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i q : Tee enc ; { Cero ecrenir ad 4 g —___Sponey Jamey ; About the Editor/Translator (Geoffrey James’ experience with the history of magick dates back to h ‘college years, when he studied medieval and Renaissance Geoffrey received a degree in English magna cw: laude from the the computer industry where he has advised Fortune 500 taught university extension courses. Today, when not traveling, MAGICK OF versity of California, Irvine, where he was the Rhodes Scholarship diidate and was elected Phi Beta Kappa. After graduating, he moved: THE ENOCHIAN ‘on emerging technology. clus coer vadaedie ese 4 ‘ous books and articles, spoken at major industry conferences, ites i ‘ona boulder strewn hilt Be Seon neea nc DR JOHN DEE The Most Powerful System of Magick ‘To Write to the Editor/Translator in Its Original, Unexpurgated Form If you wish to contact the author or would like more i about this book, please write to the author in care of Llewellyn wide, and we will forward your request. Both the author EDITED & TRANSLATED BY GEOFFREY JAMES guarantee that every letter written to the author can be ans all will be forwarded. Please write to: Llewellyn’s New Worlds of Mind and Spirit ‘St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A. Please enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope for reply, to cover costs. If outside the US.A., enclose international reply coupon. ‘The Enochian Magick of Dr. Joh Dee. © 1984, 1994 by Geotfrey James: Al i the United States of America. No part oft ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Téhank C. R. Runyon (ofthe Church of Hemetic Scenes), & David G. Kennedy Second Printing, 1998 Previousl Heptangie Books, Gillette, New Jersey on wee Sy dy Foca oD ob De (988) ‘in the carly stages ofthis projec, & (especially) Daniel Driscoll Cover design by Linda Norton Sor his patience, advice, & unstir Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 10 bring this volume to publication. ‘Dee, John, 1527-1608 . {Enochian evocation of Dr. John Dee] ‘The Enochian magick of Dz. John Dee / edited & translated BY Bs frey James ‘gl are reproduced by permission ofthe British Library. pom Originally published: The Enochian evocation of Dr. Jot D illette, NJ: ‘Books, 1984. ee we = Prbiers nome ‘Unmadyn Workiwide does so parscptn ence xve sy uty or ince tens beteeen or chor the "Sima aden trader ora bat the pbb canot nies ecto by th ute, give ont an addres pe mabe. Worldwide, Ltd. A Division of Llewellyn’ ‘P.O. 64389, St. Paul, MN 55161-0383 cat |e TABLE OF CONTENTS to the Llewellyn Edition i xij BROR ONE: THE MAGICK OF ENOGH © carrer 1. The Fall of Man 1 CHAPTER J. The Wisdom of Enoch 3 ‘CHAPTER 1). The Fall of Enoch’s Magick 6 CHAPTER 1v. The Reestablishment of Enoch’s Wisdom 8 ‘cuAriER V. The Nature of This Wisdom 40 ‘CHAPTER VI. General Considerations of This Art 4 |OOK TWO: THE MYSTICAL HEPTARCHY 17 Garren 1. Of the Title & General Contents of This Book with Some Needful Testimonies 17 cuuarrer 1. Of John Dee & His Interest to Exercise the Doctrine Heptarchical 21 CHAPTER 1). Some Remembrances of the Furniture & Circumstances Necessary in the Exercise Heptarchical 29 ‘uarten tv. Some Notice of the Peculiar Forms & Attire Wherein the Kings, Princes & Ministers Heptarchical Appeared & Some of Their Actions & Gestures at Their Appearance 39 GHarren v. The Oration to God to Be Spoken De. JOHN DEE ~ Every Day, Three Times Successively | Harter vi. The Devout and Pious Invitations to the Good Heptarchical Angels ‘CHAPTER vy. Some Recital & Contestation of the Peculiar Offices, Words, & Deeds of the Seven Heptarchical Kings & Princes 39 OK THREE: THE FORTY-EIGHT ANGELIC KEYS 65 ‘ty. Such tantalizing speculation is unlikely to be confien however. It is interesting to note, in this regard, that a form Enochian lettering appears in certain editions of Masonic Encytlopedia. It is, however, unlike Dec's Enoch alphabet. T'm offen asked the question: “Are the Enochian angels real ‘Usually I pawn the questioner off with an evasive remark Tike “Doctor Dee certaialy thought that they were.” This is p ‘editorial cowardice on my part and I believe I owe the re the questionable benefit of my own opinion on the subject. As I best understand it, Enochian angels are unlikely to Be “real” in the sense of being composed out of atoms, partic ‘waves, or quantifiable material. On the other hand, I b that angels may represent aspects of the human consciousnes that all of us share. In that way, they exist in collective scious, which is, in some ways at least, more “real” than, physical world. ‘Another question I'm also asked is: “Have you ever rie Enochian magic?” This question I will leave unanswered. I however, mention that I remember feeling uneasy when I working on the original material. I had a quite distinct ‘don that somebody was looking over my shoulder, a s that tickled the hairs on the back of my neck. Other scholars have related similar experiences. It’s am undeniable fact that curious things happen to p who are interested in this arcane subject. of such an cvent. Nancy J. Mostad, Acq ment Manager at Llewellyn, dreamed about Enochian and was given a copy of my book, just a few days before I co tacted her. But for this possibly fortuitous dream, you might m be holding this book in your hands. Georrrey JAM Bavaria, Germany July 1993 PREFACE Geoffiey James . ‘Tux Exocitax Evocariowisbased on the m Bebks of Doctor John Dee, the fmous ‘with Edward Kelly, who, ‘angels. diaries & work- the ceremonies that Dee ane, oo a ‘Dee believed that each was of ra benefits Mankind snd singer than his more mundine si. De Phaned bis disetaction T have oe Pacoee Sieg ae ng of ‘eral andar fo that Gaf'swiskim, Bete te ome of te he ame lene de fe a may Se ee ci ad sed mb xmy gseg cat Poadrin av ved hy om ig fan on "a mai al yer could find no eal intybe bey Clo oF swulgar echool, doctrine, or Dec felt that Siroug the proce of magic onl he be able to learn those er ‘Like Lather, Dee rejected the Be re accra braciry i Ook, BaD a tried this doctrine one stcp further, believing that holy revelations ‘© From Dee's Preface to Sloane mc. 3188. xij cHOFREY janes ‘could be obtained by praéticing the magic of the ancient Heb ‘Thad read in books and records how Enoch enjoyed i ‘answerable various good ‘conversation, end how God was familiar with Moses, and how to the Action: and on his knces at angels were sent to Abraham, Toa, Jacob, Joshua, Gideon, Hires io, el to prayer and enreaty. In Daniel, Tobias, and others, end nde mation 19 God © : good Creatures or the this Action, And within a eon es) he a gi of ve te ne “Kellys skrying was destined to produce what is perhaps the most great doubts. T considered, geal lieranure of the Renaissance. etn cow prophets and ses to give anaes to the common peopl chadlatan who bsicated visions Ot Oa fraud mkv ai Sie asacns ati tmnr attaining his won mt fore I wes sifcicntly tought end confirmed that Iwould never at wisdam by imon’s hand or by human power, but only from Thave alweyt had ¢ great regard and care to beware of the dese of ch cs wilagly or wisiogly ee ov conse with itual creatures of the danoied sort: angels of darkness, forgers, ptt of lies and untruths. Instead I have flown unto God through he prayer, ful of end i sendy manners. tween al fibuted to the spirits. lowing exerpt is representative of his prowess: The heavenly cope hath ie him nature's fower Tivo hidden, ba the rest to sight appear: Kelly believed Wherein the sperms of all the bodies lower y might discover the philosopher's tone that wo Most secrete ne, yet spring forth once « yare.§ into gold. Dee was hesitant at first, but when "Sloane as. 3188; Passages marked March 10, 1585. ‘they performed a ceremony, it was far more succcssfu {Femnca Yates, Gordan Brno an the emetic Train, London: 196 than anything Dee had ever experienced: fut ‘edu A True and Foil Relation of What pel for fn Dee. ad soe ‘f Ibidene en Ravens Di ‘Spirits, London: 1639 Py 28 cpablished His buyldings 1s them become caves forthe bats of he eld Cpe aie nanos ‘For y? ppl ee PAS Tr seems in sible that this passage could have been q vwoimen’ sea oa al So tng lal Tene such passages of eldrich beauty at: Gave wings ft we dr yr ves fm fie than the baren sta Sle gi oy yr feat hae map lec ‘Kelly may ‘alk in biblical dialeos quite ee eae outlige & Rapa Pl 9 pe PREFACE Kelly was having trouble distinguishing between oe ‘He complained of = great str and moving in his brains, very sensible and distinc, as pattieenind shape and Eneaments going up and down, to Df ki bots nd wikia ssl aa his own, E er Wtasaks thet.mucs ade I, Emericu, aa ther Kad to stop or hold him...At length we let him go in Tis doublet and hase, without a cap or hat on his head: and into the savect he hastened with his brother's rapier drum. The rage and fory was 0 great in words and gesture as might plainly prove that ested ey Sap Se cer seem of me, or of his Kelly's behaviour was so bizarre that Dec was aftaid that: Kelly was by the devil, one of the time's standard diagnoses foe insanity. Det hed ently dace at ws ptfomn- ing black magic of their work 3 ee era carne ona ‘own private diary: Hirrenie & matipliia heeiom, © biphemiaom i as A ti Jet Cais lee inborn Sie remunciare, & omnes illoram fraudes deeper... Convers E. K, ad Deum, abizatis omnibus Diabolics experimentis§ ‘The- “horrible heresies’ that the ‘evil angels’ had revealed to Kelly were, in the context of the time, insane. They questioned the ‘heresies in his diary: ieee 3 iden p x5¢: Manifold bonibe | heretics Aoctiacs, ‘in which chey eat the how of Jonas Christ but he wat lel to put aide thee ‘ev ange and all dhcis ands... spoke with E. K. about God, elling him 1 ive over all his Duabobal expermmests x GEOPSREY Janes and so the fint tw attain the gnosis that they sought§. The Gnostic: attributed works of magic to Enoch, such as the two great Books of 0, whick Enock wrote when I spoke wit kim from the Tree of Raowlelge, which were in the paradise of Adam*. “The word Iso suggests that the’ books contained conjurations with words much like those of the Pists Sophia or the Angelical keys the legendary origin of the Books in the garden of Eden recalls the claim that the Angelical language was that which Adam verily spake in innocence. Like many Gnostic texts, che Angclical keys emphasize the ‘opening of ‘gates’ into various mystical realms. The Book of the Great Logos, 2 Gnostic text associated with the Books of itou, contains the following passage: The guardians of the Gates of the treasure will open them, and they will pass upwards and ever inwards through the following spaces, tod de poten elog and firey them tice myriad a names of power: te Orders oftke Three Amens...Wi ure is ¢ Door or Gate, and without three Gut _gotes has tree guardians + Compare the above pasage with the following from Kelly's serying: 2 Every table hath his key, every key openeth his gae, and fae Meg ogous girl Late: of cll of ds ee the mysteries of those things whereof he is an enclosure. Within these Palaces you shall find things that are of power..for every Palace i shee Ia Cy and our Cp is alooe hes Baten Both Gnostic and Angelical magic place emphasis on the m1 49. For example, the Piris Sophia states that the reflection of ‘supernal projections, powers, or c-pariner: ofthe Sophia [when] looked from without, make en ordering into forty-nine 5 while the apoce Vide: The Seowts of Ench, published in The Laut Books of the lerdal acon Becks 4 —— $Camabon op tp 8. EM op. at, pars, PREFACE oxi ‘the Savior state that no ‘is higher than the cyl oie oy ey of te Se Fos the Nine-and-Forty Powers and Numbers.* 49 powers recall the 49 good angels or even the Angelical keys themselves, which Kelly's spirits described as: 40 voyces , or callings, which are the Natural Keys, to open...Gates of shall have knowledge to move every Gate, and to call out as many es you please...and wisely open unto you the secrets of thetr Cities..f ‘The possibility that Kelly did plagiac: ions of the Enc Eoveon would mul applic pec es rclical language in his scrying, as as listic variations im his work. However, the similarity Sstwent Kaipeesyie and Gnostic magic, while undeniable, is not sufficiently strong to build a direct textual connettion. ‘A serious objection to the theory that Kelly plagiarized vis- ions is the way that the keys were revealed. The first five keys were dictated, letter by lettce, backwards, while the rest were dictated forwards, without any signit ercors, The bulk of single day, well afer the they match their Angel- Pica enuse 7. Kelly would have had to be capable of exraordinary feats of rancmonic virmwosiry, if he wtil- jcal text as source material for the contain some seem to indicate ‘presence of the of the ceremonies, standard test for the of is pre- ‘vents could have been known.t However, the ‘spirin’ predicted other eveats that never took place. ‘thdem, pos. 516 & 523. ‘Cesar, op GP. 77- [DIG dlp recone Eh Diesen, Tendon: kin, 197, B38 xij GEOFFREY JAMES eet a i Enochian dictionary, on the other hand, Another clasic test for the presence of the supernatural isthe uae och in word speaking of « tongue with which the posexed is not fila, ax gut Sigel y ‘Daring one ceremony, Kelly begsn repeating Greek words, but re eed cri ak cciaeck ete: hhe soon became frustrated and interrupted with: Unless ou peel nek eS fs somne etal some language that I can understand, Twill express no move of his ea oe ae Gili. Caio, the Geek tans into warning to Dez ne ae ion thes yeaa ana ee not to trust Kelly. pega decide Se ceo Bt Angel ngage in me tng ape peers where the é = tn teristics Feces cae English. Foc example, Naso Carr f Nipats is glowed a: Sie cate Gat i oar beni roel ao ‘awaye, but not your noyses. Since this is Mere as logge As Be Vinci had - weds aa over e ‘Thunderers of Judgement and Wrath, what is probably mae = ictated, (Gaur ir Nanas i eve sberever you ore and come heey eal ar ee it ke dindering nos. ‘The Angel langage expresses the Micon peak cee oii a Cocco ach mor ccna han pose a, fen ‘language’ that spici “speak! ic Angclical word Teocvovis is as in that is I. Fa ae ty eee veld bs oe a ee actually 2 contraction of Teocs (death) and Vovin Gnomes would Wetoelly ating Commeicon wean (Gago) ieally‘deat-dragr— ference Sans easr~ 2t . ti st as Wor “ELOCVOVIM are much more Seed cea new concep: ther tha to moet ont ron