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My Philosophy of Nursing

Despite growing up in a family with minimal healthcare professionals, I have known

since a young age that I wanted to work in this field. Over the years, I have experienced highs

and lows associated with healthcare, however I have never been deterred from my path. I have

lost loved ones to accidents and sickness and have experienced the challenges of family members

struggling with addiction. Often, it has been the nurses who have left the greatest impression on

my family during these difficult times. I strive to provide a high level of empathetic care to

patients which will leave a positive impression on them and their families’.

Nursing is a profession that involves caring for, supporting, teaching, and advocating for

others. Nursing is patient-focused and considers the whole person rather than being disease-

focused. I remember learning about the nursing model of care in my first semester of nursing

school and thinking to myself that I chose the correct path. Nurses provide care to patients and

their families with respect and dignity.

Nursing is a science which is informed by research. One of the many roles of a nurse is to

stay informed and up-to-date on the current recommended evidence based practices. Nursing is

also an art which utilizes the head and the heart of the nurse. Nurses must have an appropriate

level of medical knowledge to care for their patients, but they also must be able to engage their

own emotional intelligence in order to provide the highest level of care.

As a new nurse, I will strive to further my knowledge and nursing expertise in order to be

an accomplished and compassionate nurse. My nursing philosophy is characterized by forming

trusting relationships, fostering accountability, and providing holistic and culturally sensitive

care to all of my patients.

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