light of the glorious in which to make ready for the
message the call is heard, ‘Come angel which unites with the third future, immortal life. We have
out of her, my people.’ As these angel shine upon me; give me a no time to spend in haphazard
warnings join the third angel’s part in the work; let me sound the movements. We should fear to skim
message, it swells to a loud cry.”12 proclamation; let me be a colaborer the surface of the word of God.”15
“The question of most vital with Jesus Christ.’ Thus seeking God, May the Lord Jesus guide your
importance for this time is, ‘Who is let me tell you, He is fitting you up life always, may you be a bearer of
on the Lord’s side? Who will unite all the time, giving you His grace. the precious truths of this time, and
with the angel in giving the message “You need not be worried. You may the Lord bless you abundantly!
of truth to the world? Who will need not be thinking that there is a Amen. ‰
receive the light that is to fill the special time coming when you are to
whole earth with its glory?”13 be crucified. The time to be crucified References:
is just now. Every day, every hour, 1 The Great Controversy, pp. 488, 489.
2 Testimonies, vol. 5, pp. 206, 207.
self is to die; self is to be crucified; 3 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 128.
DENYING SELF AND LIVING and then, when the time comes that 4 Selected Messages, bk. 1, pp. 240, 241.

FOR CHRIST the test shall come to God’s people

5 Ibid., bk. 2, p. 394.
6 Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 60.

The third angel, flying in the in earnest, the everlasting arms 7 Ibid.
8 The Review and Herald, August 18, 1885.
midst of heaven and proclaiming are around you. The angels of God 9 The Great Controversy, p. 390.
10 Evangelism, p. 190.
the commandments of God make a wall of fire around about 11 Selected Messages, bk. 1, p. 363.
and the testimony of Jesus, is a and deliver you. 12 The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 422.
13 The Review and Herald, November 5, 1889.
representation of our work. The “All your self-crucifixion will 14 The Upward Look, p. 283.
message loses nothing of its strength not do any good then. It must be 15 Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 407.

as the angel advances in its flight, [done] before the destiny of souls

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 19

BY Samuel
Andres — Philippines

FR I DAY , D E C E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 2 0

ear brethren, we are the dwarfed, feeble, deformed race.”1 creation if our first parents had not
people living in this final As the human race as a whole committed sin.
generation in the history has weakened, it is not only our “It was [God’s] purpose that the
of a world full of woe, physical stature that has undergone longer man lived the more fully he
misery, and death—yet we are degradation. Our physical health should reveal this image—the more
challenged to be like Christ, the and morals have as well—so our fully reflect the glory of the Creator.
healer of the world. How can this be entire being is in need of healing in All his faculties were capable of
accomplished? order for us to enjoy the blessing development; their capacity and
As the Lord’s messenger bestowed at our creation and extend vigor were continually to increase.
describes a scene from the it to our fellowmen. Vast was the scope offered for their
resurrection, “those who lived exercise, glorious the field opened
before the flood, come forth with to their research. . . . More and
their giant-like stature, more than THE ORIGINAL PLAN more fully would he have fulfilled
twice as tall as men now living upon It is not the plan of God for the object of his creation, more
the earth, and well proportioned. humanity to be unhappy in its and more fully have reflected the
The generations after the flood existence, for “God made man Creator’s glory.
were less in stature. There was perfectly holy and happy; and “But by disobedience this was
a continual decrease through the fair earth, as it came from the forfeited. Through sin the divine
successive generations, down to the Creator’s hand, bore no blight of likeness was marred, and well-nigh
last that lived upon the earth. The decay or shadow of the curse. It is obliterated. Man’s physical powers
contrast between the first wicked transgression of God’s law—the were weakened, his mental capacity
men who lived upon the earth, and law of love—that has brought was lessened, his spiritual vision
those of the last generation, was woe and death.”2 We cannot even dimmed. He had become subject to
very great. The first were of lofty imagine how much we would have death.”3
height and well proportioned—the developed into men and women The healing of body, mind and
last came up as they went down, a according to God’s plan in our soul sickened due to sin is to be