Gonimae ae Engi In sor, the Angel ngage Gen golly pooomteao! Sieecedsr of tom aed cca no mor: like chan any other non-English language; the ‘The letter arrangement would appear somewhat random and face that there are some matches is not significant. sore like « Cabbaa than spoken tague, And fal the gee Diner sr scemrnti comin vireste; tol ern tem of numbers would not be based on 10, since along with a ns ical words. Kelly dictated leter by letter lack of vocal chords, non-material entities would have ltde use rs I from a table that he saw in the crystal, as shown from Kelly's for fingers = aa, ‘The Angclical ngage exhibits most of these charsGetistcs description that Dee recorded: ‘There are no onomatapeioz in Angelical. Angelical contractions [The angel] hath « rod or wand in his is of Gold_.He such as Terocvovat and Jaotassiouen are conceprually conven= szandeth upon his round table of Christal or rather Mother of Pear: ‘ent, but have not been edited for easier pronunciation. Many There appear an infurite number of letters om the same, as thick as Angelical words feature unpronouncable strings of consonants. an stand by another...He standeth and pointeth with his rod t9 the Angelical letecr arrangements appcar to be random, and the lan= letters of his Table, as if he made some account or reckoning’. guage stated tobe the source langage for Hebrew and chs Furthermore, if Angelical leter arrangement has random charse- So, Bi iplied. Faually, Angeical members are inconspass teristics, as Laycock claims, then the English-like — ‘Sing any knowa base or aumbcring schemet. cannot be aa inhcrenr quality of the itself. Far more gu Pal Rh he Neto of Lens Da Vin New Vk ee Oe ee te 297s VOLE 397 fines Pee #Casabon, of cit p. 73- Uber. Bs 64. xiv Grormasy janes he wished to speak the keys in a ceremoa yas Ling Hoh adapted them as weil as he could native pei yaiagheaty pea ‘There appeared a great flame of fre in the principal Stone....Sud- denly one seemed fo come in at the fourth window of the Chappel. the stone was heaved up a handful high and set down again. The one at the window seemed...with spread-abroad arms 10 come to ELK, at which sight, he shrinked back somewhat, and then that cies Sot both his hands the stone and feane of gold, and mounted up away as he come EK. catched at it, but he mance ed Was Kelly a charlatan, a peychotic,« plagiarst, ora true skryer? phe disinchon was soncatet in Kells own mind, becuse diferentinting between these states required a wel-defined sense ofecalry. There is n0 simple explanation for Kellys actions. He ieee Gees 33 es a ‘ pee HE and linet: phenoneas- Fores on an almost daly Eos inc abnormal land hypoos sae, pagucl by Rally caed to leave, Dee would coerce him to remain by playing on his guilt and fear. It was Dee, not Kelly, who was gaining the benefit from the magical ceremonies, for it sated his Tust for ‘eadical truths’. 'A single incident epitomizes the difference between the atti- sacs of the two men’ The spss demanded that Dee and Kelly have sexual relations with each other's wives. Whether the sug- gestion came from Kelly's subconscious or from some other source is not important; what is important is the reaétions of the two men. Kelly was appalled and, in a rare Iucid moment, insisted that Dee include a written protest in his magical diaies: I, Etward Kelly, by good and provident determination and consid- ‘eration in these Actions, that is to say, appearings, shews ‘made, and voycesuttered..have from the beginning thereof (which at large by the records appewett) not only doubted and disliked Coch Insnuations ace ie ca teen eel te the exercises thereof. they (have) suged and commanded in the name of Gad a Doctrine Danmable and contrary t9 the Laves of God.* * Casaubon, op. ct, Scoond page 17. xi GrormeY yaucs ‘Dee had his own doabrs, and for the first time calls the spice “sppariions't, Buc De= was not to admit that the ‘rad~ ical truths! might have had less than divine origia, and, against _rasract xvi First would ait him.* orate asa ing Gets wisdom f0 Mankind. Dee ted power oud the thebold of sesce. While Devs nace this lst doctene’), Des deew up an claborate contract that in ‘blind Bish in the reality of Kellys skeying cuesed others to bs : ‘Sc ne min dar Dsl di mt se this doctrine and doings should unto no mortal be disclosed, but (Once the news of his: sical practices ad become knowl- among us ihe sider aud for i hehe mee cs ae ‘his house and. swere partly destroyed by amb all and every four of us do request..that the sudden ignorant peasants, And Lape neon death may light and fall onto the disclaser and on him or her to whom. Dee died in abjott poverty, still praéticing (Georrazy Janes The great loses and damages which I have sustained do not grieve my heart x mach as the rash, lewd, fond, and most untrue fables and reports of me and ical suds. Even in the last years of his life, Dee was willing to stand trial for Witchcrafi, convinced that even the repressive courts under te Ages, New Yat, Srnec s970.9. tis Anlbchcy of Cee THE GOLDEN TALISMAN (Vide: Avrenprx A, @Y., p. 187-88.) BOOK ONE THE MAGICK OF ENOCH St st power of his partaking with God and His good Angels was ex- alted, and so became holy in the sight of God. §. The Casting Out of Adam. ‘S@But Coronzon (for so is the name of that mighty devil), en- ‘vying man's fcicty, and perceiving that the substance of man's Icssee part was frail and unperfect in respect to his purer essence, ‘begin to assail man, and to prevailed. By offending so, man be- ‘came accursed in the sight of God, and so lost both the Gardea of Felicity and the judgement of his undersunding, but not wt- terly the favor of God. Bur he was driven forth (as your setip- ‘ares record) unto the Earth which was covered with brambles, ‘StAdam received punishment for his offence, in that he was ‘turned out into the earth, and so did Adam, accuned, bring all misery and wretchednest into the world, But in the same instant when Adam was expelled, the Lord gave unto the world her r A vision yet remaineth, but the true forms and pronunciatic los. ‘Thecefore Hebrew is not of that force hat it was inka ‘original dignity; ‘much less is ie to be compared with this lane Senge hat we deliver, which Adam verily spake in i Sr fg ben et er dod tens Rot Gees me Vda Te One Jo, Enoch was wise and fall of the spirit of wisdom. §2. The Prayer of Enoch. S8Thrice a day did Enoch tale with God, and cis was his prayer: CAN tae Vesa: OF FEAR, FRAGILITY, OX THAT WHICH 1S OF A determined proportion, lift up himself, heave up his hands, and gather the sun into his bosom? Lord, it cannot be. Lord, my ii ion is great. Lord, 1am less than sand. Lord, thy good. ‘Angels and Creatures excel me by far, for our proportion is not alike and our senses agrecth not. ‘s#Notwithstanding I am comforted. For we all have ene God, all one beginning from thee, and all respect thee as Creator. ‘Therefore I will call upon thy name and in thee T will become mighty. Thou shalt light me, and I will become a Sex. I will sce thy Creatures and will magnify thee amongst them. ‘Those that come into thee have the same gate, and through that same gate descend those that thou sendest. Behold, 1 will ‘offer my hovse, my labour, my heart and soul, if it will please thy Angels to dvell with me and with chem—to rejoice with me that I might rejoice with them—to minister unto me that 1 sige magaily thy same + Dr. Joun Dez they prescribe no laws unto thee, chus itis not mect chat I pres seribe laws unto them. What ie pleases them to offer unto me, Twill ceive. Behold, Oh Lord, ifT shall cll them in thy name, be it unto me in mercy, as unto the servant of the Highest, Let them matifest unto me, howsoever I shall call them and at whatever time, Oh Lord, is there any who is mortal that cin measure the heavens? How, therefore, can the heavens enter into man’s Inne agination? Thy Creatures are the glory of thy countenance and thereby thou glorifist all things; but this glory excelleth and is jar above my un ; Te is erear wisdom 10 speak with ‘Kings according to one’s understanding, but to command Kings is not wisdom unless it come from thee. MBehold, Lord, how shall I ascend into the heavens? The ait will not carry me, but resisecth my folly. 1 fall down, for | am of the earth. Therefore, oh thou very light and true comfort, that canst command the Heavens: Behold, I offer these Tables ‘unto thee. Command them as i pleaseth thee. Oh you Ministers and tue lights of understanding, who govern this earthly frame and the cleménts wherein we live: Do for me as for the servant of the Lord. For unto me it has pleased the Lord to talk of you. MBehold, Lord, thou hast appointed me so times. Thrice 50 ‘times I will lift up my hands unto thee. Be it unto meas it Pleaseth thee and thy holy Ministers. I require nothing but thee, ‘through thee, and for thy honor and glory. Yet I hope that I shall be satisfied and shall not dic (as thou hast promised) until thou gatherest the clouds together to judge all things. And in that moment I shall be changed and dwell with thee forever, Enocaian Evocarion “The Book of Brock Bate id fe dap hee ape to Eos Got whch i ace sow to be maid noe spoken of, Bo enjoyed the rt of God, his promis, and rere the bene of is fh, Hse may de we ara wim; for whet doh tun do thas not corel? stAnd Enoch sid mt he Lod: Lat the by reer of ey mary, ad he tht le he te of ht fer me Ot mtd my fot. A Tord was pleased. So after 50 days, Enoch wrote, and this was the tide of his books: Ler raose raat Feax Goo AND ARE WORTHY Ruan. carter iy THE FALL OF ENOCH'S MAGICK. 7 fe The Unworthy Read Enoch's Book. 5 SAJUT sero, rue rroete waxep wicezp & mzcame Bg) wsrightcocs, and the spirit of the Lord was far off ‘and gone away from them. So that those that were ‘unworthy began 10 read. And the kings of the b us against the Lord: What is it that we cannot do, & sho is he thet can resist ws ? 4 §2. The Lord Sends Wicked Spirits. 7 ‘StAnd the Lord was vexed, and he sent in amongst them 150 lions, spirits of wickedness, error, and deccit, And they appeared tunto the kings of the earth, fox the Lord had put chem berween those that are wicked and hic good Angels. And these spirits ‘began to counterfeit the doings of God and His power, for they fad power given to them to do so, And the memory of Enoch washed away. §3. Enoch's Magick Forgotten. The knowledge of mystical figures and their we is the gift of God delivered unto Enoch and (by Enoch’s request) unto the ‘ichfal, chat they might have the true use of God’s Creatures, and of the carth whercon they dwell. So hath the Devil deliv cred unto the wicked the signs and tokens of his error and hatred towards God, so that they, in using them, might consent in their will and so become partakers with him in his reward, which is ztermal damnation. These signs they call Characters—a lament- able thing—for by these many souls have perished. For the do- ings of the Agyptisns seem, but are not so. The doings of the Lord are, and continue to be. But, as the painter imitates the getures of man, so doth the Devil imitate the substance and ‘Exocuan Eyocarion: = Concerning Satan, ee oe al een ee eee Hath be pot built a fort on the whole earth? Hath be not victory over the Saints? Duclleth he not in the temple of the Highest? “Triumpheth he nat in the cities of the world ? But without com= {fort are his victories and without pleasure are his dwelling places, for he knoweth that his time ist hand. He that now kath free- dom stall become bound. He unto whom the whole world is a garden, there shall not be one foot left. Therefore are all his pleasures vanity, all his triumphs smoke, and his authority no thing but a meer shadow. cuarren tw. THE REESTABLISHMENT OF ENOCH'S WISDOM. = The Lord is Divpleaied With Man. Gopatan, xareine mv ms ALMIGHTY BOSOM THE ‘image and form of all things, looked down upoa the earth, and said: Let us now go down amongst ‘the sons of men. Bot he saw that all things grew ‘Contrary to their creation and nature, either keeping their dig- nities and secret virtue shut up in obscurity, or else rotously per- ‘850 then he said: Behold, I delight notin the World. The Elements ‘re defiled. The sons of men are wicked, their bodies ae become dung. Alls, and the inward parts (which are che secret chambers oftheir heats) sre become the dens and dungeons of the damned. Therefore, I will haw my spirit from amongst them, and they shall Become more drunken, «and their ignorance shall become such as never was before..2o, not since ‘the fall of the heavens ! For, Lo, the time is come, and he that is the ‘Son of the Unrighteousness liveth. Unto him shall be given strength ‘and power. The kings ofthe carth shall become mad, yea, even raging ‘mad, yea, even unto the third madness in the depth oftheir own imagi- ation. But 1 will build my temple in the woods and in the desert ‘places and will became a serpent in the wildemess. $2, The Lord Relenteth. ‘SMLo, the Thunder spake, and the earth became misty and fall cof fog, so that the soul of man might sleep in its own confusion, ‘The second Thunder spake, and there arose spirits, such 28 are for Soothsayers, Witches, Charmers, and Seducers. ‘They have centered into the holy places and have taken up their seats im man. S4Woe be unto the carth, for she is corrupted. Woe be unto the earth, for she is surrendeced to her adversary. Woe be unto the Exoauan Evocanion 9 arth, for she is delivered into the hands of her enemy. Yea, ‘woe be unto the sons of man, for their vessels are poisoned. But ‘even then said che Lord: I will be known in the wilderness and will Triwmph in my weakness §5. The Lord Sends Raphal to Dee & Kelly. S#And lo, he called you. And you became drunken and foolish with the spirit of Gad. The Lord said: Descend, for he calleth. And so Raphal (who had brought up your prayer) descended, and he was full of the power and spirit of God. And he delivered 2 Doctrine—neither painted nor carved nor imagined by man— ‘but simple, plain, fall of strength and the power of the Holy Ghost. This doctrine began, 2s man did, nakedly from the carth, but is yer the image of perfection. It is this sel-same Art which is delivered unto you as an infallible docarine, For now it hath pleased God to deliver this Doctrine again out of darkness and to fulfil his promise with thee for the Books of Enoch. And to thee he sayeth as he said to Enoch: Let those that are worthy