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Future of English

English is a language very important for the world, in many countries people
speak English because is their native language and in other countries people
study English to have more benefits in their life style. Currently, people know
that with English they could have more advantages than others and for this
particular reason take a decision to learn this language, make English your ally
to grow in many aspects, for socialist or professional careers.
In some countries young people start studying English and forget their native
language, they see in English a way to progress and leave their country, search
new opportunities away from his hometown.One of the reasons that people
forget their native language is the English, this causes native languages to be
forgotten and eventually cease to exist.
Similarly, the grow of the languages in the world each time is more, the people
want to learn more and have more knowledge, try of search methods to
dominate a language. For example, today majority of jobs search workers who
speak at least one language as an important requirement, also people use their
advantage of know other language to travel abroad in search of a better life.
In conclusion, the language English around the world influence many people to
be studied as a sign of success and overcoming in life, they will feel more
complete as a person, well-being, professional and in many other aspects in
society, that’s why being an English speaker opens a range of opportunities to
progress and get success to be complete it.

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