20 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

the work of God’s people. We are all manner of sickness and all of the world (see Matthew 28:20).
called to bring healing to the world manner of disease among the Glorious was the result in the
from all the maladies which sin has people” (Matthew 4:23). Indeed, experience of the apostles. The same
wrought. Christ is our pattern in through the scriptures, we have commission is extended to us who
this aim: the wonderfully inspiring record are living in this last generation—
“Jesus went about all Galilee, of “how God anointed Jesus of and when we are ready to carry out
teaching in their synagogues, Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and this blessed task with all our heart,
and preaching the gospel of the with power: who went about doing more extensive and more glorious
kingdom, and healing all manner of good, and healing all that were will be the result.
sickness and all manner of disease oppressed of the devil; for God was At this point, we have not much
among the people” (Matthew with him” (Acts 10:38). time left because we are now living
4:23). So, there is a double target of “Our Lord Jesus Christ came to on the very verge of the close of
healing—both the moral and the this world as the unwearied servant this world’s history. The Lord will
physical. There is no real recovery of man’s necessity. He ‘took our no longer delay His time because
if either of these is left uncured. infirmities, and bare our sicknesses,’ of individuals who do not care;
“Virtue of character depends upon that He might minister to every He will have others. If you don’t
the right action of the powers of the need of humanity. (Matthew want others to take your place, see
mind and body.”4 8:17.) The burden of disease and to it that you make your calling
wretchedness and sin He came to and election sure. As a church and
remove. It was His mission to bring as individuals, our main concern
THE WORK OF CHRIST to men complete restoration; He is to prepare ourselves and our
The work of Christ is to redeem came to give them health and peace people: PREPARE, PREPARE, AND
man from the depth of sin into and perfection of character.”6 PREPARE.
which he was sunken. “To restore
in man the image of his Maker, to
bring him back to the perfection in OUR WORK A COMPLETE MESSAGE
which he was created, to promote “Christ is our example. He went Yes, it’s time to be healthy
the development of body, mind, and about doing good. He lived to and heal the world. As generally
soul, that the divine purpose in his bless others. Love beautified and understood, we cannot give
creation might be realized—this was ennobled all His actions.”7 Not only something we don’t have. In other
to be the work of redemption. . . . is Christ our example, as mentioned, words, before we can go and bring
“It means that in the whole His work is our work, to “bring to healing to the people, we must be
being—the body, the mind, as well men complete restoration” and to healthy first. As mentioned, our
as the soul—the image of God is to give men “health and peace and diseases are not merely physical but
be restored.”5 The restoration of the perfection of character.”8 As we do rather are both physical and moral.
image of God is the healing of body, the work of Christ, we “are to learn So, it’s high time to do something
mind, and soul. This was the work Christ’s method of laboring,” and about this! We should be the first
of Christ when He came to this keep in mind that “the same Spirit ones to be healthy and not to be the
world—not only the healing of the that dwelt in Christ as He imparted last, since we have so much light
physical ailments, but also cleansing the instruction He was constantly and many advantages available to
from the disease of sin. Remember receiving.” This is the source of us.
that the physical diseases were “knowledge and the secret” of First of all, we have the three
closely connected with sin; in “power in carrying on the Saviour’s angels’ messages intended for this
healing the disease, Christ healed work in the world.”9 We are the very purpose. The Lord’s messenger
the soul. When Jesus was in this channels in His hands in the work explains that justification by faith
world, this was His mission. The of redemption. is “the third angel’s message in
prophet Isaiah foretold what Jesus “To restore in man the image of verity.”11 We are the advocates
was to declare in Nazareth: “The his Maker, to bring him back to the of the three angels’ messages—
Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; perfection in which he was created, and what is that? Justification by
because the Lord hath anointed to promote the development of faith, which “invited the people
me to preach good tidings unto body, mind, and soul, that the to receive the righteousness of
the meek; he hath sent me to bind divine purpose in his creation might Christ, which is made manifest in
up the brokenhearted, to proclaim be realized—this was to be the work obedience to all the commandments
liberty to the captives, and the of redemption. This is the object of of God.”12 When we receive the
opening of the prison to them that education, the great object of life.”10 righteousness of Christ, it is to
are bound” (Isaiah 61:1). The commission to go to all be manifested in obedience to all
“And Jesus went about the world and preach the gospel the commandments of God. This
all Galilee, teaching in their included the healing of the sick— message is the answer to the disease
synagogues, and preaching the and the assurance that Jesus has of sin which has caused man to be
gospel of the kingdom, and healing given is to be with us unto the end physically ill. “This is the message

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 21

The commission to go
to all the world and preach
the gospel included the
healing of the sick—and the
assurance that Jesus has
given is to be with us unto
the end of the world.
that God commanded to be given Sometimes we are confused. daily preparing a variety of dishes
to the world. It is the third angel’s What is the connection between and highly seasoned food which
message, which is to be proclaimed Justification by Faith—or tempt the appetite and encourage
with a loud voice, and attended Righteousness by Faith—and the overeating. The tables of our . . .
with the outpouring of His Spirit in message of health reform in relation people are generally prepared
a large measure.”13 to the restoration of the image of in a manner to make drunkards.
Then we have the message of God in man and the perfecting of Appetite is the ruling principle with
health reform. The Lord gave a Christian character? We have a a large class. Whoever will indulge
vision to His servant to bring us clear revelation on this point. The appetite in eating too often, and
this message. She relates, “It was at message of Justification by Faith is food not of a healthful quality, is
the house of Brother A. Hilliard, at for the conversion of mind and heart weakening his power to resist the
Otsego, Michigan, June 6, 1863, that to bring man to a new direction in clamors of appetite and passion in
the great subject of Health Reform life—“New thoughts, new feelings, other respects in proportion as he
was opened before me in vision.”14 new motives, are implanted. A new has strengthened the propensity
Why was the health reform given? It standard of character is set up—the to incorrect habits of eating.
is for the benefit of God’s people and life of Christ.”17 Mothers need to be impressed
for them to share with others: “The “Justification is wholly of with their obligation to God and to
light God has given on health reform grace.”18 “Without the grace of the world to furnish society with
is for our salvation and the salvation Christ, the sinner is in a hopeless children having well-developed
of the world.”15 We should be the condition; nothing can be done characters.”20
first to implement the principles for him; but through divine grace, “When persons are spoken to on
of health reform and then share it supernatural power is imparted to the subject of health, they often say:
with the world. Disease is a great the man and works in mind and ‘We know a great deal better than
hindrance to the development of heart and character.”19 we do.’ They do not realize that
Christian character. “Since the mind The message of health reform, they are accountable for every ray
and the soul find expression through in turn, has a specific purpose of light in regard to their physical
the body, both mental and spiritual to reduce the strong animal well-being, and that their every
vigor are in great degree dependent propensities in human nature and habit is open to the inspection of
upon physical strength and activity; instead fortify our moral decisions God. Physical life is not to be treated
whatever promotes physical health, towards character perfection. in a haphazard manner. Every
promotes the development of a organ, every fiber of the being, is to
strong mind and a well-balanced be sacredly guarded from harmful
character. Without health, no one HOW SHOULD THIS AFFECT practices.”21
can as distinctly understand or as
HOW WE PREPARE OUR “God has given us great light
completely fulfill his obligations to
FOOD? upon the health reform, which He
himself, to his fellow beings, or to “Many mothers who deplore requires us all to respect. He does
his Creator. Therefore, the health the intemperance which exists not send light to be rejected or
should be as faithfully guarded as everywhere do not look deep disregarded by His people without
the character.”16 enough to see the cause. They are their suffering the consequences.”22