under stand this, by thee, that it be one witness of my promise towards thee. Enocetan Evocation © curren v. See ‘parts; therefore you may do anything. ‘These calls are the keys pala into the Gates and Cities of wisdom, which cannot be opened, ‘bot with visible apparition. This is according to the former in- 1. Te whom this Wisdom isto be Spoken. ‘seuctions and is to be bad by he calling of every Table. IS Wistous os wot sou argens ce be Any Crea ‘SsThese arc the holy and mystical Calls delivered, which fol- thing, neither is it to be talked of with man's im. Jowcth in practice for the moving of the Tables that control the agination. For this work is the gift of God, which ‘Kings and Ministers of government. Their utterance is of force, is all power, and so doth He open it in a tongue and moveth them to visible apparition. Moved and appeared, "PoWer, tO the intent that the proportions may agree in them~ they are forced (by the Covenant of God delivered by his spirit) selves. For it is written, Wisdom sitteth upon a hill, and bee to render obedient and faithful society. They will open the mys- hholdeth the four winds, and girdeth herself together as the bright- teries of their creation, as far as shall be necessary: and give you ness of the morning. But she is visited by only a few, and dwele ‘understanding of many thousand secrets, wherein you are yet but lech alone as though she were a widow. children. For every Table hath his key, every key openeth his §2. Concerning the Tables of Enoch. gate, and every gate being opened, giveth knowiedge of him- We instrace and infos you, according to this Docirinc dom self of the entrance, and of the mysteries of those things whereof livered, that which is contained in the 49 Tables. In 49 voycesy ‘he is an enclosure. Within these Palaces you shall find things of callings, which are the Natural Keyes to open those (not 49. ‘hat are of power. For every Palace is above his City and every bat 48, for One is not to be opened) Gates of understanding. City above his entrance. You shall have knowledge to move every Gate, and to call out SMa these keys which we deliver, are the mysteries and secret as many 2s you please, or shall be thought necessary. ‘They cam ‘beings and effects of all things moving, and moved within the very well, rightcously, and wisely open unto you the secrets of world. In this is the life of Motion, in whom all tongues of their Cities, and make you understand perfectly that which i Bp Ge woeld are moved, for there is neither speech nor silence that contained in the Tables. Through this knowledge you shall fa shall be: bo. he ah OF th cele easily be able to judge, not as the world doth, but perfectly: of $4. Concerning the Primenal Language. the world, of all things contained within the compass of Nature, SiThus you see the necessity of this tongue, the excellency of it, and of all things which are subject to an end. and why it is preferred before that which you call Hebrew. For $3. Conceming the Angelic Calls or Keys. ‘it is written that every lesser consenteth to its greater. Our wis- S$Unto this Doctrine belongeth the perfect knowledge, and = dom shall prove Rhetoric. In this language, every leter signi maembeace of the mystical Creatures. fh these keys which wa ffcch the member of the substance whereof it speaketh. Every deliver, are the mysteries and secret beings and effects of all things ‘word signifieth the essence of the substance. The lemers are moving, and moved within the world, These calls touch alll ‘separated, and in confusion: and therefore, are by numbers gath- arts of the World. The World may be dealt with, and ber ‘ered together, which also signify a number. For as every greater containeth his lesser, 90 are secret and unknown forms of things 30 2 De, Jons Daz knit up in their parents. Being known in number, they ate caily distinguished, so that hercin we teach places to be numbered, leeters to be elected from the numbered, and proper words from the leners, which signify substantially the thing that ix spoken of in the'center of the Creator. Exoaman Evocanow n $6. Concerning the Great Table of the Quarters. (SETHE Gneat Tancs or naan QuanTERS CONTAINETH THE FOLLOW- jing: 1. All human knowledge. % 2. Out of it springeth Physic. 4 5- The knowledge of all elemental Creatures amongst you, how ee ee ee ‘StEven as the mind of man is moved at an ordered speech. ‘that live in the air, those that live im the waters, t Sead peeedel nding deras ows es de cared in the earth, and those of che fire (which is the secret life of all God stirred up in themselves when they hear the words with things). 4 The knowledge, finding, and ue of metals, the ‘which they werenursed and brought forth. For nothing movedh, Ee that is nor persuaded; neither can anything be persuaded that is conjoining and knitting together of natures, ‘The destruction of unknown. Without this lnguage, the Creatures of God under=. alll narare and of things that may perish. 16. Moving from place stand you not. You are not of their Cities; you are become to place, as, in this country or that country at your pleasure, enemies, because you are separated by ignorance from Him chat 7. The knowledge of all mechanical crafts. ‘~ §. The transmu- governeth the City. tation of forms, but not essence. The knowledge of the secrets §5- Concerning the 91 Earttly Princes. of men. SMThe Call of the Thirry Aires surnmons the of Princes and spiritual Govemors unto whom the earth is delivered 2s a por- tion. They bring in and depose kings and all governments upan_ ‘the carth, and chey vary the natures of things with the variation Judgement ix alceady opened. They are govemed by the 12 ans ‘gels of the 12 Tribes, which arc, in tura, governed by the 7 thay stand before the presence of God. j ‘SfLet him that can see, look up. Let him that can hear, attend, for this is wisdom. They are all spirits of the Air, not rejected, fire to the earth, there are 30 places or abidings, one above and. beneath another, wherein these Creatures have their abode, for curr vi GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS OF THIS ART. . §x._ An Thou Worthy to Read ? ez TUS sarru rue messencens oF THE Gop oF Wispoat; Sis your worthiness such that you merit such. mercy? Are your vessels cleansed and made apt YA} to recive and hold the sweet liquor of pure ic not proud of the gifts of God, but become ham= He, Do not justify yourself in respect that this is the word Ged delivered unto you for your own selves, The more you receive, be the more thankful. The more you be ia the strength ‘of God, the more use you the pareness of humility. You called for Wisdom, and God hath opened unto you his, Judgement, He hath delivered unto you the keys chat you may) cater. But be humble. Enter not of presumption, bat of per~ mission. Go not in rashly, but be brought in willingly. For many have ascended, but few have entered. ‘Therefore be dile igent that you may enter in, not as spoilers, but as such as desezve entertainment in the name and through the power of the Highest. For great are the mercies of God unto such as have faith, §2. Deal not with Wicked Spirits. Ms long as thou dealest with wicked spirits, the Lord will back his hands and thou keepest back the Lord. If thou wilt be the minister of God, if thou wilt go forward in His work, if thou wile see the happy times that are to come, thou must abe stain from evil. Thou must sweep thy house clean, Thou must put on thy best garments and must become humble and meck, SLet not thy life be 2 scandle to the will of the Lord, and 10) the greatness of his works. For the power that is within thy soulis of great force and the abilicy to perform those things ‘that proceed with power. This is the cause that the wicked ones a ENOCHIAN EVOCATION 1s cobey thee, for they fear themselves when they see the seal of ‘thy Creation. Remember that there is a continual fight between ts and Satan, wherciu we vanquish by patience. The Devil is the fhe of capi, wo doe wily inf the Ses imagin= on, mings forms with my utterance. Water is oe ‘phemous insinuation. The son of God never did convert all, either did all that did hear him, beliove. Therefore, where the ret of God is, is also Satan. $5 .Conceming the Book, Vestments, & Days. ‘SSThe book consieteth fest of the invocation of the names of ‘God, and second of the invocation of the Angels, by the names ‘of God. Their offices are manifest. s8Four days after your book is made, you must only call upon those names of God or of the God of Hosts, in those names. And 14 days after, you shall (in seme convenient place) call the Angels by petition and by the name of God unto which they are obedient. st On the fifteenth day, you shall cloth yourselves in vestures made of white linen and so have the apparition, use, and practice of the Creatures. ‘SMFor this Art is not a labour of years, nor many days. {4 Conclusion. sSThus hath God kept promise with you, and hath delivered you the keys to his storchouses, wherein you shall find (if you enter wisely, humbly, and patiencly) treasures worth more than the frames of the heavens. Therefore, examine your books. Confer ‘one place with another, and learn to be perfect for the practice and cateance. SHTbinkest thou that we speak that is not true? Then thou shalt never know the mysteries of all the things that have been spoken. If you love together and dwell together, and in one God, then God will be merciful unto you, bless you, com- fort you, and strengthen you unto the end. More would I say but words profit not. God be amongst you. BOOK TWO THE MYSTICAL HEPTARCHY OF THE DIVINE CREATION ITSELF TO BE READ BY THE FAITHFUL Rs caurrm 1. OF THE TITLE & GENERAL CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK WITH SOME NEEDFUL TESTIMONIES ? PRINCE BRALCES JARE OF WAVERING AND BLOT OUT SUSPICION, for we are God's creatures that have reigned, do reign, and shall reign forever. Behold, our mys- teries shall be known unto you, prssceving the ‘$Open your eyes and you shall see from the highest to the low- ‘ex and the peace of God shall be upon you. Come, gradually ‘we repeat the work of God. There is one God and one are his works, pes ‘SNote that this Book of Creation speaks firstly of the mighty ‘works of God and secondly of the kings that perform these great works, Very many came upon the curved surface of the wans- patent globe and said: We are prepared to xrve our God. ING CARMARA ‘SEThis work shall have relation to time present and present wre, to mysteries far exceeding it, and finally to a purpose and intent whereby the majesty and name of God shall and may, and, of 7 B 38 Da. Jom Des force, must appear with the apparition of his wonders and mar- vels yee unheard of. So say I Des SMAs Michal and Uriel atthe beginning of these revealed mys- teries were present and gave authority to Carmara to order the Whole Heptarchical Revelation; so at the conclusion, they ap- peared again, and Raphzl wich them; and Miche! concluded the second book of this particular revelation Heptarchical with these | ‘words following: amore stMerciful is our God and glorious is his name, which chooseth his creatures according to his own secret judgement. This Art the frst part of a threefold Art joining Man with the knowledg of the world, the government of his creatures, and the sight of ‘majesty. This is (OI say tinto you) that which is strength, icine, and mercy to those that fear him. Amen. KING CARMARA SSThou hast 2 work of three proportions in essence, and of sew in form, which is (of itself) divided by a number sevenfold the course, estate, and determination of things above, things: and things below, which of itslf, is pure, perfect, and blemish. sfOh God, how easy is this first understanding ! condition, dignitics, and estate of all things that God hath ff them. s€Even as God is jus, His judgements true, His unspeakable, 20 are we the true messengers of God. soca SfNow you touch the world and the doings upon Earth wwe show unto you the lower world and the govemors that and rule under God. By them you will have power to such things 28 shall be to God's glory, and the profit of ‘country and the knowledge of his Creatures. They proceed ee eT Enocman Evocarion ‘one Gol, one knowledge, and one operation. Come, my sons, {pehold these tables. Hercin lie the names, that work under God pon the earth, not of the wicked, but of the Angels of light. ‘The whole government doth consist in the hands of 49, (in God ‘his Power, Strength, Mercy, and Justice) whose names are here ‘evident, excellent, and glocious. Mark these tables, mark them, ecord them to your comfort. This is the first knowledge. Here ja shall you find wisdom. Halleluiah. Mighty and Omnipotent art thou, O God, God, God, amongst thy creatures. Thou filest 19 | ail things with chy excellent foresight. Thy glory be amongst us forever. Amen. vam ‘gfThe fountain of wisdom is opened. Nature shall be known. ‘he casth with her secrets shall be disclosed. The elements with ‘theit power shall be divulged SBchold, I teach! There are 49 Angel, glorious and excellene, ‘appointed for the government ofall earthly 2éions. These 49 da ‘work and dispote the will of the Creator, being limited from the beginning in strength, power, and glory. These shall be subject ‘unto you, in the name and by invocating upon the name of God, ‘who doth lighten, dispose, and comfort you. XING CARMARA S$What doch heaven behold or the earth contain that is not or ‘may be subdued, formed, and made by these? What karaing ‘grounded upon wisdom with the cxcellencies in nature cannot ‘they manifese? FOne in Heaven they know. ‘ One & all in Man they know. § One & all in Earth they know. S8Messure Heaven by a past (my meaning is by those few). Let God be glorified, his name praised, for his creation will be taken ad his creatures well used. Ba 20 Dr. Jou Dex vem ‘StHe that sandeth in the midse of the globe signifieth ‘Whereupon, in the first poin, is the use and praftice ofthis That is to say, concerning the first part, for it is sid: The bo containeth three kinds of knowledge ' The knowledge of God truly. “The number & doings of His Angels perfectly. The beginning & ending of Natare substantially. ‘cmAPTER 1 str te OF JOHN DEE & HIS INTEREST TO EXERCISE THE DOCTRINE HEPTARCHICAL _SiThece are kings flee and unjust, whose power Ihave subverted and destroyed. So shale thos. ‘s€The second assembly were the governors of the Farth, whose ‘glory (if they be good) the weapons we have taught thee will augment, and, consequently (if they be evil) will pervert. PRINCE BORNOGO ‘Slam Bornogo, What thou desist shall be filled. Glory to God. PRINCE BEEAEES MBchold, Behold, Lo Behold, my mighty power coasisteth in this, Leam wisdom by my words, This is wrought for thy eru- dition, what f instruct thee from God. Look to thy charge truly. end. Thoa hast written me, bot yet dost not know me. Use me, 2 2a Dr Jom Dex in the Name of God: 1 shall, a the time appointed, be ready. ‘will manifest the works of the seas and the miracles of the de shall be known, ING CARMEARA ‘SSBehold, thou desirest and art sick with desire. 