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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Forum “If I were a man, if I were a woman”

For this evidence, you have to participate in the forum called “If I were a man, if
I were a woman” in which you have to:

If you are a woman, describe the things you would do differently if you were a
man; or if you are a man, describe the things you would do differently if you
were a woman.

For this forum, you have to make a list of the things you would change if you
were a man, or a woman (if you prefer, you also use the words girl or boy). This
is an example:

There are a few things I would do differently if I were a boy. For example, I
would appreciate girls’ ability to express their emotions. Also, if I were a boy I
would remember to put the toilet seat down. Finally, and I think this is the most
important one: if I were a boy, I would never use the phrase “like a girl” (for
example, you play soccer like a girl) as an insult.

For the second part of this activity you have to read your partners’ posts, select
one and through the button “Responder” write your opinion about your partner

Steps to participate in the forum:

 Click on Activity 4 button in the main menu, then click Evidence: Forum “If
I were a man, if I were a woman”.
 Enter to the sequence, click on Responder, then click on Enviar.
 Select one of the partner’s commentaries and then express your opinion
clicking on the button Responder.
 Type the subject and the content with your opinion, then click on Enviar.

Criterios de evaluación
Comparte información personal para hablar de posibilidades teniendo en
cuenta la estructura gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

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