22 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

Sadly, “the moral powers are a condition of health that there give character to the work which
beclouded, because men and is a constant warring against the must be carried forward in these
women will not live in obedience to soul’s highest interests. The truth, last days in restoring man through a
the laws of health.”23 though presented in clear lines, reformation of the habits, appetites,
is not accepted. I wish to set this and passions. Seventh-day
matter before every member of Adventists are to be represented to
LEARNING TO LIVE THE our churches. Our habits must be the world by the advance principles
MESSAGE brought into conformity to the will of health reform which God has
“The subject of health reform of God. We are assured, ‘It is God given us.”27
has been presented in the churches; which worketh in you,’ but man Finally, brethren, we have a
but the light has not been heartily must do his part in controlling very serious mission to fulfill—to
received. The selfish, health- appetite and passion. The religious evangelize and heal the world from
destroying indulgences of men life requires the action of mind and the deadly miasma of disease which
and women have counteracted the heart in harmony with the divine has contaminated humanity ever
influence of the message that is to forces. No man can of himself work since the fall of our first parents.
prepare a people for the great day of out his own salvation, and God Our prayer should be: “God be
God. If the churches expect strength, cannot do this work for him without merciful unto us, and bless us; and
they must live the truth which God his cooperation. But when man cause his face to shine upon us. . . .
has given them. If the members of works earnestly, God works with That thy way may be known upon
our churches disregard the light on him, giving him power to become a earth, thy saving health among all
this subject, they will reap the sure son of God.”24 nations” (Psalm 67:1, 2). The church
result in both spiritual and physical Satan knows that if we violate is the agency which the Lord will
degeneracy. And the influence of the laws of health, our ruin is use to save the world. But unless the
these older church members will sure—but if we follow God’s health church itself is cured and healthy,
leaven those newly come to the reform, the enemy’s temptations it cannot realize its mission. So, I
faith. The Lord does not now work can be more readily resisted. “The am appealing to all members of the
to bring many souls into the truth, great enemy knows that if appetite church (the Seventh Day Adventist
because of the church members and passion predominate, the health Reform Movement) around the
who have never been converted of body and strength of intellect world, that we may dedicate our
and those who were once converted are sacrificed upon the altar of self- lives fully to God and ask the Lord
but who have backslidden. gratification, and man is brought to to heal us as individuals and as a
What influence would these speedy ruin. If enlightened intellect church. Over the 95 years of our
unconsecrated members have on holds the reins, controlling the experience, we have not yet fulfilled
new converts? Would they not make animal propensities and keeping our mission—and we are already
of no effect the God-given message them in subjection to the moral more than double a 40-year journey
which His people are to bear? powers, Satan well knows that in the wilderness! But it is not yet
“Let all examine their own his power to overcome with his too late. LET’S WAKE UP! IT’S TIME
practices to see if they are not temptations is very small.”25 TO BE HEALTHY AND HEAL THE
indulging in that which is a positive So, to make our pathway WORLD. ‰
injury to them. Let them dispense more conducive to perfection, we
with every unhealthful gratification follow the health reform. With References:
1 Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3, p. 84.
in eating and drinking. Some go to the combination of the message of 2 Steps to Christ, p. 9.
distant countries to seek a better justification and health reform—if 3 Education, p. 15.
4 Counsels on Health, p. 505.
climate; but wherever they may we sincerely live by them, the 5 Education, pp. 15, 16.
be, the stomach creates for them a victory is ours. 6 The Ministry of Healing, p. 17.
7 Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 136.
malarious atmosphere. They bring “When the character of Christ 8 The Ministry of Healing, p. 17.
upon themselves suffering that no shall be perfectly reproduced in His 9 The Acts of the Apostles, p. 365.
10 Education, pp. 15, 16.
one can alleviate. Let them bring people, then He will come to claim 11 Evangelism, p. 190.

their daily practice into harmony them as His own”26, together with 12 Ibid.
13 Ibid., p. 191.
with nature’s laws; and by doing the people whom we have brought 14 Selected Messages, bk. 3, p. 276.

as well as believing, an atmosphere to the feet of our Lord. 15 Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 136.
16 Child Guidance, pp. 360, 361.
may be created about both soul and 17 Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 98, 99.

body that will be a savor of life unto 18 Faith and Works, p. 20.

life. CONCLUSION 19 Ibid., p. 100.

20 Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 563.

“Brethren, we are far behind. “The Lord desires through His 21 Ibid., vol. 6, p. 372.
22 Ibid., vol. 3, p. 311.
Many of the things which the people to answer Satan’s charges 23 Christian Education, p. 10.
24 Testimonies, vol. 6, pp. 370, 371.
church should do in order to be a by showing the result of obedience 25 Confrontation, p. 58.
living church are not done. Through to right principles. He desires 26 Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 69.
27 Medical Ministry, p. 187.
the indulgence of perverted appetite our health institutions to stand as
many place themselves in such witnesses for the truth. They are to

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 23

BY Genadiy Lavryk — Ukraine


S A B B AT H , D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 2 0

THE END IS NEAR! relations that exist among the would begin—or, on the contrary,
nations. They observe the intensity the destruction of all the living and
“Today the signs of the times
that is taking possession of every the desolation of planet Earth would
declare that we are standing on
earthly element, and they recognize occur.
the threshold of great and solemn
that something great and decisive is A secure seed bank in
events. Everything in our world
about to take place—that the world Spitsbergen, artificial intelligence,
is in agitation. Before our eyes is
is on the verge of a stupendous underground bunkers around the
fulfilling the Saviour’s prophecy
crisis. world—these are a few of the means
of the events to precede His
“The Bible, and the Bible only, that many suppose are necessary in
coming: “Ye shall hear of wars and
gives a correct view of these things. order to save humanity (or some of
rumors of wars. . . . Nation shall
Here are revealed the great final its representatives) from the end of
rise against nation, and kingdom
scenes in the history of our world, the world. Fortunately, believers in
against kingdom: and there shall
events that already are casting Christ have the Word of God, and
be famines, and pestilences, and
their shadows before, the sound of that’s why all the preparations for
earthquakes, in divers places”
their approach causing the earth the last, final events for the people
(Matthew 24:6, 7).
to tremble and men’s hearts to fail awaiting His return do not include
“The present is a time of
them for fear.”1 underground cities, building of
overwhelming interest to all living.
Humanity is fearful about the an ark or some other material
Rulers and statesmen, men who
end of the world. In various nations means for salvation. Thanks to the
occupy positions of trust and
and cultures there are ideas defining Bible and Spirit of Prophecy we
authority, thinking men and women
the moment in history when the old understand that in the last crisis, no
of all classes, have their attention
system would be destroyed and an such material things can endure.
fixed upon the events taking place
age of prosperity and abundance How can we pass these trials?
about us. They are watching the