1am the disp though not the composer of God's medicines. Thou desires bbe comforted and strengthened in thy labours, T minister un thee the Strength of God. What Isay isnot of mysclf Neithe that which is said to me, is of themselves; but is said of Him wi liveth forever, These mysteries hath God lastly, and of His ‘mercies granted unto thee. Ihave answered thy doubting ‘Thou shalt be glutted, yea filled, yea thou shale swell and be: xp with the perfict knowledge of God’s mysteries in Hs Abuse them not. Be fsithful; use mercy. God shall enrich thee Banish Wrath—Ie was the first and the greatest comman: I reign by Him and live by Him which reigneth and li forever. ‘Ml have showed thee perfectly. Behold I teach again. O ‘mercifalis God, that revealeth sach great secrets to flesh and Thou has 42 letters. Thy tables last, contain so many. SSWhen thou wilt work for anything pertaining to the estate 2 good king, thou must fist call upon him which is their Secondly, the minisers of his power are six. ‘Sin’ Outward sctde say woud atc tra. T speak’ now of alll cof one of the frst that I speak of, or manifested yesterday. T not and showed I not the Goremment of princes, for = it is a mystery to a farther matter, so it is 2 purpose present use. If it rules worldly princes, how much more work with the Princes of Crestion? Thou descest use; I sciences that are past, pretent, and yet to come. Fruits hath ther vie, but only in the eating. Gold has farther condit property and quality, than in melting or in common use. Exocenn Evocanox 33 there are in Nature, with Nature, and above Nature. Thou art dignified inthis knowledge. ‘s6i2stof all, thy ring, which was appointed thee, with the lamen comprehending the form of thy own name, which is to be made in perfect gold, as is aforesaid, sssThou shalt be comforted. Bur respect the world, whereunto thou art provided; and for what end; and that in what time. Serve God truly; serve Him justly. Great care is to be had with those that meddle with Prince's afairs. Much more consideration with whom thou shalt meddle or use any practice. But God hath shadowed thee from destruction, He preserveth His faithful, and shaddoweth the juse with a shield of honour, None shall enter into the knowledge of these mysteries with thee, bur this worker*, ‘Thy estate with the Prince (now reigning) shall shortly be am- ended, her favour increased, with the good will of diverse that are now deceivers. ‘Thy hand shal shortly be their help; and thou ‘shalt do wonderful and many benefits (to the augmenting of God’s Glory) for chy country. Finally, God doth enrich thee with know!- ‘edge and of thyself hath given thee understanding of these worldly ‘Yanitics. He is merciful and his good creatures neither have, do, ‘nor will forget thee. God bless you both; whose Mercy, Good~ es, and Grace I pronounce and utter upon you, day: the rest according to the sixth part of the day. Use ices Dee! oe King Bobogl wid hit of my ating wo sch erica Evocman Evocanion as “more worth than the Kingdoms of the Earth. Go towards it and ‘eke it up. Keep it secret. Let no mortal hand touch it but thine ‘own. 4 Da. Joux Dex them to the glory, praise, and honour of Him which them, to the laude and praise of His Majesty. SENEPOR L ‘soThy charatter must have the names of the six angels (written jn the midst of the Sigillum meth) graven upon the other side ina circle, in the midst where must the stone be (which was also ). Wherein thou shalt at all times behold (privately to thyself) the state of God’s people, through the whole world, RAPEAL Use them; they are and shall be at thy commandment. ‘sHGo and thou shalt receive. Tarry and thou shak receive. Sleep XING BNASPEN and thou shalt see. But watch, and thine eyes shall be fully opened. \S$By me thou shale cast out the power of wicked spirits. By ‘One thing which is the ground and clement of thy desire is al- thou shalt know the doings and practices of evil men, and n ‘eady perfeéted. Out of seven thou hast been instrutted (of the than may be spoken of uttered 10 man. 4 esser part) most perfeétly. S$All those before spoken of are sub- ZKING CAMARA ‘Jett to thy call. Of friendship at any time thou mayest see them ‘38h, how greats the sickness and corruption of man who barely) and know what thou wilt, Every one (to be short) shall at all ‘has faith in God or in His good Angels? You maketh all the ‘times and seasons, show thee direction in anything s$One thing, ‘earthly things that have che comruption of the earth within thes answer thee for all offices. Thou hast in subjection all offices, ‘Our God, our God, He is our God. Is is true we are His A ‘Use them when it pleascth thee and as thy instruction hath been. and itis also true that we are His servants. [ ask for that ne T speak, and that which I speak is the shadow of truth, j SiThe Lord saith: I have hardered the heart of one of yom. Yea, I and perfeéion, shave hardened him, es the fint, and burnt hire together with the ashes ‘% Benoco: (Holding up the measuring rod.) of acedar, tothe intent he mey be proved just im my work, and great the Hume: (Pointing to the end of the rod.) strength of my glory. Neither shall his mind content tothe wicedness ‘ Anp Hens: (Pointing to the middle of it.) 4 Of iniquity, for from iniquity I have chosen him to be a first earthly it witness of my dignity.* DEE ing; a meet receptacle. There is yet wanting a stone. One ‘Uriel came in again and another with him and joindly they did is most excellent; hid in the seeret part of the depths in the us say together: Glorify God forever. And now Uriel stood behind ‘most part of the Roman possession. Lo, the right hand of G ‘and the other sat down ia the chair with a sword in his right is upon thee. Thou shalt prevail wich it, with Kings and ‘hand. All his head glitvered like the sun; the hair of his head was all Creatures of the word; whose beauty (in virtue) shall * Appareny Uni i efeing wo Kal. aa Dp. Joun Des. Jong. He had wings and all his lower parts seemed to be feathers, He had a robe over his body and 2 great light in left hand. He suid: We are blessed from the beginning and blesed be the name of God frceert. ‘S$An innumerable company of angels were about him, And Us ddidse lean on the square table. Then he that sat on the chair aa to them: Go forward, God hath blessed thee. Exocmaw Evocsztox 27 "js and blessed by his mame, yea his name be blewed forever. There fare king: flse and unjase, whose power thou mayest subvert & destroy. will be thy Gate. ‘Tho shale auain unto thy Searcing, ‘The world begins with dhy doings. ~ os Praise God. ‘SSThen he laid the ring down upon the Table and said: Note. I ‘The Angels under my power shall be fpoted che manner of the ring in allpoines. Affer that he chrew Seen Bsc chie dint: Spee tbc Wik: did iy Seamed ty ll chroerh tho itll econ of thee! table. And then he said the following: ica Twill direce thy Living @ Conversation. : fi 4 ‘$880 shall it do at thy commandments. Without this ring thou 38Now Michal thrust out his right Arm with the sword. Ib shale do nothing. Blesed be his Name that compaseth all things. jeepidinp sar ace page our umermmanreg “Wonders are in him and his Name is wonderfal. His Name work- a great out of it vehemently. Bis socunlets Ses Geuioatsis 6 peneraraol ting out of the Aames of his sword and gave it to Uriel and si ‘The Strength of God is unspeakable. Praise be to God for ever & es ‘And Uriel did make curtsy to him. Then Michal did say following: MICEAL SAfcer this sort must be the ring. Note it, I will reveal ‘isola: this sing, which was never revealed since the death of Solomo BET ias I do prs uss ike becacac ive aeehonc oe the Sig OF (Gd. Than the ane ofthe Se which bc Bleed foceree ‘this Hi the selimelf) This holy. Thit ie pure. This feever. Amen. ‘S@As truely at I war with Solomon, 20 truely will Tbe with the. Iwas with Solomon in all his works and wonders. Use me, in ‘the Name of God, for all occasions. DE ‘S8Then Michel brought in the seal which he showed the other ‘day and opened his sword and had the Skryer read. And he read ‘ern, Then the sword closed up again and Michel said the dreameth of. This it is which the Angels scarce know. ‘Dee's mow: This was Micha! and his mamer of apparition. cuarren 1y SOME REMEMBRANCES OF THE FURNITURE & CIRCUMSTANCES NECESSARY IN THE EXERCISE HEPTARCHICAL < XING CARMARA ST CASL THINE EYES UNTO THE GENERAL PRINCE ‘Governor or Angel that is principal in this world Then place my name thar thou hast’ already. Then the name of him that was showed thee yes- ‘emay (with the short coat*). ‘Then his power, with the rest of "his six perfect ministers, With these threc thou shalt work to 2 | good cad. All the rest thou may use to God's glory for every ‘one of them shall minister to thy necessities. S$Moccover, when thou invokest, thy feet must be placed upon these ables which thou seest written last, comprehending 42 letecs and names, But with this consideration: that the charaéter (which is the first | of the 7 in the former book) be placed upon the top of the table, which thon wast and art and shall be commanded to have and use. Last of all the ring which was appointed thee, with Jamen comprehending the form of thy own name; which is t0 | be made in perfeét gold as is aforesaid. ‘SSEven 2s God is just, his judgements true, his mercies unspeak- able; so are we the true messengers of God and our words are ‘ruc in His mercy forever. Glory, Oh Glory be to thou, Oh most ‘high God. sfL.o, chus thou scest the Glory of God's creatures; Whom thou mayest use with the consideration of the day, their * Prince Hagenel 30 De. Jou Dez King, their Prince, and his character. The King and Prince gov. ‘em for the whole day; the rest according to the six parts of the: day. Use them to the glory, praise, and honour of Him, whid ‘excated them, to the laude and praise of His majesty. The cl ‘acters of the Kings are in the Globe; and the characters of t Princes are in the Heptagon. PRINCE HAGONEL ‘SMe Sons of Light snd their Sons are subject to my ment. This isa mystery. Thave spoken of it. Note it thoro ‘They are my servans. By them thou shalt work marvel time’ is yet to come”. The operations of the earth are subject my power. I am the first of twelve. My seal is called ‘Barces! & here it i. In his name with my name by my character and th ‘rest of my ministers are these things bronght to pass. ‘S8These that lie here are Witches, Enchanters, Deceivers, and Bla phemers. And finally all they that offer Nature wich abuse and dishonour Him which reigneth forever. s$The second 2s ‘were the governors of the carth, whose glory, if they be go ‘the weapons which we have brought thee will augment, and « sequently (if they be evil) will pervert. s€The third ‘those which taste of God's mysteries and drink of the juice ‘Nature, and whose minds are divided, some with eyes lo towards heaven, the rest to the center of the earth. Where glory is not, there neither are the good, nor goodness. ‘Silvis wrought (I say) ie is wrought (for thy understanding) bj the seven of the seven, which were the sons of zxternity, ‘names thou hast written and recorded to God's glory. PRINCE BUTMONO ‘S8Mark this*: All spirits inhabiting within the earth where habitation is of force. not of will, are subject to the power Dees note: Prince Butmono sid this, but the office is under Ki Baarpol, whore Prince is Bisdon. The mystery of dis I know not yet ‘wll be found wo be the proper minster of King Braspol. Exoemax Evocsrtox Fr within my seal: with this you shall govern; with this you shall unlock; with this in his Name who reigneth) you shall discover the entrance. KING CARMARA “stSccondly, the ministers of his power are six, whote names con- tain seven letters apiece. So thy tables do manifest. By whom in generality, or by any one of them in particularity, thou shale ‘work for any intent or purpose. As concerning the leters partic- ulacly, they do concern the names of 42, which 42 in generally, for one of them, do and can work the destruction, hinderance, oF annoyance of the estate, condition, or degree (as well for a body of government) of any wicked ori StVenito Bobogel, Rex et Princeps Venito cum Ministrs; Venito (inpuam) vento cum Seteltibas vis, minutust. [Come Bobogel, Noble Prince & King. Come with your minis- ters Come, yea, come with your satellites] INC nosoce. SiVeni Princepes & Principum, qui sunt Aquaniom Principes; Ego sim Rex Potens et mirabilis in Aguis; cuius potestas ext aguanam viceribus® [Come, O thou who are Princes of the waters. [am the King, Powerful and wonderous in che waters, whose power is over the wares] XING CARMARA SVenito vent (inguam) Adesto. Veni Rex. O Rex, Rex, Rex Ag- anim. Venite, Votito, (inguant). Magna est tua. Major autem mea Botestas, Vitam dedit Deum omnibus creataris. (Come, I say, come at this time. Come, O King, King, King of the waters. Your power is great but my power is greater, God ave life to all creatures.] ING CARMARA S8Veni Ignis, Veni vita mortal (inguam) ventio. Adexdum. Regnat Deus, © Venite. Nam unas illo. Regnat, et est vita viventivom, Do po: Ti Ta ar aing {DEUS Title beioea ol ace 32 Ds. JouN Des (Come, © fire, which is the life of all mortal things. Come this time, God Reigns. O come, for he is onc, He rcigns and P pee the life ofall living things] “sfWhat isthe use of these tables? From what ground are they “KING CARMARA framed or divided ? ‘Exocman Evocarion 33 SMVenite, ubi nulla quis sed stridor dentium. Vente vos, gui seb ma vent ‘esis potestate. “sThey ate the ensignias of the creation wherewith all they were [Come, where there is nothing of him but the gnashing of te “ereated by God: known only by their acquaintance and the man- Come, all of you who are under my power.