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You are the resident on duty at the NICU and you noticed one preterm patient to have cyclic
breathing pattern with brief episodes of apnea which lasted for around 10 seconds followed by a
rapid respiration at a rate of 50-60 bpm, patient is acyanotic, afebrile with no alar flaring. Which
of the following statements is true of this phenomenon?
a. Patient had transient tachypnea of the newborn
b. Patient had periodic breathing pattern and does not need any treatment
c. Patient is in cardiopulmonary distress which needs an immediate intervention
d. Patient had prolonged apnea and needs prompt evaluation of an underlying primary disease
2. While doing a physical examination of a newborn, you noticed vesiculopapular lesions around
his neck, chin, back and extremities. You suspect a benign lesion, what could it be?
a. Erythema toxicum
b. Postular melanosis
c. Harlequin rash
d. Mongolian spots
3. A 9 year old patient was brought to the ER due RLQ pain, vomiting and fever. Your assessment
highly suggests non-ruptured appendicitis and you are planning to give an antibiotic. What
antibiotic is appropriate for this patient?
a. Triple therapy with ampicillin, gentamicin and metronidazole
b. Ceftriaxone
c. Cefoxitin
d. Piperacillin
4. Abdominal ultrasound was requested in this patient, what would be the expected finding?
a. Sentinel loops of bowel and localized ileus with a fecalith
b. Distended thick walled appendix, inflammatory streaking of surrounding mesenteric fat or
pericecal phlegmon or abscess
c. Colon cut off sign
d. Wall thickness >6 mm, luminal distention, lack of compressibility, complex mass in RLQ or a
5. Which of the following microorganisms can cause a disease even with a small enoculum?
a. Shigella
b. Cholera
d. Campylobacter
6. Compute for the 24 hour maintenance fluid of a 30 kg patient
a. 1550 ml/24hrs
b. 1600 ml/24hrs
c. 1700 ml/24hrs
d. 1800 ml/24hrs
7. T/F: After dengue infection a patient is immune to other dengue serotypes for 2-3 months
8. T/F: In the critical phase of dengue the physician should watch out for fluid overload.

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