24 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

How do we stand fast when CHRISTIAN CHARACTER bitterness, evil speaking, lying,
“the end of the world” comes? deception, slandering, you have not
This is the only thing that
What is the responsibility of the Christ abiding in your heart, and
remains with a person even when
last generation on the earth? the evidence shows that you have
he dies: “And I heard a voice from
Undoubtedly, having found the the mind and character of Satan,
heaven saying unto me, Write,
answers to these questions, every not of Jesus Christ, who was meek
Blessed are the dead which die in
sincere Christian will not reduce his and lowly of heart. You must have a
the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith
vigilance. (See Luke 12:45, 46.) On Christian character that will stand.”5
the Spirit, that they may rest from
the contrary, the warning, “take ye
their labours; and their works do
heed, watch and pray: for ye know
follow them” (Revelation 14:13). SAFETY IN THE TIME OF
not when the time is” (Mark 13:33)
“Those who have sought for STORM
always resounds in his mind and
the development and perfection of
influences his life and actions! A small fishing boat was once
Christian character by exercising
These are not just declarations, caught in a storm. Typically, a storm
their faculties in good works, will,
loud boastings sounding from begins unexpectedly and so it was
in the world to come, reap that
our pulpits, or appeals at spiritual this time. A strong wind and huge
which they have sown.”3
meetings—no, the pen of Inspiration waves were beating into the ship.
“It is moral worth that God
explains: Those inside the ship were wrestling
values. A Christian character
“In order to confess Christ, we for their lives, but their attempts
unblotted with avarice, possessing
must have Him to confess. No one were ineffective. Nothing could
quietness, meekness, and humility,
can truly confess Christ unless the help them until they remembered
is more precious in His sight than
mind and spirit of Christ are in about Jesus, sleeping at the stern.
the most fine gold, even the golden
him. If a form of godliness, or an “Master, we’re perishing!”—they
wedge of Ophir.”4
acknowledgment of the truth, were cried stridently, trying to shout
There is an entire arsenal of
always a confession of Christ, we down the storm—“Save us!” Christ
means that the enemy of souls uses
might say: Broad is the way that never turns away those who plead
to make the work of our character
leadeth unto life, and many there with Him for salvation. But did
formation to fail. The Word of God
be that find it. We must understand the disciples understand what
reveals them to us: “For all that is in
what it is to confess Christ and Christ’s presence meant? Did they
the world, the lust of the flesh, and
wherein we deny Him. It is possible understand it was impossible to
the lust of the eyes, and the pride of
with our lips to confess Christ yet perish with Him on board? The only
life, is not of the Father, but is of the
in our works deny Him. The fruits problem was that their attention was
world.” (1 John 2:16). There is also
of the Spirit manifested in the life focused on the storm, not on Christ.
a list of works of the flesh listed in
are a confession of Him. If we have All that Jesus had to do to stop the
Galatians 5 as well as many habits,
forsaken all for Christ, our lives storm was: “He arose, and rebuked
inclinations and affections that
will be humble, our conversation the wind, and said unto the sea,
are dangerous for our spirituality.
heavenly, our conduct blameless. Peace, be still. And the wind ceased,
Unfortunately, we as Christians
The powerful, purifying influence of and there was a great calm” (Mark
cannot boast of great success in this
truth in the soul, and the character 4:39).
struggle. . . .
of Christ exemplified in the life, are In reality, none of us is ready for
“Let no one deceive his own
a confession of Him. If the words the future storm. And no one knows
soul in this matter. If you harbor
of eternal life are sown in our what it will be like. Even the most

pride, self-esteem, a love for the
hearts, the fruit is righteousness prepared saints cannot imagine
supremacy, vainglory, unholy
and peace. We may deny Christ in what they will need in order to
ambition, murmuring, discontent,
our life by indulging love of ease or endure it! And just as the disciples
love of self, by jesting and joking,
and by seeking the honor of the
world. We may deny Him in our
outward appearance by conformity
to the world, by a proud look or The signs of Christ’s coming
are too plain to be doubted,
costly apparel. Only by constant
watchfulness and persevering, and
almost unceasing prayer shall we
be able to exhibit in our life the
character of Christ or the sanctifying and in view of these things ev-
eryone who professes the truth
influence of the truth. Many drive
Christ from their families by an

should be a living preacher.