} “pet of their doings. “SBchold, every one of these princes must have his peculiar t Des ‘URE “SGtlave T rightly applied the days to the Kings? ‘SSthy character must have the names of the seven Angels ‘URIEL ten in the midst of the Sigil of meth) graven upon the 0 _sithe days are tightly applied to the Kings, side ima cirde, In the midst whereof must the stone be, wh Dee was alo brought, wherein chou shalt at all times behold (pci “S€The characters and words, annexed to the Kings’ names in the to thyself) the state of God's people through the whole ‘outer circumference of the great circle or globe: how are they ‘SMThe four fect of the table must ave 4 hollow things of ‘to be used? wood, whercupon they must stand. Within the hollow vm is “SiThey are to be painted on sweet wood and s0 to be held in thy hand as thou shale have cause to wse them. that can be gotten, for who is able to bebold the Glory o 1m Seat of God ? “SfThe Sigil of Ameth is to be set in the middle of the table. charaéter of dignification, I perceive no peculiar mack of le of my name. “mugrificence opencd unto Man. And why ? Because thy divin- ‘uREL, “ify and secret power is here shut up in the third and fourth number; ‘S8The form in every comer considereth your name. the first and fimdamental is of all your most holy works, be Forif thou (O God) be wonderful and incomprehensible in thine s8You mean there tw be a certain shadow of Dela? 2 substance, it must needs follow that thy works are likewise met But lo, they shall now believe, because they swell. ‘He that which heretofore they could scarcely believe. Strong is 3 + Dec's nate: TEs the fet of che sven pDce wed delta (siangle) so reproscns his name. b reas ol etre Sis of Tinh 1 hs ve 34 Da. Joun Dez -ENocHAN BvocaTiON 35 the influence of thy supercelestial power, and mighty is the force “gaNow 2s to the last, conceming the end and determination. it of thy;arm which overcometh all things. Let all power there ‘only consiseth in the mercy of God and the characters of these fore rest in thee. Amen. ‘books. Set down the Kings and their Princes in a table, as chou ‘SSLeave out the Jester ‘B of the seven names of the Kings “nowes: them, with their letrs backward (excepting their “B’s") seven princes and place them in.a table divided by 13 and 7, from the sight hand to the lefi. Let Bobogel be the first and seven spaces being uppermost. And thercin write in the up Bornogo his prince, &e:t line, the lexers of the King, with the leters of his prince follo pee just affer his tame. And so of the six others and their pri ‘sfSo on my character or lamen of dignification are all the names ‘And read them on the right hand, ftom the upper part to the ‘of the seven kings and all the seven princes, perfect as in the Jowest. And thou shale find, then, the composition of this t great table, the “B's” only being the frst letter common to them ‘sSThercin they are all comprchended, saving certain letters wh all, kept back, but in memory. are not to be put in here. By reason that the Kings and Prin aca, do spring from God, and not God from the Kings and P S41 will now speak conceming the Sigil of Ameth, called also ‘Which excellency is comprehended and is also manifest in tha the Sigil of God. 1 will show thee in the mighty hand and strength thied and fourth number round about the sides (of this squ ‘of God, what His mysteries are, the true circle of ternity, com- table) isevery letecr of the 14 names of the seven kings and p ing all virtue, the whole and sacred winity. Ob holy be ‘StHercafict shall you perceive that the glory of this table ‘he; Ob holy be he; Ob holy behe. Amen. sfNow whae wilt thou? mounteth the glory of the sun. All things also chat appectl an unto it are already proscribed by your former instrudtion, "sil would fall fain peoceed according to the matter in hand. S8God is the beginning of all things, but not afer one or, soca of working vith, “MDivide this outward circle into 4o equal parts, whose greatest ‘umbers are four. See thar thou do it presently. DEE ‘s€Now as to what and would you wear your charaéters, xc. Bi IS did so. dividing it fret into four patts and then every one’ Of how do I teach? The character is an instrament applicable onl [them by ten. stMichel then called out by name Semiel. One to dignificaion But there is no dignification bat that wh Peame in and knelt down and great fire came ouit of is mouth. doth proceed and hath his perfect composition centrally in ; MICE, square number of 3 & 4, the center wheteof and shall be eq 9€To this one named Semiel, are the mysteries ofthis table known. pared, bur also the name ofall other charaétrs icicee eo ee Sith eble ste ineseneat of conctiaico, and 0 ate p very King and Psioce,acconling to thee ode. 6 Da. Jou Daz Exocan Evocanion 7 ‘DEE great ‘T’ all of gold. And over the ‘T’ stood the number ‘4’. The ‘stSemiel chen stood up, and faming fire came out of his mouth igo all cricd: It liveth and mualipich forever; ead be hs Name 0 ‘Then that creature did shut up his bosom and vanished away like fire. MICHAL acnat ‘SEltis the will of God that thou fetch them hither. “sSPlace that in the first place. It is the name of God. smut DEE SS am his tables. Behold, these are his tables. Lo, where they: SSThen there seemed a great clap of Thunder*.... The chair was brought in again and I asked what it meant. ‘SSThere came in 40 white creatures, all in white silk long URIBE and they were like children. And all of them, filling on SATs isa sat of perfedtion, from which things shall be showed Iknecs, said: Thou only art holy among the highest: Oh God, | unto thee, which thou hast long desired. Name be blessed forever. Dee ‘s8Then was a square table brought into the stone and I demanded ‘what that table betokened. ‘way up to heaven. And, by and by, his sword was all on & vam ‘And he shook and drew his sword over the heads of all the S44 mystery not yet to be known, ‘These two shall remain in and they fll down. Then Michal spake to Semiel with « than the same stone to the sight of all undefiled creatures. Sf¥ou must ering voice: F use a foursquare table, two cubits square, whereupon mast be aucuat set the Sigil of God. This seal is not to be looked upon without S8Declare the mysteries of the Living God; our God; of Q ‘great reverence and devotion. Thissealis to be made of perfect ‘that liveth forever ! ‘wax. The seal must be 9 inches in diameter. The roundness must SEMIEL ‘be 27 inches or somewhat more. The thickness of it must be an Stam ready. inch and a half to an inch and 2 quarter. And 2 figure of a cross pes aust be on the backside of it made thus: s8Michadl shook over them with his sword and chey all fell (and Usiel also) on their knees. And commonly at the st ‘with the sword, flaming fire like lightning, did Bash. sacra StNote: Here is a mystery. ATL pe s€Then stept forth one of the 40 fiom the rest and 9 ‘breast, which was covered with silk, and there appeared 2 Dettsom: Aad w fork. And nom dat te wile sed book it 38 Sse table isto be made of sweet wood and of two cubits high, cuarren 1 ‘ah Bast ck itl fone of ie Sica tor ier che foe aay SOME NOTICE oF tae PECULIAR FORMS & ATTIRE ‘S€Under the table did seem to be lid red silks two yards square, EGInteA Tene RICES And over the seal did seem likewise red silk to lie four square, & MINISTERS HEPTARCHICAL APPEARED broader than the table, hanging down with four tases atthe four Ty hee eee LORS comers thereof, Upon this uppermost red silk did seem the stone & GESTURES at THEIR APPEARANCE with the frame to be set, right over and upon the principal seals, saving that che red silk was between the one and the other. « ‘s€There appeared the first table covered with a cloth of silk changeable colour, sed and green, with a white cloth under it anging very low. sae CARMARA IS King (ein caicep rast sy Uxiet) aPrearep asa man, very well proportioned and clad in 2 Jong parple robe with a triple crown of gold up- ‘on his head. (SIAt his first coming he had seven spirits (ike men) waiting on Ihim, which afterwards declared themselves to be the seven ‘Princes Heptarchical. |MUricl delivered unto this King (at his first appearing) a rod, oF straight little round staff of gold, divided into three equal distine- tions, whereof two were dark or black and the third bright red. ‘This rod he kept sill in his hand. SSThis king only was the orderer or disposer of all tke doctrine, Which I teem Heptarchical, and the first practioner thereof, cal- Jing the seven Princes and after that the seven Kings, and and by giving instruction for use and practice of the whole doétrine Hep- ‘tarchical. For the first purpose and frait to be enjoyed by me, of the rwo other, there was only mention made. S@King Cammans said: This isthe sign of the worke and there ap- | peared the letters “C’ and ‘B’ reversed on a white flag with a "Woman standing by, whose arms did not appear. On the other » 40 Da. Jom Dez = appeared the coat of arms of England as on the | aA iced alo ermeceet ont, ee robes, but this Prince had a robe that was shorter than the 0 shand a round ring with a point of prick in the mids, h also over his middle fingers, which he affirmed to be his seal said that the name of it was Barces: © ‘$€All che princes held up sogecher a seven-pointed star that sce to be of copper: ‘Tum Sunyeots ano Smuvanrs 10 Puce Hsconat ‘SEThe Sons of Light and their Sons are mid to be subject w the commandment of Hucowes and are his servants. Theie are ll given in the sigil of meth: Exooman Evocknos " The Seven Sous of the Sons: 1. Bork 5. Roce 2. AN 6. Hacower 3 AVE 7. Iressa 4 Loa ‘Tas Soxs oF Licur _sSthe seven Sons of Light appeared like seven young men, all ‘with bright countenance, apparelled in white, with white silk on their heads. Every one seemed to havea metalic bat in his hand, the first of gold, the sccond of silver, dhe thicd of copper, the fourth of tia, the fifth of iron, the sixth towed between his two hands a round thing of quickailver, the last” had a ball of lead. ‘The first had on his breast 2 round tablet of gold and on ic re es es a ee his name alco written. And every one orderly coming showed their names upon their golden tables. fon dee ing they made curtyy and mounted up to Heaven, ‘Te SONS OF THE SONS OF LIGHT like the sleeves on priess’ or scholars’ gowns. Their heads wese aired all affer che former manner with purple silk. They had three-comered tablets on their breasts, and these tables scemed to be very green and on them the levers of cheie names were writ~ ten, The first had eo levers made thas of an ‘B’ and an ‘L’ or "EL. They made reverences to Michal (who had called them) and to mounted up to heavenraeds, Tus 42 Mousters oF Pamvce Haconst. \StAt the call of King Cazuasa (daring the second handling of this Heptarchical dodtrine), when he ssid Come, repeat the works of God, there appeared Prince HACONEL, and after that followed 2, who said We are prepared to serve our God. Each of these Siete ree<2zo Prenmrms RBAaPo oD ‘Tue Sear oF Lina, Se ides pA cree ldo be Mest swith 2 long. robe whith of colour; his left arm's sleeve was very white; and his right arm sleeve was black. He seemed to stand upon water. His name was written on his forehead: Basaret, PRINCE BEFAFES ‘SAPrince Hefaiés appeared in a long red robe, with a citciet of gold on his head. He had a golden girdle, and on it was written Berarss. He opened his bosom and ap- peared Jean; and seemed to have feathers under his obes. His seal or charaéter was chus: ‘Tate 42 BANISTER / MOF his 42 ministers, the first seven had circles of gold om their heads, and the King Banatss called Refafes seying: Come Prince of the Seven Princes, who are Princes over the waters, Every one of the 4a bad a letter on his forehead. They were sevea in 2 rows ‘Exocman Evockrion meouzm RoOA2DPMA momnor cRYPAO TRIAXZ Qvonrn re2treo a7 Dz. Jour Dez ‘Tus Seat oF Rocts ING 5YNEPOR shims and affet the prince, 42 ministers. {FRINGE BUTMONO ‘on his head. His seal is this: ‘THE 42 MnesTeRs MRing Brampor appeared a8 a King, with his Prince next after SPrince Butmono appeared in red robe, with a golden circle ‘SeThey appeared like Ghosts and Smokes without all form, have ing every one of them 2 littl glittering spark of fire in the midst of them. The fist seven are red as blood. The second seven are not so red, The third seven are like whitish smoke. These three sovens had the sparks greater than the rest, The fourth, fth, and sixth seven arc of diverse colors. All had a fiery spark in their middle, Every spark had a ltter init as followeth: e2zouem F arorre ‘Tim Seat oF AN ING BNASEOL ‘sSKing Byaseox appeared in a red robe, and a crown on his head. His prince followed his and after him his ministers, FRINGE BEISDON Prince Blisdon appeared in a robe of many colours and on his head a cicler of gold.* ‘This is his character or seal: = ‘THE 42 MINISTERS ‘SSThe 42 seemed to stand about in a little hill round. The hill ‘was of clay. Behind this company seemed to stand an innumer- able multitude of ugly people, afar off. Those which stood afar off are spitits of perdition, which keep the carth with her treasures for him, G. These which sccm to stand about the liede bill seemed to have’ in the palms of their hands, letters in order, as followeth: BVWADHD aoomede F MRAUP NW a Prarcn SHV ? f L i i i i ‘Exocman Evocanon st a4] ‘Tee Seat oF Et KING BALIGON ‘stKing BALIcon is the same mighty king who is here fist de- ‘scribed by the name of Cammana, and yet otherwise among the ‘Angels called Maamaza, But the ‘M’ is not to be expresed. ‘Therefore he appeared in a long purple and on his head ddy ames of fre out of his sides; which no moreal eye could Weceks cape pesos merenieg fol of geld poke ak abide to look upon any long while. And in marvelous raging divided into three equal parts; in the form of s well proportion fire the word ‘Broncss’ did appear tosed co and fio of the cd man. mighty flames, His scal or character is this: PRINCE RACANOL 1 (Stile appeared not by that name yet t ‘THE 42 MINISTERS ‘Note that the king himself is governor over these. The 42 ‘ministers appeared like bright people. And besides them all the air swarmed with creatures. Their letters were on theic fore Treads. They stood in a circle. They wok their lever from their were the letters of their names as followeth: foreheads and set them in a circle, he Hl I i : ; BBABBas pr2ex

