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Chapter 1


This chapter presents the background of the study, its

objectives, the review of related literature, conceptual

framework, statement of the problem, hypothesis, significance

of the study, and scope and limitation. All parts of the

introduction are substantiated thoroughly by supplying factual

information from various legitimate sources.

Background of the Study

On 31 December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) was

alerted to a cluster of pneumonia patients in Wuhan City, Hubei
Province of China. One week later, on 7 January 2020, Chinese
authorities confirmed that they had identified a novel (new)
coronavirus (COVID-19) as the cause of the pneumonia. Coronavirus
Disease (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by new strains
of viruses (WHO) and is highly contiguous which causes
complications to our respiratory system. The Virus has affected
people worldwide and has been a problem since the spread began
and up till present it has become a major problem, it affected
not only people's lives but as well as the means of living and
our education due

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