impatient, passionate spirit. Such
have something to overcome in this

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 25

could not calm the storm on the Sea This lack of activity and earnestness Christians consider that this is
of Galilee, so God’s children will in the cause of God is dreadful.”7 not necessary as they have their
not be able to quiet the storm soon Please, pay attention to the last personal relationship with God and
to engulf our planet. Only Christ is sentence of that paragraph: We are they don’t need anything else! Can
able to do this! Christ is in the boat always in a hurry, yet in the work a man be saved independent of
with us if we don’t forget Him. In of our soul’s salvation there is a others? In exceptional cases—yes,
His presence everything is different. lack of activity and earnestness! It’s but at all times Jesus has had an
We would perish without Him, but a striking contrast! In the things organized church on the Earth.
He can calm the tempest and dispel of this world, there is zeal, speed, Once when visiting a quarry, I
the fear. Let us look to the Saviour flash-like reaction, but in spiritual noticed neatly piled up stones with
instead of looking at the storm! life, the condition is as if we would rounded corners and wondered
have seven more lives and nowhere how the quarrymen make such
to go in such a hurry! The scriptures beautiful rounding; how do these
HASTE AND SLUGGISHNESS warn that we don’t have time stones become oval? The worker
These actions that are opposite to tarry as Lot did in Sodom, to explained to me the process: it
in their meaning often are delay rather than haste from our turned out to be very simple, they
simultaneously present in our life. perdition. take rectangular stones, put them
Everyone is in a hurry in our world “Beware of procrastination. Do into a big barrel and with a help
today. . . . We push to do everything not put off the work of forsaking of special machinery they rotate it
faster, we rush around to visit your sins and seeking purity of all day long. As a result of friction,
many places; we hastily try to solve heart through Jesus. Here is where the corners rub off and the stones
many problems. People eat quickly, thousands upon thousands have take on a beautiful form. The pen
marry quickly, live quickly and die erred to their eternal loss. I will of Inspiration writes: “We are now
quickly. . . . Even the funerals are not here dwell upon the shortness in God’s workshop. Many of us are
shorter with every passing year! and uncertainty of life; but there rough stones from the quarry. But as
“Work and hurry and drive is a terrible danger—a danger we lay hold upon the truth of God,
are the order of the day, and their not sufficiently understood—in its influence affects us. It elevates
intense worldliness has had its delaying to yield to the pleading us and removes from us every
molding influence upon their voice of God’s Holy Spirit, in imperfection and sin, of whatever
children, upon the church, and upon choosing to live in sin; for such this nature. Thus we are prepared to see
the world. It is the example of those delay really is. Sin, however small it the King in His beauty and finally
who hold the truth in righteousness may be esteemed, can be indulged to unite with the pure and heavenly
which will condemn the world.”6 in only at the peril of infinite loss. angels in the kingdom of glory.
People rushing forward without What we do not overcome, will It is here that this work is to be
thinking where they’re going are overcome us and work out our accomplished for us, here that our
like the person that gets into a destruction.”8 bodies and spirits are to be fitted for
taxi and doesn’t tell the driver Our personal relationship immortality.”10
the address, but instead shouts with the Lord, sincere repentance,
“onward” and the car whirls along. open-hearted confession of our
But where? The address is unknown sins—unless we are active in these UNITING IN THE TRUTH
to all! To where is the world matters, we will be unprepared to In John 17:21–23, Christ uttered
hurrying? Why are we rushing so meet Jesus at His coming. a poignant prayer to His Father for
fast? The prophet Zephaniah says: unity among His disciples. How is
“The great day of the Lord is near, this to come to fruition in our day?
it is near, and hasteth greatly, even TIME TO UNITE The Lord’s messenger explains:
the voice of the day of the Lord” The important factor that defines “I saw a company who stood
(Zephaniah 1:14). the readiness of the church and its well guarded and firm, giving no
“God’s people must take individual members for the final countenance to those who would
warning and discern the signs of the solemn events is the ability or the unsettle the established faith of
times. The signs of Christ’s coming desire to unite. the body. God looked upon them
are too plain to be doubted, and “Dear Brethren: As all the with approbation. I was shown
in view of these things everyone different members of the human three steps—the first, second, and
who professes the truth should be system unite to form the entire third angels’ messages. Said my
a living preacher. God calls upon body, and each performs its office accompanying angel, ‘Woe to him
all, both preachers and people, in obedience to the intelligence that who shall move a block or stir a
to awake. All heaven is astir. The governs the whole, so the members pin of these messages. The true
scenes of earth’s history are fast of the church of Christ should be understanding of these messages
closing. We are amid the perils of united in one symmetrical body, is of vital importance. The destiny
the last days. Greater perils are subject to the sanctified intelligence of souls hangs upon the manner in
before us, and yet we are not awake. of the whole.”9 But why? Many which they are received.’

26 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

is the thing that, first of all, has

Christ is in the boat with us to unite all those who await His

if we don’t forget Him. In

2. Various kinds of people
have united to attain the goal. In
Nehemiah chapter 3 it is written
His presence everything is that in the restoration of the wall,
there were priests, rulers, Levites,

different. We would perish

merchants, goldsmiths and keepers
of the gates—that means people

without Him."
of different social and spiritual
positions. It is similar today. “It is
not the greatness of the work, but
the love with which it is done, the
motive underlying the action, that
“I was again brought down God’s purpose they are indissolubly
determines its worth.”13
through these messages, and saw linked together. On this day more
3. When there is a goal and a
how dearly the people of God than on any other, it is possible
unification, there will be some that
had purchased their experience. It for us to live the life of Eden. It
will be against it. “And next unto
had been obtained through much was God’s plan for the members
them the Tekoites repaired; but
suffering and severe conflict. God of the family to be associated in
their nobles put not their necks to
had led them along step by step, work and study, in worship and
the work of their Lord.” (Nehemiah
until He had placed them upon a recreation, the father as priest of
3:5). There will be those around to
solid immovable platform. I saw his household, and both father and
mock, just as Sanballat did against
individuals approach the platform mother as teachers and companions
the builders of the wall—taunting
and examine the foundation. Some of their children. But the results of
that their work for God was in vain.
with rejoicing immediately stepped sin, having changed the conditions
(See Nehemiah 4:1–3.)
upon it. Others commenced to of life, to a great degree prevent
4. The highest goal is spirituality.
find fault with the foundation. this association. Often the father
Nehemiah chapter 8 is a wonderful
They wished improvements made, hardly sees the faces of his children
story about the sanctifying influence
and then the platform would be throughout the week. He is almost
of the reading of the book of the law
more perfect and the people much wholly deprived of opportunity
upon Israel. Truth upon truth has
happier. for companionship or instruction.
been revealing now to Israel, “And
“Some stepped off the platform But God’s love has set a limit to the
he read therein before the street that
to examine it, and declared it to be demands of toil. Over the Sabbath
was before the water gate from the
laid wrong. But I saw that nearly all He places His merciful hand. In His
morning until midday, before the
stood firm upon the platform and own day He preserves for the family
men and the women, and those that
exhorted those who had stepped off opportunity for communion with
could understand; and the ears of
to cease their complaints; for God Him, with nature, and with one
all the people were attentive unto
was the Master Builder, and they another.”12
the book of the law” (Nehemiah
were fighting against Him. They
8:3). [Emphasis added.]
recounted the wonderful work of
IT’S TIME! Dear brothers and sisters, can
God, which had led them to the firm
the people of God today follow
platform, and in union raised their In the book of Nehemiah, there
this same path? Understanding
eyes to heaven and with a loud voice is a description of a wonderful
our mission, uniting and reforming
glorified God. This affected some of colaboration in God’s work. Today,
in humility and repentance with
those who had complained and left we have something to learn from
communication and forgiveness.
the platform, and they with humble the displaced Jews.
May the Lord give us the possibility
look again stepped upon it.”11 1. A goal unites. Nehemiah
and desire to unite and work
appealed: “Ye see the distress
together while the day lasts! ‰
that we are in, how Jerusalem
THE SABBATH AS A UNITING lieth waste, and the gates thereof References:
FACTOR are burned with fire: come, 1 Prophets and Kings, p. 537.