rMAoeo Prec PaD ap | curr v ‘THE ORATION TO GOD TO BE SPOKEN EVERY DAY, ‘THREE TIMES SUCCESSIVELY * Sel) Arnacury, reanat, Tae Tavs ann Lrvnc Goo: FPSB YO King of Glory, O Lord of Hosts, O Tho, the st ‘Creator of Heaven and Earth, and of all things vis- MPsince Bralges appeared in a red robe with a circlet on his head. Bil ible and invisible: Now, (even now, at length,) ee among other Thy manifold mercies wed, and to be wed toward all the rest being set down; who scemed now to extend theie me, Thy simple servant, Joan Dsz, I most humbly beseech Thee, hhands towards another, as though they played, being now in this my present petition to have mercy upon me, to have pity ‘of their work. This is the seal of his government: upon me, to have compassion upon me. I, faithfully and sin- ccexely, of long time, have sought among men, in Earth, and also by prayer (fall off and pitifully) have made suit unto Thy Di- FINS ‘Tze SEAL OF InEMESE ave svuMaza Ele appeared not yet by that name. PRINCE BRALGES established in the natures and properties of Thy Creaures: By which Knowledge, Thy Divine Wisdom, Power and Goodness, (on Thy Creatures bestowed and to them imparted), being to me ‘made and allure me, (for the same) incessantly to pronounce Thy praises, to render unto Thee, most hearty thanks, to advance ‘Thy true honour, and to win unto Tay Name, some of Tay due ‘Majestic Glory, among and forever. And, whereas, it Ihath pleased Thee (O God) of Thy infinite Goodness, by Thy ‘faidhful and holy Spiritual Mesengess, wo deliver unto me, long since (chrough the eye and ear of EK.) an orderly form, and ‘manner of exercise Heptarchical: How, (to Tay Honour and Glory, and the Comfort of my own poor soal, and of others, ‘Thy Sichful servants.) I may, at all times, we very many of Thy 33 Boozez DHeQDSPHA r2a<>o Pewrem Praveen SrPorrr meaeoven s Da. Jom Dm good Angels, their counscls and helps; according to the prop- erties of'such their functions, and offices, as to them, by Thy Di- vine Power, Wisdom and Goodness, is assigned, and limited: (Which orderly form, and manner of exercise, until even now, I never found opportunity and extreme necesiry, to apply myself uumto,) Therefore, I thy poor, and simple servant, do most hu fp Sioa hy airport ey epra met (Ge lengeh, bur not too late) for Thy dearly beloved Son (Cust His sakc, (O Heavenly Father) to grant also unto this blessing and portion of Thy heavenly Graces: That Th ‘wile forhwith, cnable me, make me apt and acceptable, (in soul, and spirit) t0 enjoy always the holy and friendly conve tion, with the sensible, phin, full, and peefect help, in word deed , of Thy Mighty, Wise, ad Good Spiritual Mesengers aad ‘trast,) and Thy Ministers, to be the trae, and Githfal Ange! Tight: which have, hitherto, principally, and according to Exocman Evocarion 3 Divine providence dealt with us: And, alco I, thy poor and sim= ple servant, shall then, In and By Thee, be better able to serve ‘Thee scoeing to Thy wel pa: « Sin ete ‘Yea, even in these most miserable, and lamentable days. Grant, ‘Ob grant, O our Heavenly Father, grant this, (I pray Thee,) for ‘Thy only begotten Son Iesus Ciust, His sake: Amen, Amea, ‘Amen, ‘Tum Tasta oF Tz 49 Goon ANcsis cuarren v1 THE DEVOUT AND PIOUS INVITATIONS TO THE GOOD HEPTARCHICAL ANGELS . §1: The General & Common Exordium & Conclusion Appertaining 0 the Seven Heptarchical Kings Inviting. PUISSANT ap Noats Kove, N*.,, Asp sy Wat Name elssoover thou are called, or mayest trucly and duely be called: To Whose peculiar Govern- ‘ment, Charge, Disposition, and Kingly Office doth appertain the .. ++ Therefore, In the Name of the King of Kings, the Lord of Hosts, the Almighty Gop, Creator of Heaven and Earth and of all chings visible and invisible: © right Noble King, Nb, Come now, and appear, with thy Prince and his ministers and subjects, to my perfoce, and sensible cye's judgement: in a goodly and ficadly manner, to my comfort and help, for the advancing of the Honoar and Glory of our Almighty Gon, by my service: as much as by Thy Wisdom and Power, in thy proper Kingly OF. fice, and Government, [ may be helped and enabled unto: Amen. COME, O right Noble King, NE, Isxy COME. Amen: ‘StGlory be to the Father, to the Sonne, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be , world with- out end, Amen. 8 Dr. Jom Dan §2: The General & Common Exordium & Conclusion appertaining 19 the Seven Heptarchical Princes inviting. S80 Noss Punce, N**., ano py Wiat NAME ELSSOEVER THOU art called, or mayest truely, and ducly be called. To whose pe= culiar Goverument, Charge, Disposition, Office, and Princely Dignity doth appertain the... tf «+» Therefore, In the Name of Almighty Gon, the King of Kings, Se ee fal service, I thee, O Noble Prince, Nif., to : esol anos tel wo ny pect al ble ys Jdgement, wth thy Minster, servans and sabjes; to my come fort, and help, in Wisdom, and Power, according to the pro erty of thy noble office: COME, O Noble Prince, N3., Isay ‘COME, Amen. ‘s40ur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Kingdom come. Thy will be doue on Earth, asi is in Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our 4 we forgive those who trespass against us, And lead ws not to temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever, Amen. (Chapeer Six. cue vy SOME RECITAL & CONTESTATION OF THE PECULIAR OFFICES, WORDS, & DEEDS OF THE SEVEN, HEPTARCHICAL KINGS & PRINCES (Ga their peculiar days to be used). SONDAYE And of many other great mystexies, macvelouly avalible ani sere” to the advancing of the glocy of ouc God and Create. ‘And who nid tome-in expect of these mysteries taining: “Doc, Dee, Dee, at length bat not t00 late”... whdom; and of other very many his peculiar ‘Properties. And who said unto me: Wethedenne are MONDAYE ‘im owes or re cameana jc: this Hepearchical Dodtin, at Blesed Uti, hishand, git seccive the golden rod of goverment and measuring, and ‘domed with a tiple diadem, in a long purple ete ‘Who saidst ‘Hluc ed te tps (wean Spe en Galle taal 8 60 Da. Jom Dar to me’ at Mortlake: I minister the srength of God wnto thee, Likewise who ssidest: these mystrie hath God, lacily , and of his seat merci - ‘thou shalt swell and be puffed up, with perfict knowledge of God's mysteries in his mercies. And who saidst: This Artis to be the further understonding of all sciences that are past, present, and yet to come. ‘And immedistely thou didst say tmto me: Kings there are in Nate sre, with Nature, and above Nature. Thou art dignifed. And who saidst, concerning the use of the tables: This is bur che fist step. Neither shalt thos procice them in vain, And, saidst thou generally Whatscever thou shalt speak, do, ceptable and én the cad shall be good. .. “THE ORICES OF FRINCE HAGONEL s+. To whote commandment the Sons of Light and their are subject and are thy servants. To whose power the ope of the earth i subject. Who are the first of the twelve and who seal is called "Barces". At whose commandment are the Noblemen, and Princes of Nature, who are Primus and Q tas Hagonel. Who by the seven of the seven (which are the of Hternity) dose work marvels amongst the people of the e ‘And who hast said unto me that I also, by the same, thy ser should work marvels, Oh Noble Hagonel, who art minister the triple crowned King Carmaza, and, notwithstanding art P of these 42 Angels, whose names and characters are here ‘THE OMMCES OF muNG stumAzag “THE OFFICES OF PRINCE BRALGES +- who siidst the creatures living in thy dominion are’ subs {je8t t thine own power. Whose subject are invisible and (to my Scct) appeared like little smokes, without any form, an A Wank space given in the manuscript apparently for some fi ical Hrtknly Ronen ont ucaw on etme Bates Enociian Evocarton 6 whose seal of government is: Who saidse: Behold, I am-come. I will teach the names without smuobers; the creatures subject wato me shall be known wat you. . TUESDAYE sbi tt Red tata hey ck ues ies wonderful is Fi ‘whose power is in the bowels of che waters; i npc ‘with the noble Prince Befiles and his 42 minister, the triple- owned King Caasans bath me oe the glory, pra, ard iets resend z ee ‘you all to the laud and praise of us ‘THE OFFICES OF PRINCE BEFATES +++ who are Prince of the seas; thy power is the waters; thou deowndest Pharoah and hase destroyed the wicked, thy name was known to Moscs; thou livedst in Israel; who hast meas- tured the waters; who wast with King Solomon; and alo long aficr that with Scoeus* but not known to him by thy crue name, for he called thee Mates. And since thou wast with none; except ‘when thou preservest me through the mercy of God from the power of the wicked; and wast with me in ity. Thou ‘wast with me thoroughly. Who, of the Aigyptians has been cale ed Oneuzow, in respect of thy pleasant deliverance. And by that name t0 be known and of me noted in record to be the noble and courteous Oseuson: whose noble ministers 42 are of ‘very great powcr, dignity, and authority. As some in the mess- ‘uring of the motions of the waters and saltiness of the seas; in giving good success in battles; reducing ships and all manner of ‘vexel that float upon the seas, To some, all the fishes and mon- stexs of the sea, yea, all chat live cherein are well known: and, Benerally, are the distributors of God's judgements upon the *Pouibly Dae Scot the cholic inp a De. Jou Daz ‘waters that cover the earth. Others do beautify Nature in her composition. ‘The rest are distributors and deliveress of treasures and unknown substanecs of the seas. Thow, Oh noble Prince i ‘Berarss, hadst me use the name of God WEDDENSDAYE i {THE OFFICES OF KING. BNASPOL to whom the exzth with her bowels and secrets whatsoever ace delivered and hast said to me hererofore what thou art, there. Tay know. Thou are great, but (as thou truly didst- confess) He in whom thos ar, is greater than tho. .. 4 that they are and shall be at my commandment... THURSDAYE momen ormwemmoron 1s upon the distribution of pasticipation of whose copecial and glocfied power reset only and dependeth, the ‘eal stare of condition of ll things. Whose santtifistion , ‘The least lif is measured in your hands, Enocmax Evocanon 6 MNorwithstanding, thon arenot of thyself; ncither is thy power thine own. Magnitied be His Name. Thou art in all; and all hhast some being by thee; yet thy power is nothing in respe8 of His power which hath sent thee. Thou beginnest new worlds, new people, new kings, and new knowledge of a new govern. meat; and hast said to me: thou shalt work marvelously, marvel- ‘ously by my workmanship in the Highest... [THE OFFICES OF PRINCE BUTMONO +++ "ho are life and breath in living creatures. All things live by thee, the image of One excepted. All the kinds of beasts of the earth dost thou eadue with lif Thy scalis their glory. Of God, thou are sanBified; and thou rejoyccth the living, the end and beginning of all beasts thou knowest; and by sufferance, FRYDAYE THE OFFICES oF EINC AALICON +++ Who canst distribute and bestow at pleasure all and what- soever can be wrought in zrial aétions; who hast the govern ‘ment of thyself perfect as 2 mystery known unto thyself. Who ids: advertise me of this stone and holy receptical; both need- fal to behad; and also didst direst me to the taking of ir; being presenely and in a fow minutes of time brought to my sight (from the secret of the depths, where it was hid, in the uttermost part of the Roman posession); which stone, thou warnest me that zno mortal hand but mine own should touch and saidst unto me: Thou shale prevail with it, with Kings, and with all che creazures of the world, whose beauty in virtue shall be more worth than the king doms ofthe earth. For the which purposes here rehearsed and other; Partly now to be exercised and enjoyed; and partly heeeafice 6 ‘Dz. Joun Dis jbundantly (as the Lord God of Hosts shall dispose); and ition de ayeian Ere ae ee: thy mighty, ‘faithful and obedient ministers. . “TLE OFFICES OF PaINCE RAGENOLS SATERDAYE ‘THE OFFICES OF KING BNAYSEN «+. who saidst unto me that by thee I shall cast out the power of all wicked spirits; and that by thee I shall or may know the r doings and praétices of evil men; and more than may be spoken r of uttered to man... ‘THE OFFCES OF PRINCE RRORGES .. who, being the Prince, chief minister and govemor am the Gate of Dest And though the Glory of God I site the ous ofthe impious ‘whole exh! SR es abe See sho Se wring, of Hobo BOOK THREE THE FORTY-EIGHT ANGELIC KEYS Received at Diverse Times from April x3th to July 13th At Cracow, Poland ‘out ofthe pure mercy of cur God to whom alone we offer all praise, honour, and glory, Amen, Tae mst EY * tit OL ol I 12 soNr sou raygne 13. worse over ie am gee} Spee 5 ma Tad ts God 1.6 BAIT bale Justice 7 tawss ——Lawsh in powre exalted 1.8 ca ale above the firmaments 9 voNPHO —vompho, of wrath: 1.10 SOBRA sobre in Whose unt zor ol hands ‘L.12 ROR or the Sonne LIZ t i is 14 TA te = Lg NAzsaD nazpsad =a sword, 116 op and* 117 GRA Gras the Moon 118 TA ta as 11g matesc — Malpry a throngh-thrustng fire 120 ps & which qargoq —holg measarech "1.16: op for ‘and? ming in Sloane ms. 3192. 1.53 oD 1.4 GONO 4.53 IDE 1.56 Ds 1.57 Hom 1.58 oD 1.59 TOR 1.60 Sona. 1.65 140d 1.62 PAM 1.63 0D 164 UL 165 AMIS 1.66 DS 1.67 10HOLO 168 VP 4.69 70ND 1.70 POAMAL 17t oD 1.72 SONF 173 Aa 176 7A 75 TAR 176 SALTOR 177 0D 178 VAoaNn 1.79 ZACAR 1.80 cA 181 oD 182 ZaMpan 1.83 ODO 84 cour 1.85 QAA eer cere F ge T° i Se ee Myc ‘of your Creation: $1.64: Dee mades copying ermr here. Reysl ety thom vender dha ta ‘THis a cio cron became thet preic coset eto ek gpa tae eed Gore ‘ns foe end) 25 26 ‘sald 27 vi-iv 284 L 29 som — sebam zuotsumc Til 2.1L WZAZAZ T.zd-zaz 212 mapea plod 2:3 casanma —Cas-anna ‘214 apnamc — abrang 215 TA ta 2.6 TALEO, x7 ranactzpa pardeléda 218 Qua 249 TA 320 tom —_ lorslng the capo error was repeated in most of ‘woud be lngnstly sd tro i 3.351754 1838. {ect pasage may be ix DoxCCO oF ZR EOGUO Faso 26: A lite confaice bre im Dee's matching, Ox ‘uadestand” (ee 7.3, 1a 1659, & 30.11). Then zone “of the ‘asp "Your voices, and stip is ‘of wonder. faz: Dec's double Yi vexw merror oF 2 varistion? See 41h 6.34, & 36.2 for wv a “econd’. ae i Deaticaing com, apenas a noe ee ter calls. Nowe thar 3.32 EOL Edl Imade you 393 sarzanc balay 3:34 OD = and 335 AEA placed hs y36mmx This ows Piad 3.37 OS oe io zip 3.38 NETAAB ‘government, ‘h 339 pruca luge * oe 3.40 VONZARG © vomerg unto every one of, iad 34rt0ma Lona eas oe 342 cama Cep-mi-dli succenively* Lin-toh 3.43 Vos vars over Norz 344 as & 8, bes 345 Font homil true ages bib 3.46 Cocass — cocash of a ee Se eee 3.48 mop ighest vesels ee 3.49 oD od a Bs 350 smNosG —iindeg the Corners pins 3.50 DE de of 5 3.52 Goeraas — gue-téah governments, pn 353 AUN vat migi, work 354 NANEE nacnd-de] eee Quin 3:35 PANEER ring downe oa Se teres eeee eee Sole his ate, 7p oe cae i-chivge to are not, 3:58 caose ‘on the earth oe ee Baccpe 3:59 NOAN. oa Thos become 326 0mm ozien ‘myne own hand, 3.60 UNALAR —omalah a Se eis which§ y6r parr bale of justice 3.28 ancoa ke $6 ae jag op ‘3.63 VOOAN voodn ‘Truth. 