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Perspektif Keuangan/ Internal/ Subyektif/

non Keuangan Eksternal obyektif
1 Jumlah konsumen baru
2 Persentase keluhan pelanggan
diselesaikan dengan satu kontak
3 Biaya per unit produk
4 Biaya per saluran distribusi
4 Biaya per unit produk
5 Saran per pegawai
6 Biaya kualitas
7 Peringkat fungsionalitas produk
(dari survei)
8 Siklus waktu untuk
memecahkan masalah
9 Persentase pengiriman tepat
10 Persentase pendapatan untuk
produk baru

Soal 2
RWI Company, a small electronics firm, buys circuit boards and manually inserts various
electronic devices into the printed circuit board. RWI sells its products to original equipment
manufacturers. Profits for the last two years have been less than expected. Natalie Henson,
owner of RWI, was convinced that her firm needed to adopt a revenue growth strategy to
increase overall profits. To help in building a viable strategy, Natalie hired a local consultant.
After a careful review, the consultant told Natalie that the main obstacle for increasing
revenues was the high defect rate of her products (a 5 percent reject rate). She was told that
revenues would grow if the defect rate was reduced dramatically. By decreasing the defect
rate, customer satisfaction will increase. With increased customer satisfaction, RWI’s market
share should increase. The following suggestions were made to help ensure the success of the
revenue growth strategy:
1. Improve the soldering capabilities by sending employees to an outside course.
2. Redesign the insertion process to eliminate some of the common mistakes.
3. Improve the procurement process by selecting suppliers that provide higherquality circuit

Illustrate the strategy using a flow diagram

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