“The value of the Sabbath as and let us build up the wall of 2 Testimonies, vol. 1, pp. 303, 304.
3 Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing, p. 83.
a means of education is beyond Jerusalem, that we be no more 4 Testimonies, vol. 1, p. 538.

estimate. Whatever of ours God a reproach” (Nehemiah 2:17). 5 Testimonies to Ministers, p. 441.
6 Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 434.
claims from us, He returns again, Besides intermediate goals (such as 7 Ibid., vol. 1, pp. 260, 261.

enriched, transfigured, with His building of churches, organization

8 Steps to Christ, pp. 32, 33. [Emphasis added.]
9 Testimonies, vol. 4, p. 16.
own glory. . . . of different establishments) God’s 10 Ibid., vol. 2, p. 355.
11 The Story of Redemption, pp. 385, 386.
“The Sabbath and the family people today have a general goal— 12 Child Guidance, pp. 535, 536.
were alike instituted in Eden, and in to get ready to meet Jesus! This 13 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 279.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 27

BY Gatera Sylvan — Rwanda

S U N DAY , D E C E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 2 0

INTRODUCTION Great Commission to the disciples There’s a reason for being

then present—but it applies to us as involved in global mission; a
“We should all become witnesses
well. He urges us to make disciples congregation that is not deeply and
for Jesus. Social power, sanctified
of all people, to go out into the earnestly involved in the worldwide
by the grace of Christ, must be im-
world and teach and live the truth proclamation of the gospel does not
proved in winning souls to the Sav-
of the plan of redemption. While we understand the nature of salvation.
iour. Let the world see that we are
are simply channels, we never act The disciples’ mission was to extend
not selfishly absorbed in our own
alone. Christ is always with us, ex- to earth’s remotest bounds.
interests, but that we desire others
pressing Himself as us. Our success In her writings, Ellen White
to share our blessings and privi-
is therefore assured. noted that missionaries are not
leges. Let them see that our religion
doing 1/20th of the work they should
does not make us unsympathetic or
for the salvation of souls.3 Instead
exacting. Let all who profess to have THE MISSION BEFORE US of calling people and waiting for
found Christ, minister as He did for
A missionary is a member of a them to come to us to inquire for
the benefit of men.”1
religious group sent into an area to the truth, the appeal was made
As believers, we are called to ac-
proselytize or perform ministries of regarding our need to put forth
tively spread God’s words—clearly,
service, such as education, literacy, more thorough and earnest efforts
fearlessly, graciously, and respect-
social justice, health care, and to bring the truth before the world.
fully whenever an opportunity
economic development.2 The time has now come to be
presents itself, with a commitment
In Matthew 28:19, Jesus connects an active missionary, including
to reverence God as the core of our
His authority to the Great Commis- using social media to share Bible
lives. We thus can make a positive
sion and that authority enables His truths instead of worldly opinions
difference in the world—whether it
disciples to execute the task. He asks and portraits. This is very useful in
be toward our loved ones or toward
us to be active, not inert. The thrust is today’s world since global media
strangers from another country.
to cross any boundary to spread the outreach demonstrates that the In-
Before His ascension, Jesus gave the
gospel, geographical or otherwise. ternet is a powerful, low-cost tool

28 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

that can penetrate every country to those who may not be ready or need to be corrected at times and
in the world and transform every willing to receive God’s word (“out we are certainly no exception. Age
Christian into an international mis- of season”). brings the elderly not only wisdom,
sionary. A good example of preaching but also stories, experiences, and
One challenge we face is that “in season” is when people heart- biblical knowledge to us.
there are too few missionaries, ily welcome you to share the truth.
Second, there are too few mission- “Out of season” is more like the
aries who go to the frontlines. In street preacher or the evangelist THE IMPORTANCE OF THE
fact, there’s a very small percent- who dares to take on a jail ministry,
age (10%) of missionaries who are or preach on playgrounds in the It’s very important to consider
reported to be working among inner cities or through social media. the power of the printed pages.
unreached group of people, while That is out of season, where more In fact, the art of recording God’s
nearly 90% work among those al- than likely those around are not principles for reference started very
ready reached. very interested in the word of God. early; we see God Himself writing
The gospel has to reach all peo- How do we proceed? We can the Ten Commandments on tables
ple. We are bidden: “Go ye into all learn much from our seniors—those of stone at Mount Sinai. We also
the world, and preach the gospel to outstanding teachers who impact know that the first book, printed in
every creature” (Mark 16:15). Jesus subsequent generations—as well as a large number of editions, was the
gave the disciples the straightfor- learning from the perfect Example, Bible.
ward command to go out in differ- Jesus Christ Himself. After printing, technology
ent ways. First, the word of God had Christ is the way, the truth, and evolved and the written word
been shared among the lost sheep of the life (John 14:6), who loves us started spreading at a much faster
Israel, but then the commission was and died for us. He bids us to uplift rate. With the advancement of flat-
broadened. Jesus is not only com- His name to everyone who will lis- bed printing in the 15th century
manding this, but in His deity, He ten by the words we speak and the and electronic media including the
is giving the authority to go into the life we live, bearing fruit by faith telegraph and telephone in the 18th
world and preach the gospel to all (Hebrews 11:1), for “faith without century, the church started to see a
people. works is dead” (James 2:26). new type of audience which might
Like the disciples in our scrip- Most of the teachers in Christ’s best be called the “on-demand”
ture passage, we, too, have been day focused mainly on the audience.
taught the truth and thus are being intellectual aspects of a subject, but In the book Colporteur Ministry,
sent out to: Jesus addressed the whole being we learn that even the fragments
1. Preach the gospel of His audience, inviting them to of truth-filled publications are
2. Perform miracles, and make a decision in favor of God. precious and every line of printed
3. Confirm the word of God. We (See Mark 1:22.) He taught the truth, matter containing present truth is a
are given the clear command to go because He is the Truth. sacred treasure. Who can estimate
out and preach the gospel. Today, since information is the influence that a torn page
The apostle Paul exclaims, “For so readily available in books and containing the truths of the third
though I preach the gospel, I have over the Internet, this generation angel’s message may have upon the
nothing to glory of: for necessity is assumes that it can learn everything heart of some seeker after truth?
laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, there is to know about life from “Let us remember that somebody
if I preach not the gospel!” (1 Corin- schools and online research. would be glad to read all the books
thians 9:16.) However, some of the best and the and papers we can spare. Every
Men and women of God do not most valuable lessons in life do not page is a ray of light from heaven,
become pastors, preachers, Sabbath come from inanimate objects—but to shine into the highways and the
school teachers, etc., for the purpose rather from people who have lived hedges, shedding light upon the
of obtaining a title or for personal longer than us. pathway of truth.”4
recognition. The blessings of sharing “Thou shalt rise up before the
knowledge and leading others and hoary head, and honour the face of
watching them grow is sufficient of the old man, and fear thy God: I am OTHER AUDIENCES
itself. Glory and rewards await in the Lord” (Leviticus 19:32). One of Besides written or printed pa-
the kingdom of heaven. the best verses about learning from pers, there have also been other
“Preach the word; be instant in those older than ourselves is found forms of audiences which include
season, out of season; reprove, re- in Psalm 141:5, “Let the righteous the following:
buke, exhort with all longsuffering smite me; it shall be a kindness: a) The Face-to-Face Live Audi-
and doctrine” (2 Timothy 4:2). Tim- and let him reprove me; it shall be ence: Most ministries actually occur
othy’s task was to preach the word an excellent oil, which shall not face-to-face. Jesus ministered in
of God not only to his church mem- break my head: for yet my prayer front of a live audience. In the early
bers as they eagerly awaited a word also shall be in their calamities.” It church, sermons, prayer sessions,
from the Lord (“in season”), but also sounds painful doesn’t it? But all evangelical meetings, counseling