364 Doowr —do-é-gp In the name 365 ap MAD~—of the same. your God 3.66 Gomotor Gohdlor Life up, jgo ror = fora’ «shall ryse. 3.31 In the firse ae “The English is a bit confied here. Tomscs probably oe Goa Tin ee accidental, alhoogis a? as "which! saat bv gomd a Wiss Crywhere ce. = 3-43; Carma rather than cama; see 30.122. Alo se 430 for a ney is : peer] 4 8g i ip eee $420: Cam foe “bots see Jest “crenal may £53 concson masmucesin eT! Exoeman Evocarion % $19 az azarth i $20 aR of San ar f 19 $22 oD go and $23 Drucar gave them i prs vessels $25 mA =. to water $.26 Caoscr ae the earth $27 Totroxet i with her excatures, 538 op ed and $29 zeus achis they are jg saascn — csfasch the brothers $31 3 Of the first 532 0D savin and* 3533. second ‘$34 OD od and $35 oD ied the beginni 3.36 TD, thild of their own seats. 537 D5 as which 538 rena are garnished 539 momar hubar ‘with conti 3 faba sitcom being ps S40 soa soba whose S42 come — cormfa.—nambers 5.43 CH his are 54g 7A ta as S45 14 le the fist $46 UIS els ‘the endes 3-47 0D od 5-48 gcocass Queb-carh the contents of tyme. $49 cA Ca ‘$50 as nis Come $55 OD od and ne py Nacsa ya mee exo. ites: ppg ce eivie mal he Engh mass scram Pen ee gina See c= me on Jey 553 $3053: Dforthindsee 636,7:3.37.2. Drv for angles 4.14, 64 Paphotsitcint ad elie esti) defeat Seco 40.39 when compiling SLs. g ° i f $52 Dass Darby ‘obey Gar aca - 7999 Qbear creation, er . i Paberat Yset ust 623 son tabdlew whose : 624 mzaP ‘courses a 635 F lard viset Bibra 626 pea swith comfort fetal 627 cAosc cai the earth ‘etaet 628 oD od and ides 629 cms this ae 630 awrras—anoh in pt 631 0D od an #L 632 Malan ‘contynuance 633 T! te a 634 viv vio the second 633 op ad and 6.36 D d the Goh 6.37 parsax = Darsar ‘Wherefore , 638 souers sol-peth —_—earken unto du 639 BEN ‘bien ‘voyce oe sna Bale Gtkecukote aa 641 oD od — a pv page ealons realy ee 643 cwmcsizo gon in power aad qe ig scan bhi” whee 6.45 HAATH works harg 6.46 TRAN trian ‘shall be a 647 voume — Lu-id-he a song of honor : 648 op oder. od 6.49 scams prise ts 650 xD MAD of your God ‘ied 6.51 QsaoN = Qua-a-on_—_in your Creation. ugar ‘reusevesre Rey Een * can zi mss Ras The East of 721 isdlman is $6.23 to 6.24 Soma for "whose"; we 1.30, 1.60, ke. Ea fo ‘coanet ce 336 pian nies ss42 Por Wists x= 443,625, $66: Mrcaocz for ‘mighty’ sce 3.74, 182, 306. oer opera osha ape meen pone se rE a 49 Cosmet of uirsc-ca or bansng ame. Enocaian Evocariox 738 moan —_piblfar ‘of comfort Pp coe’ Baily pert 740 MT mercy 740 0D od and 742 MIA midin ‘continuance. 7-43 CNOQUOL Croguol_ you Servants 744 Er Rit of Mercy, 745 7Acan = ZACAR, Move, 7-45 zaman ZAMRAN Appeare, 747 Goma — ofcrimi sing praises 748 QAADAR — q-adak nto the Crestor 749 OD od = 7-50 OMacaotz omicsol= mighty 7ST AKIOM——asiom amongst us 7-52 BAGIE Bugle For 7-53 PARBOR to this remembrance 734 vocaw logon given 7.35 EONS 4 powre 7-36 OD od and 757 UMeUE lif our strength 758 var waxeth strong 7.59 BICLIAD in our Comforter. ‘THE EIGHTH KEY . &r maze = Bazmélo ©The. ey ba a3 1 i is 34 ua ta as 5 mmmson pirfpson the third heaven 86 om ale made 87 Naz nazévéth of Hiacynth Pillers 23 avane 89 ox ox 26 S10 casanne —casarmg in whome 799 t0 74: Orem fr “eat se 3.12. Rit fer ’Merey’s et 24: tase Aa: Lo asf’ se 437. Onieoized. 92 BRANSG -Enocsian Evocarion ar oO ‘this ‘isélman howse Toncho Gil Fo nlaepeae Vout! iis Come away, ee eet the Thunders have fe Seu peener en ee Pm of the Temple mdbza the coat Jadooids-mémar to our comfort and ofsach a ate prepared. ‘Tan MOTH REY . amcuon: Meck Ara Le no snighty Seay F $8.38: Commacion of up-sasswonar or “God’‘e'wat"Tcrowned?, E i 938 asOuA Amn 939 cms Chis ar they So gen 94t MADED iniguiti 943 OOANOAN oddndan in their eyes 944 CHS his are 945 avy —auinry———_rilstones put 30 Ge ew roca 9.48 0D od And 949 surmost futnén? from their mowthes 9-50 PARM. parm rune 9.51 ZUMVE Zumevi ‘seas 9s2cma — Crila of blud: 953 par = Dazis, «= Their eds 9.54 ETHAMZ ethdomz are covered* 9.55 acumao e-hildso with diamond: 9.56 09 od and 9.57 mmc mire Sst ono esl ther beds 959 cas his are 9.60 ria pit ~=—=Smarble 961 coma coll © sleves. 9.62 mene okie iis he, 3 mone Cadhon—Gottbome 264 vent tin they fown aot 5$ mAGTE ‘ehy? soe ls “he God aatrom righteous, ca caine oa 9.69 2a par in them. 970 suo Niko = Come away 9.71 op od and $92: Alemae pronunciation: Zoi, 9.54: Alternate echamzod, ahem gt pe 9 Beton % Da. Joux Dez Sostet cams % aasot —basgin 2 972 ip ane oe oD od and 9-73 manne ‘your Viols 3 10.26 0xEKoxex vomit out a6 ee beng ’ yo27 pare desis the heds Es eee oe ae 3028 SATES sis. of scorpions $9 bassminasiy ee 10.9 oD od and 9.77 cons such 10.30 Satmox — sallrox live sulphur me m3 pelea he 2 FADOAN ioe msremene Veeder te 1034 caus bet 7035 COME cant ‘Tike Thunders 3036 Ds a that — 1037 paox lox S078 roi cociss ceca tyes his 17039 OL ol ‘inthe agth part omg rogo.oamio —oinfo «ofa moment ro4r yor yor ore bone 10.42 BORs ‘with + bundred§ Lacat 043 macaot © vdhim =——smighty ace 10.44 OF hr re ro4s corvax gizyax earthquakes = 1046 0D od and ao 1047 MATS ers 1 thowand ae ro48 cocass —cocesg = tymes™ big 10.49 PLOST plosi as many ” rogomovin mold «sages = Tost Ds & ‘which : rosa racmr — pagllp rest not adi 30s} tamac | Larag nnoyther — 10.54 OM om know bagle 10.55 pain drole at any ea 0.3¢; Cos wally i “an? é esas ioe Tange eae Shae Dep = marginalin. experienced: confesion ‘Se rosa pouc desig ‘aie z ing in Royal Appendix im or Trae Redlon My recumtion 10.23 oD od and r ene ivi e we Co eee nak; Coca fries 3.46, 9.75, 1038, 2057, 30124 tg Lith 127, 174 215, Be. BPS ERE” pepeeeeeeeen FUEL pigiert | i 2 ERR : BEOSRA*HSTIGsssdser lee é Pg 1 ; 113 xr ILS 15 317 a3 119 11.10 0D art VARZ 11 cox 31.13 0D x114 BAHAL IL-TS NISO I1.16 0D TEI] ALDON rrr8 SArMAN IL19 Ta0cH 11.20 CASARMAN 11.21 HOLQ 1122 0D 1123 T rr24t nas Ta 11.26 zomts ‘TL27 SOBA 1128 COME 1129 1 TT.30 GA 131 NSO 3132 s4cts 11.33 ABRAMG 1134 None Hs mci ZACARe o> mou ° ‘coRaxo Ds zmpan RAASE BRE Tre Ey iy Hpi ith a lowde voyce ft i them together in greeny gee ek eri EF ‘136 to 11.17: Lscuns in SL sis. 3191. The Enochian is mining and de nage bin fe mages Mneg wert paps eee 930, 3731. frx3s: Zacams posible acraate spelling for zacan? Zacax appears 14 times in the opus; ZACARE twice; 2 1.79. ‘Exocmaw Eyocarion sar pooun — deofin name 222 AML at ‘amongst you a3t i is odo 12.24 VON VONPH Wrath cidle zag zacan ZACAR Move, Zonge 2.27 0D od lep w22$ zaman ZAMRAN, shew yourselves husd ager 16.10 OD od x6xt muoeax —blifrex shale comfort 16.12 BALE bakit ‘the just: 16.13 Ds densi which 16.14 Bor ‘walkese 16.15 CAOSC on the earth 1016 san faskn with ore 1617 400 Emod 876 36.18 ps rom that ‘16.19 OM understand* 36.20 op od and 362t on tio ‘separate 16.22 HAMI creatures: 36.23 Dama a great 16.24 Coa art 10.25 us ys thow 36.26 mapaon: ‘Madziloderp in the God of stretch-forth-and- conquer. 36.27 zacsn. «= ZACAR— Move 36.28 op od and 16.29 zamxan, ZAMRAN shew younclves 36.30 apo ‘ole ‘Open w63r cms icle the mysteries 36.32 QAa (Qa of your Creation 36.33 zoncz —orge, Be friendely unto me 16.34 IAP Lg for 3635 umpo——zirdo Tam 3636 Noco Noo the servant 16.37 MAD ‘Mad of the same your God (16.19: On for “understand” or know’: sce 2.4, 10.54, 30.113. 4 a6an: Hae sem for ‘cross oe 735, 1452 17-31 TAP Lap for 1732 zmp0 zine lam 3733 Noco|| Nowe ‘the seevant * 17-34 MAD Mad of the same your God yA 3733 soa = aah the true worhipper oe 3736 ma daide of the Highest. flame same iG KE Sr ‘ oF It Othow sacaoiz Maile mighty to styr up os = —— i = ‘bee ae % — i mee Busdir glory eae teal eudars ‘to the center bora eabsgo of the erth é Casarmg In Sia ee Tiled the secrets of uth oo ies and hacen ¢ Move ivmd Me qo aif shew yourselves ae Opa < the mysteries pag ‘of your Creation ‘Be friendely unto me Case pambe ZACAR od odo ‘ide Qia, Z zirdo Now MAD Hoath Ialda. Eocuian Evocartox ” ‘HE KEY OF THE THUY AYEES * jor Mapmax Madrisx Oh you hevens joa ps depraf which 303 mar dwell 74 ot LIL im the first Ayre,[$] jos cms his: are 30.6 micAcIz = Micadlz Mightic 307 saan sadn in the parces 308 caosco — Cadsgo of the Erth, 309 oD od and joro mms fils execute jo.rt satzizas ‘balzizas the Judgement jou mma aida of the fighese 3013 Nowca —nonea to you 30-14 GOHULIM gokilim itis sayd, gars amcma — Micme Beholde 3016 apomus — adoian the face 30.17 MAD MAD of your God, 3018 woo fled the begynning 3019 muons Bliorb of comfort: 30.20 SOBA sabaoodéna whose 30.21 OOAONA cyes§ 3022 cms his are jo23 worms Lucftias _the brightnes jo.2g remot pepo! ——of the eves: 30.25 Ds & which 30.20 AmRasssA abvaésa provided jo27 None nom 3g joa8 meraum — netddib the 30.29 caosco — Cabsgi of the Erth,* 3030. OD od and snug 27 tame of hg ape engin ined er, The aye ae ih the margin of Sl. MS. 3101 24 well as on the preceeding figure. A ‘more deniled decripon of the syres and the beings atuibuted to each spre ‘a given in Book Four ofthis vohame. Gsear: OoAaxa for ‘eye we 136. 9: Caosen for “of the cans ec 835, 63, 932 1413, 308 the earth's see 4.44, 25. “SrDraczas oF tae 30 Avis] G Cansei 30.52 i 30.53 THOSE dbl ‘in her, (30.54 BUSDIR Busdir that the glory ‘30.55 THB ‘tile of hir 30.56 Noa noah may be 3057 rap allrayes 30:58 ORSBA orsha drunken 3059 op od and 30.50 opment dodrmi vexed 3061 ZINA 2ylna iniself jo62 mzar — Eledpilb ‘Her course, 30.53 mat ‘+3097: Ont for ‘ndesanding’; xe 34, 154 16.09. $3003: Tus for of her’ see 30.55. Could ma be another uti ‘Tox) sgnifying pomemion? ‘Exocman Evocarion 99 3064 Parmar — parmg! let it ronne 3065 Penesax peripsax with the hevens: 30.66 oD od 3067 TA ts a 3068 Quast a 2a ee fos (prices dase yoo t One 307 NDB season 3072 oucno — ovcho Letit confownd 3073 se symp, another: 3074 oD od And 30.75 CHusteos Christos let there be 3076 ac Agtslom no. 30.77 TOLTORN Crearured, 3078 mac mire ‘upon 3079 @ 2 or 3080 Tom dbl within hee jest um Ld, the samez jo82 ToL Ton 3083 PsoMsD —paombd her members 308% vazmo — dilemo let them differ 30.85 asmaN — axpian, in their qualities: 30.86 OD Od 3087 camsmos chistes ler there be 3088 Ac 8 no 3089 L L one 30.90 TOLTORN — fortora (Creature 3o9r PARACH — parach ‘zquall jon ane ee Neha 3093 comaz i ‘The reasonable Creatures of ‘Eeth or Men 30.94 Dove. —dedpal Jet chem vex 3095 0D od and 3096 meuz — fiflz ‘weede out 3097 L Lomnal, one 00 Dz. Joan Da 3099 OD oo And joo rascr the dwelling places, JOx0L sams “Bams lee them forget 30103 OMAOSs —omadas, their names: 430.103 costsmma Conichra. The work of man 3.104 oD od and 30105 avavox audwx his pomp, 30.106 TONG tonug, let them be defaced: 30.107 onsca—Orearbl jor08 ma 30.109 NOASME —nadomi 3o.r0 tances sahges, joutr urvemmone Levithimong 300 UNGn unc 3o.t3 om ompsilb 30-114 TuLa$ 3o.tts ons on 3ont6 sactz — Begle 30.117 Moooan jo.t18 oL 30-119 comaz jouzo t 3ot2r capac jo1a2 momaxe 30.123 oD 30124 cA cacbcat 3ost25 carmao 30126 cosa goats, 3027 scien ‘Baglen 3o38 Bi 301291 jo130 TANIA fanta 50.131 ABADALOND ahibdlond Ssont: Foubly 3 cumncion—if mo, 2 word i mining (Ge pee snguls), we comers es Phage had to ‘$etas: The Engl probably should be ‘dime’ se 4.32, ‘Exocmman Evocanion tor jo132 0D od and 40.133 FAocT —_fairgt the dwelling 0134 tmxocvovelocrovim. of him that is faln:* jo35 mapmmax Médias you hevens, (30.136 TORZU tore artise, 30137 OaDeax — oldriax the lower hevens 0138 onocma —orbcha vundemeath you, 430.130 asoarar —abédpri. ‘Let them serve you: je-1go Tasaom = Tabiéri Govern jorge maz pride those youn aR artabas. that jo.g3 Tanson fern: Jorg Abana Adrpan down 30.144 ADRPAN Cast down jogs com crsta suck ja.146 TA pe 30147 Dom —debix, fill: yori vorcam —Yokan ‘Bring forth jougp Paar priezi ‘with those 30.150 aR reoazior. that 30,131 coazion encrease: jors2 op od And 30.153 QUASB quash destroy Soe ee the rorecn: jorss xem i No plice 30.156 PAaoxt —poaoxt let it remayne 30137 SAGACOR —sagdcor. in one number: jor38 ume om Ad 30159 0D od and jox60 papzan —prd-zer = Diminish jor6t cacns —_cderg vntill jog aowes Avivife © the sars 30.163 comer cormpt. bbe numbred: 30.164 TORZT TORZU ARRISE, |* 30.134; Contraction of raxoce-vovns or “death’‘deagon'. In this cae ‘he allen cow's the great dragon Coron. $30.u48 to 30143: AB for ‘that: see 12.17; Tansomr for ‘gover’; see 30.140. 30.166 op 30167 zamman = ZAMRAN APPERE 30.169 sat the Jory sumzas —surzas he hath sworne 3073 Ta fia ‘unto us jor74 sara alten: in his Justice: 30.175 0D0 Odo OPEN jor76 acs ide the Mysteries _ 30.177 Qaa Qa of your Creation: 30.178 op od 30.179 ozAzMA ozazma «= Make us {$08t: Conacicn tp-nantan oc ‘God'eaowledg', BOOK FOUR EARTHLY KNOWLEDGE, AID & VICTORY * |THE Most HICH DIviDsp TO THE NATIONS THER ‘inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Ise2l*. stAnd had 2 ‘great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Isralf. 9% Deweronmy, Chapece 32. f Reveation Chapter 21 [NB. The following captions are to be read for the numbered colamas following:—E>.] Part of the Earth 28 imposed by Maa. Part of the Earth as imposed by God. Divinely ordained Symestic Characters. ‘Opdered Stes of eed sacha Boo Number of Good Ministers ordered in 3 parts. Total ofall good Minister. i Roling the 30 orders and alo the 12 tribes, ‘Tribes of the people of Isrzl Dispersed. Quartet of dhe Earth to which the disperied eibes are Perey Yn Dz. Joms Dex I + 3 4 ° 6 Egyptos _ Occodo: 2 § i Ie «fron ‘Syria r Mesopotmia Valgars 2 Cappadocia Doagnis Toa = Pacama | SUL Be daddy er Zoazuc 9 Nephthaim Eat N-E Zmeces 1 Zabulon West SW Awrupus 7 Isacaraah West NW & Eta 2 3 35 36. 7 38 3 # PPC eTE TE GEC UIE! "y q ? w eu eeie g Spee FL tl ea a 192 338 15684 Lavavorm 10 Gad Hovonot 3 Ichudah Zexcnot 6 Simeon Capaae 8 Benjamin Zmacat 2 Ruben Lavavorn to Gad Ovsce> 1 Dan Atrupus 7 Isscarazh Geran 5 Asscir Avrupus 7 Isicarah Asmaove 12 Ephraim Zaamc 9 Nephthalim Lavavore 10 Gad South S-E South S-W West South SW Norh N-E South S-B West NW Exst SE West N-W North NW East NE South SE North NW I 3 4 7 et 16) 7 8 9 ‘Sauromatica — 920 46 Zmacak 2 Ruben South 47. Ethiopia mor poe 230 47. ) 28390 (Howoxor 3 Iehudah West ee ag 2 Asracta 12 Ephraim North N-W oo Colin Sigurt OZ : Ms Zmacan 2 Ruben South $0. Creniacs Adept NG Ze 2 50.) 