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Recently I saw a trailer for a TV documentary that is to air systems around the world were about to crash because
later this week. It’s about families known as “preppers.” of the way computers recognized dates. The Year 2000,
These are people who are so convinced that life as we or Y2K, as it became commonly known, was set to be the
know it is to end or that civilization is about to collapse biggest systems failure the world had ever experienced.
that they are preparing for the day it happens. So they’re It never happened.
stockpiling food, water, and survival equipment, which no
Another perceived threat is an asteroid strike. Is one
one is to touch until the day when some unknown disaster
imminent? If so, shouldn’t we all be panicking? Didn’t
occurs – like the failure of the national grid, a natural
the last one wipe out the dinosaurs? Well, according to
disaster, even an asteroid strike – which they say is bound
experts at NASA*, earth is not about to be hit by an
to happen eventually. I have to admit: If society were to
asteroid. They do say that there’s bound to be debris
collapse tomorrow, or if food and energy supplies were to
from space falling on us at some point, although given
be threatened, they are certainly better prepared than my
the fact that around 70 percent of the earth’s surface is
family. We have barely three cans of baked beans and a
water, there’s little chance it’s going to fall on me as I
pack of birthday candles between us. If we are to survive
head for the supermarket.
a catastrophe, we’d better shape up.
There’s always some disaster that’s about to happen.
If the doomsayers are correct, the world as we
And it truly is hard to know what’s real and what’s
know it is to end sooner than we think – which
not. So what’s the average family like us to do?
kind of got me thinking about what threats
Maybe the next time I go to the supermarket,
to our lives are real and which are imagined.
I’ll buy a few more cans of baked beans and
For example, remember Y2K? At the turn of this some large white regular candles. Just in case.
century, there was a great panic that computer *National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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