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 29

sessions and other kinds of ministry portant communication channels.8
typically took place in front of a live
LIVING IN A DIGITAL WORLD According to Nonprofit Marketing
audience. When we say “digital world,” Guide’s 2016 report, 71% of nonprof-
b) The Broadcast Audience, we are emphasizing that almost the it communication professionals con-
which came into being with the ad- entire world is connected to digital sider social media one of their most
vent of radio and TV technology. technology. Adweek reports that the important channels, second only to
c) The Online Audience, when consumer’s attention is shifting from their website (80%). Therefore, if a
internet technology enabled online television to mobile devices and pastor wants to market his church
media and gave birth to the online social media. People are connecting successfully and increase member-
audience who use the internet to ob- online for more hours a day than ship, social media is no longer a
tain information. almost any other activity. This is “nice to have,” but an essential line
d) The Connected Audience that where our culture is spending its of communication.
has emerged out of the combination life—and this is the new frontier Almost 85% of churches use
of social media and mobile technol- providing opportunities for the Facebook.9 The point here is that
ogy. life-changing presence of the Good Facebook is the king of church social
This latter audience, the connect- News of Jesus Christ. media tools. If the church doesn’t
ed audience, is the hero of our story Researcher Jason Mander at have a Facebook profile set up, that
and the central subject for the rest of Global Web Index recently published should be made a key priority. A
this reading. that the total hours spent online via Facebook page doesn’t just give
PCs, laptops, mobiles, and tablets your members a place to interact
grew from 5.5 hours per day in 2012 with each other—it also gives you
WE SHOULD USE SOCIAL to 6.5 hours per day in 2016. One access to a network of active, online
MEDIA FOR EVANGELISM of the main drivers of this online communities where you can get
Jesus has bid us to go into all engagement is social networks. ideas and ask questions.
the world and make disciples of According to Mander’s research, the Only about 15% of churches
all nations—and to do so in our average person spends two hours are using Twitter and Instagram.
digitalized world, you don’t even every day on social networks like According to Statista, Instagram has
have to leave your home.  We can Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; more than 800 million users, and
now begin to reach and teach the and that number is increasing year Twitter had about 330 million as of
world through a device we hold after year. the end of 2017. That’s an enormous
in our hand, or a small computer Let’s take a look at some of the audience to tap into.
that sits on our lap. The world statistics that illustrate just how Approximately 51% of
has changed, and there are great crucial social media is to church churches claim that at least one
opportunities for the church. growth, how poorly churches cur- staff member regularly blogs or
Throughout history, the method rently take advantage of it, and key posts on social media.10 Consistent
by which the church performed takeaways to help you build (or fix) posting is crucial to social media
the Great Commission has been your social media strategy. success, but the good news is
propelled by technology. For the Research done by Barna Group that social media posting is easy;
apostle Paul, it was the Roman road shows that in 2017, more than half virtually anyone can do it with
system.5 For the Reformation, it was of Bible readers used the Internet some initial guidance.
the printing press. For us today, (55%) or a smartphone (53%) to 62% of churches use social
it is the power of the Internet in access Bible texts—a significant networking to connect with
the palm of the hand of nearly all increase from 2011 (37%, 18% re- individuals outside of their
the members of your church, and spectively).6 People are using the congregation, while an even larger
certainly almost every man, woman, Internet and social media as part number, 73% use social media to
and child in the neighborhood of of their worship routine in ever- interact with their congregation.11
your church. increasing numbers. There is then a Social media is a lifeline to the
In some parts of the planet, need to have an active social media outside community, and one we
particularly in North America, presence to take advantage of that need to use if we want our churches
church attendance is generally fact, since that’s where a big part of to thrive and grow.
on the decline. Even for churches our audience is.
that have a large attendance, the Another research found that
local church only hosts a believer almost 70% of churches offer Wi- GO TO WHERE PEOPLE IN
or seeker for 1–3 hours per Fi for staff and guests.7 If a church THE DIGITAL AGE ARE
week. Yet your congregation and doesn’t offer Wi-Fi, it actually could “Evangelization is a process
everyone they know are spending be driving guests away. of bringing the gospel to
increasingly significant amounts of The Nonprofit Marketing Guide people, especially young people
their waking hours connected on the indicates that more than 70% of (Generation Z),12 where they are,
Internet. nonprofit communicators consider not where you would like them to
social media one of their most im- be. . . . When the gospel reaches

