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Irishelle Estrada

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

Before continuing your pursuit of your bachelor’s degree in education in schools such as

UNLV, NSC, or UNR you must pass the Praxis Core Exam. As you finish your required general

English and math courses it is best recommended to take the test immediately after finishing the

course. Students are also recommended to take their English and math prerequisites within the

first thirty hours of their college education. The Praxis Core test is separated into three sections

reading, writing, and math. At the end of the writing test, there is an essay writing portion to test

your grammar and writing skills. The passing score for math is 150​; the passing score for reading

is 156, and the passing score for writing is 162. The essay is scored based on a scale of one to

six. With one being the worst and six being the best. You are able to take the sections on

different days or all at once.

Exam Preparation

I have yet taken the official Praxis Core Exam, but I have taken a practice test to prepare

me for the official test. Before taking the practice test I researched what subjects would appear

on the math test to prepare and study. Math has been my weakest subject throughout school, I

spent extra time studying algebra and geometry. I spent about an hour and a half memorizing

formulas they may show up throughout the test. Taking extra steps in math would help me

prepare myself for success in this portion of the test. ​After stying for math I believed I did not need

to​ do much studying for writing and English, I researched what English questions they may ask
and believed I was prepared to take the practice test. I may have rushed through the test and my

scores reflected on it.

Exam Results

I believe I overestimated myself in the English and writing portions of the practice test

which resulted in me getting lower scores. I mainly focused on studying math before the practice

test, I scored higher than I initially thought I was. ​In Math, I scored in the 75% range, which

means that I am very likely to pass the official Praxis test. In writing, I scored in the 65% range,

which means that I need significant improvement in order to pass the official Praxis test. In

reading, I scored 71% range, ​which means that I’m very likely to pass the Math section when I

take the official Praxis Core Exam.

Future Exam Preparation

To prepare myself for the official Praxis Core Exam I will be dedicating time to study

specific material that will be asked on the test. I will be taking extra steps to ensure myself I will

Pass the official test on my first trys. I will register for the Praxis Core Review course offered at

CSN. By taking this course it will help me prepare for the official test and give me more

information on what will be asked during the test. I can also meet other education majors

studying for the test and possibly making a study group. There are also books on websites such

as amazon for the purpose of proving example questions you might come across on the official


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