30 The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6

a people where they are, their negatives, and present an awesome
response to the gospel is the church opportunity to further the gospel,
in a new place.”13 which Christ established as being Social media is increasingly
It’s astounding how fast things transmitted socially. The key is to prevalent in our society and contin-
can change in a single year, and not be ignorant of the challenges ues to impact the ways people com-
2019 has a range of surprising statis- and go in blindly—but rather be municate. It’s not a mere trend that
tics on which to reflect. Let’s look at wise as serpents and harmless as will fade away—it’s here to stay.
the statistics for 2019: doves. With the overwhelming majority of
It is therefore up to the church to the world’s population now online,
make use of this remarkable inven- it is the mandate of the 21st century
Social Channel Monthly Active Users1 tion and take the spotlight away church to use this “worldwide pul-
from Satan, who would like to dom- pit” for the great life-changing mes-
Facebook 2.27 billion users inate this fabulous technology with sage of Jesus Christ—the sooner the
peddlers of rubbish. To do so, there better.
Twitter 326 million users
is an urgent need to plan, research, Let us go out with creativity,
Instagram 1 billion users and pray. “A man’s heart deviseth boldness, and these amazing new
his way: but the Lord directeth his tools in our hands to share the best
LinkedIn 260 million users steps” (Proverbs 16:9). news in the world with more peo-
If we choose to venture into this ple than ever before. As Jesus did,
Pinterest 250+ million users digital networking world, we can let us become incarnational—
then learn how our church can best finding ourselves with people
Snapchat 255 million users use social media for only good. wherever they are. The Word be-
There are numerous blogs, web- comes digital and makes its dwell-
YouTube 1.9 billion users
sites, and even companies that can ing accordingly. “With God all
Reddit 330+ million users help churches with social media things are possible”; “With God
best practices or with the technical nothing shall be impossible” (Mat-
WhatsApp 1.5 billion users side of getting a profile up and run- thew 19:26; Luke 1:37). ‰
Flickr 90+ million users Would our churches be able to References:
1 The Desire of Ages, p. 152.
afford the costs of an internet minis- 2 Wikipedia.
Wechat 1.08 billion users try? Yes, if it’s a priority. 3 Testimonies, vol. 5, p. 11.
4 Colporteur Ministry, p. 151.
5 Because of the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) of
Weibo 446 million users Emperor Augustus (27 B.C.–a.d. 14), safe conditions
GIVING FROM HIS WEALTH prevailed when Paul traveled the Roman world. The
Telegram 200 million users Stoic philosopher Epictetus (died around a.d. 135)
God’s work is now to advance declared, “There are neither wars nor battles, nor great
robberies nor piracies, but we may travel at all hours,
Viber 260 million users rapidly, and if His people will and sail from east to west.”
respond to His call, He will make 6 Barna Group (for research, under the umbrella of the
Isaachar Companies, Ventura, California, since 1984.)
Messenger 1.3 billion users14 the possessors of property willing The Word of God is also available to anyone on the
to donate of their means, and thus internet, and online Bibles are being read by people
in countries that prohibit the reading of the Holy
Given the above statistics, we re- make it possible for His work to be Scriptures.
ally can’t deny the incredible benefit accomplished. “Faith in the word 7 LifeWay Research.
8 Nonprofit Marketing Guide complies from the answers

to using social media tools to spread of God will place His people in the of over 1,000 nonprofit professionals who take
the gospel among your own church possession of property which will Nonprofit Communications Trends Survey.
9 LifeWay Research.

members, and to attract new mem- enable them to work the large cities 10 Buzzplant, a Christian-centered digital advertising

that are waiting for the message of agency.

bers by promoting events. 11 Facts & Trends, a platform which has been providing
truth.”15 (See 1 Timothy 6:17–19.) Christian leaders with relevant information, practical
ministry ideas, and biblical resources January 1957.
“We are not to spend our money 12 Generation Z: Those born between 1995–2010 (or
SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE on things that are not essential. 1998–2016). Most Millennials (Generation Y, born
CHURCH: THE GOOD AND God requires that every available between 1980–1994 approximately) remember
the arrival of the internet, as well as the various
THE BAD dollar shall be given to the work of transformations that smartphones underwent in the
early 2000’s.
Strengths: Sharing information opening new fields for the entrance 13 Christianity Rediscovered, by Vincent Donovan

quickly to a wide audience. of the gospel message and in (missionary to the Masai people of Tanzania during the
1960’s and 1970’s).
On the downside: Can consume lessening the mountains of difficulty 14 Statista: Portal with statistics and studies from more

too much time and be a pointless that seek to close up our missionary than 22,500 sources.
15 Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 273.

distraction—or worse yet, a tool to work.”16 16 Manuscript Releases, vol. 10, pp. 216, 217.

promote negativity, curse words, Our money is the Lord’s en-

gossip, slanders, negative news, and trusted capital. It should be held
evil tidings. in readiness to answer the calls in
Still, the positive benefits places where the Lord has need of
of social media outweigh the it.

The Reformation Herald, Vol. 61, No. 6 31

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The Time Has Come

The earth and all its people moan, Deep in our hearts, we know it’s time;
For suff’ring reigns, and it is dark. We know it is the final hour.
Yet we who have great light speak not The Spirit’s poured on all the ones
Like dogs so dumb they will not bark. Who crave that blessed, final shower!

To fail to speak when, yes, we should, Though weariness may tempt us great,
Is nothing less than certain crime. Yet as we look to God’s own light,
The world is surely needing truth We see the glory from on high—
And we must know that now’s the time. The power of His awesome might.

For all they have is but a dream The journey and the toil may seem
Of circus, work, and stirring fright. To tax us by its daunting length.
Yet Christ will come for all to see, But Christ’s own hand extends to us—
Amidst the bleakest hour of night. And clasping it, we gain His strength.

We must not fail to tell the world; Just think—the joy that you will have
God gives to each of us a role. In Heaven seeing those you’ve met!
There’s no excuse for sitting back The ones with whom you shared the truth,
When urgent is the sacred goal! Those moments spent you won’t regret!

The difficulties loom like peaks ’Til finally our days are done
Unreachable, so it may seem. And soon enough His sweet release.
But we are told to trust our King His cross has borne us up on high
And pressing on, the time redeem. And granted us eternal peace!

As each of us shall pray to God So, now we see just but a glimpse
For wisdom how to use each gift, Of God’s amazing work of grace.
To shorten misery and woe— But, oh, the joy, when Christ shall come
And Christ’s return will be so swift! And we can see Him face to face!

—Barbara Montrose

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