1738 (Oxeaceo x Dan East gt. Nasamoma Tocarzi & sk Zaxzuc 9 Nephthalim East N-E sz. Carthago Nabsomi > 3 a Gapasat 5 Asseir East SE 53. Coxlant — Zafasai Z is 9 93) togmx { Acrupus 7 Isacaraah WetN-W 34 Adumes Yalpamb fy se ‘Anois 2 Ephnim North N-W. ‘ss. Parstavia Torzoxi eat 3¢ 55 ‘Anraore 12 Ephraim ‘North N-W 36 Celica Abriond 44 a 36 } 15356 [Capaaee 8 Benjamin North N-E 37 Vinsan (Omagrap ra $ 7 Zincces 12 Zabulon West SW $8. Tolpam —Ziildron. Zz 2 38. Guana 5 Ascir East S-E 2 Coecdaen Ponte ae a) 59. ) 14880 { Honowor 3 Iehudah West 0. Talia Totocan Lp 60. Auupes 7 Ineamsh = WestN-W 2 ie Joi gApa (Fi gps yee? Fs. vo Axmoug 12 Ephraim Capaae 8 Benjamin Zoncuor 6 Simeon Aspsorc 312 Ephraim Ouac Dan Aumsove 12 Ephraim Zaman 4 Manase ‘Lavavora 10 Gad Zecca 11 Zabalon Zaman 4 Manase Lavavors 10 Gad m3 North N-W Norch NE Soudh SW North NW North N-W South S-E West S-W BOOK FIVE THE ANGELS OF THE FOUR QUARTERS geal THE GREAT TABLE ‘STIs the Gt Tale fom hth the Anglin is oo hve Ieee derived. 6 wba ul (3) Tess ‘Tue CHARACTERS UPON THE GrEAT TABLE God extracted from the four lines on the cath (Both visible aco ieee ales tees triads are the Names which. ‘Tey a ‘THE GREAT CIRCLE OF THE QUARTERS . The ia Gates SSTlis is the Grow Table as reformed by Raphal on the lafe alcly alk fe of¢ dlep la 50 € > € ° ¢ 2 xa ieeles ug cuarren ¥ ‘THE TWENTY FOUR SENIORS cnarren tv ‘THE FUNDAMENTAL OBESANCE . * Jobesance to God, and the conjuration for 8 These are the twenty-four Seniors (mentioned in the Apocalypse if a : ¢ of gn i 7 john) whose led fom the Kner ofthe Father, cepa Samrae Tage Gad mggee g§| HOVAHZEBAOTH, Lomas (roux impart kawaledge and pudgemert in human afar. See eee Quanrm Gop Nawe ‘Saxons Eas -BATAIVA —_—_Abioro or Habioro x Raat BATAIVH ‘Hemorda Haoepi oc Abaczpi Hipotge Autotar South 1CZHHCA Aidrom or Laidrom: o ‘Aczinor hetgs or Alherga 5 ee t Acmbica my will, Let them vanish from me and from my si Wee “BAAGES ‘Scahpm or Lsrahpm so request. Ler them give reverence and obedience oa o Soe snd your r2 mystical Names. 1 command that they happily 2 RAAGIOL ——_Laoaxrp prshiccbety nse acer k ‘Tgaiol or Sgaiol cach and every one of my petitic ‘not by one means, Ligdisa , virwously, and peciecly, with ano Souiznt and thoroagh completenes, according to thee irtrs Noch ELDPRNA io or Axtpio or Aas on meee a la ey tom at ‘ministry and off ‘O God. Anam. ‘Through you, Jes Christe, AMEN ps3 Dr Jom Diz Ewocnman Evocarion 33 S8Thisis the invitation tothe six seniors ofthe East: This i the invitation tothe sie seniors of the Sout: ee ee to the omnipotent God of our ministery, in the n the same God (one and three), Isay to you, Amono or -Asozalr, Hrmoxpa, HAozet or the divine Name by which ee servant of the omnipotent God, dently demand and beseech favourably before me, of my lf, I besech all of you, some of you, or whichever of ret ey ee a dally grant me Knowledge and Judgement in affies, and inal ocher things that are assigned to your Office and Min- Through the sacred Name of God BATAIVA or BATAIVH AMEN : ng ‘Dz. Jou Det ENocuan Evocatton as SAThisis the invitaion to the six Seniors of the West: SAThis isthe invitation tothe ste Seniors of the Nort: cuarmn vt ‘THE ANGELS OF MEDICINE ‘ stThese are the names ofthe sixteen good angels who are most skilled peopl meno a de Also shown Caco- Goo Naas Quaxren Gop Nase Anoms Dmiows Raves Est IDOIGO Casorcmm Xa OGIODI ARDZA Totter Toitt, Ato AZDRA South ANGPOL AirsorAign Xai |OPGNA. VNNAX OnmnorOrpmn Aor XANNV 28 Dr Joux Des SBThis is the invitation to the the East, who jaaa dled cal pre ulin te ee = (@ YOU axons of nicer Czxs ox Czons, Torr on Torr, BEA Suss or Sicas, Funp or Faxon, dwelling in the B cm part of the universe, powerfal in che administering of strong and healthy medicine of God and in the cures: In the Name of the omnipotent, living, and trae Joim Dee, by the grae of God ofthe Celesal City of Jovan, and he and obedience which you owe t0 the: ‘ame, our Cod; and trough tho, His divine and onystealN id faithfully require ‘Through the Sacrosanct Names of God TDOIGO and ARDZA “Aue 1” fez) Ts] Te ee lave Ewocman Evocarion 29 SThis is the invitation to the. ‘the South, who Salento (Gy sce src ores on tte neo BTA Oneun, Rsxt or Rsow, 125 of Lame, dwelling in the Southem pars of th iv, powerline adiniing of en byte pre ofthe Gb of ae Cobley ate Dee, 50 Ds. Jous Dax ‘S8This isthe invitation to the our good en sekepses most chilled and powerful im medicine and the care of YOU avers or uct, Taco ox Tacco, Nepp 9 ‘Nuonp, Paax or Patax, Saz or Saaz, dwelling in ENOCHIAN EVOCATION (SSThis is the invitation to the. an pal she peerage op Br ila ‘ss, Sex oe Seto, Wied sc Vitoa, ie Northern part of the universe, powerfal inthe administering of the strong and healthy medicine of God and in the of cures: In the Name of the omnipotcat , livis talec Gut Jon Dee, by the grace ofthe God ofthe City of fers Slam, and throug the reverence and obedience whith you owe t0 the same, our God, and Shoah i, inca Names, NOAIMR ind OLOAG, I vehemently and require of you, one and all ro come before me, I beseech you, at whatever moment of time I wish for the duration of my natural by the Names of God, ‘NOAIMR and life. T summon a 0 to accomplish, and to complete all my re- at, stony, ell, dacngby, plenty, play, re ese ae through the peculiar strength and power i your coal a mT gh G2 See Neer ok GS NOALMR and OLOAG Aan LS) cmarres vy ‘THE ANGELS OF PRECIOUS STONES * OMEBB —Lecc or Lesoc BBEMO Vssa or Vspsn Cvs RvoiorRyroi Hrv North VADALI GmnmorGmdam Mgm ILADAV OBARA — Ecopor Qc AVABO OF. Cam 34 Ds. Joun Dez ‘Esocman Evocaomm 135 SA This is the invitation of the sof the Eas, who andl SATs is the tovtation of the the Seat, he iain ean | ae rome if “YOU ,Oun ANGELS OF LIGHT, FAITHFUL BY THE MINDTRY ‘of God (out Creator), Oacc or Ontace, Gaat or ‘ont of Rie oor tau loi Soe pr Inova Zmsoara, through the inevitable to the same, our God, in these Names, LLACZA and P. to whom you owe reverence and obcdieace, I before me, benignly, placidly, Fevcahle uname ech tas all my petitions for intended deeds, cerainly, immaculately, and plensifully. ‘by this condition, that all my demands, totally” for the most part, be mindful of your peculiar skill, faculties, and powers over metals and jewels. By the the divine Names, LLACZA and PALAM, I and you, one and al. 136 Dr. Joun Dex SSThis is the invitation of the four angels of the West, who por poli as = “YOU FOUR ANGELS OF LIGHT, FAITHFUL IN THE ‘of God (our Creator), Macs or Matem, Leoc or Las ‘Vssx or Vers, Ryot or Renot, lords in the Western part the aniverse,and who (out of the peculiar gifts and d in the living, and truc God, Irovs Zesoare, through the in ‘power which is known to the same, our God, in these AMEN } ‘Through the speaking of the mystical Names of God. Naame mcs 3 ES fe DI nlc ma] Exocmun EvocaTion "7 is invitation of the the North, who sues aera Sete fetes to the same, our God, in these Names, ‘VADALI and OBAVA, to whom you owe reverence and obed- i and require of you, one and all, saga ot ys cored ience, I vehemently and confidently that, chrough the whole of my life at ‘time jar skill, strengths, faculties, and powers over metals and jewels. ‘By the speaking of the divine Names, VADALI and OBAVA, Teall and command you, one and all. AMEN ‘Through the speaking of the holy and mystical Names of God VADALI and OBAVA “AMEN ES fe »]¥[e 3] cuarren vay ‘THE ANGELS OF TRANSFORMATION * SS These are the names of the sixteen good angels who ore powe ‘end leamed in Transformation; also shown. are the names of the six- eon eacodemons, ‘Caco- Gop Names Quarrex Goo Nanees Ancars [ i Eat AIAOAI = Abmo or Abamo Cab IAOATA. om 140 Da. Jou Dex MThis is the invitation of the four good angels of the East, who Goatac maa ima (é YOU rour coop ano rau ANcsts or Gop (our Gi ator}, Ammo or Asxmo, Naco or Naoco, OcsM Ocana, Suat or Seat, who rule world, who received of God i dy and predominantly peculiar to you): AIAOAT 1, John Dee, demand that you appear benignly, placidly, and ably to me, at whatever moment in tine I should choose, forall the remaining time of my life, and moreover f demand that deign to be friendly and favourable unto me. 1, John Des, mand that you (one and all), immediately and without ee jet means necessary, that concem or respect your ski ‘Knowledge and power of Transformations, no matter when! shall requize ie of you, through these Names of our God, rehearsed: AIAOAI and OUT. AMEN Through these sacred and mystical Names of God AIAOAI and ONT AMEN % fe NJa[s ‘Enoceian EVOCATION it (This is the invitation of the four good angels of the South, who are Cereieecnl hs Teas knowledge the praisc, honour, and glory of God. “ijn Det dre ea ofc Oe alge Ce ey eed ‘concern oF respect and power of = no matter when I shal require ito you, rough these Names of our God, here rch CBALPT and ARBIZ. Aon ‘Through these sacred and mystical Names of God ‘CBALPT and ARBIZ m [a OTeTs a] 142 ‘Dr. Jonn Des TH he ivi of te fr gd gl of he We wh ‘YOU rowr coop ano taue ANcEts oF Go (oun Cam. ator), Paco or Patco, Nozx or Npazx, livo or Ip Xp ot Xan, who rule inthe Wester part of che received of God in your creation the singular strength, trae and perfect power of Transformation a3 Your | S; ios Sa Fos ae ares od a> ag men (as e AMEN ‘Through these sacred and mystical Names of God ‘MALADI and OLAAD ‘AMEN * fr ales f] Exocman Evocariow 3 S4This isthe invitation of the four good angels of the Nowth, who are eared and powerful in Tr fon: is t9 you): VOLXDO sad IODA. | Joba Dee, demand that you appear benignly, placidly, and visibly to me, at what- ever moment in time I should choos, for all ining ti nd without delay, a ey oi ee sary, that concer or respect your skill, knowledge and power of ‘Transformations, no matter when I shall require it of you, through these Names of our God, here rehearsed: VOLXDO & SIODA. Aven these sxcred and mystical Names of God Fe RDO and TODA Dex cuarTER ox Roop se oat ‘MThese are the names Tenoweth the quality names of the sixteen cacodemons. GIR GOD NAME ANGELS EB eit hes reise es and ee ofl for elements, ale sown ae he caco- cop Nanes [HIMNT DEMONS REVERSED AOVRRZ AccaorAcvea Air Cae = ZRRVOA ALOAT ‘Nat or Nprat Watr Onp IAOLA Otoior Ooi Erth Mot PmoxorPmzox Fire Apm ‘Maalor Msmal Air Cms — RINMPS labaorlanba Watt Oia ZIPLI lxporlzixnp Erth Miz Stim or Strim Fire Ast XpenorXpen Air Rxp DSAAAL Neos Veta Was S| “Arka DapiorDaspi Eth Railor: Fire Em AdreorAdie Air Rad RNIOZR be Se Ad = MFZRN or P: ‘hestar eee Hee 4s 4s Da Jou Dam (SBThis is the invitation to the ‘the East, cas z Wake de eecine raat a ‘Exocman Evocarion 147 and every onc of my petitions (respecting and concerning your aforementioned unique offices, and powers), stit- fyingly, satsfacorily, plemtily, and perfectly. AMEN YOU Ancuts or Gop, Rowe wre tars & coop- Fsorees ness, [call you, ACCA or Acvca, Near or Nvaar, O70r P, ‘Through these reverend and mystical Names of God oc Orrot, Pox or Pazox, who rule in the Eastern part of the AOVRRZ and ALOAI world: so that each one of 4 Aso 48 ‘Dr. Jou Des ‘SBThis is the invitation to the angels of the South, each of — Sate ccenie Stine rat 3 YOU ANcsts OF Gop, FLOWING wrrm TRUTH & GooD- a Oy cusses ence ENOCHIAN EvyocaTioN 49 of my petitions (respecting and concerning your aforementioned unique offices, and powers), satisfyingly, satsfact- orily, plentily and perfectly. Aux ‘Through these reverend and mystical Names of God ‘SPMNIR. and IEPIZ ‘Ane 350 Dr Jor: Dar SAThis ie the invitation othe of the West, each hom mvs ele come toeg Lc oi een knowledge of its eficacy and vital properties; O all of you, faithful to God and ministers of our ‘Creator, you who dwelleth in the Western who knoweth the arcane secrets of the Sele us § j 352 Dr. Jon Dis Sis the ttn’ wo te. oe fe Nike et pny ohare Papp deep YOU ANcais oF Goo, ROWING WITH TRUTH & coop- 3 is Seeds etacersor ree 0 Eonar e ENocHIAN EvocaTiow: 153 ‘of my petitions (respecting and concerning your aforementioned nique ofices and powen), satisfyingly, satisface- iy, pow od pacer. fer Vehatoeh deaieocagal a op ‘Names of God RZIONR and NRZFM Gain ‘THE ANGELS OF NATURAL SUBSTANCES = ‘SB These are the names of the sixteen: | angels who are most power- Finials te oles ope feces LETTER FROM. QUARTER GOD NAME ANGELS THE CROSS East ERZLA I ieey PEGE EPRE FREE 156 ‘Dr. Jomy Dex ‘Exocman Evocarion 157 SMThis is the invitation to the Angels of the East, who {This is the invitation to the angele of the South, who polar’ fof erp cate to pbs Secu al beac Roan pale Gaede ‘your understanding, i : s sopointed you a Hi ‘Byocuian Evocarion 159 This i the invitation tothe the North who polit for patee rar denen wales pho a 158 Dr. Jom Daz BThis is the invisatic the of pebte ier wpa sors orig poli fir a ‘you at His officers and ministers. AMEN Through this Holy and Mystical Name of God ADOPA ¥ S8These are the sixteen who are powerful in transporting From place to place” Fores LETTER OF QUARTER GOD NAME ANGELS THE CROSS East EVIPA Vera L Teav Pavr Aver PEEP BGy FETE 162 Da. Joun Dax the eae fed wath of et, ha ta me ec oan es Oe wore ie eee ee ial oe ea the Name of God, EYTPA, that yo come bevialy and pase rand appear personally eo you deign, to be friendly and fvosrable to me. [requir tat yon deca and make pect goodly, ely, pen, and pee Sealy, cad and every One of tay petitions, past and foroe, came Jocal motion, from to and Bierees weer mney oneks oi oe uniguely and the authority and disposition by our God, to His praise, and glory. AMEN Through this myst Name of God ee * [x eTsTee] Exocean EvocaoTiy 163 SAThis isthe invitation to the four good angels ofthe South, who are ‘powerfal # transporting from place to place: ‘YOU Foun FAITHFUL & NOMLE ANGELS & MINISTERS OF Creator, Tog is mpl Nae ad Foe * fe ella] 7 vs Dz. Joun Diz This isthe ivittion to the ls of the West, who an we cepacia ait ENocaran EvocaTion 165 SE This is the invitation to the the polis fiplssonndyfoincrariay ote God, our Creator, through God, our Greator, and dhtough this divine and mystical ATDIN, Unmbly eqeite and vehement ptiion you, that whatever future time of my life that I call finare, concerning face to snl iy Git ettce wick you wes miepy rl ad nde ep alee cabin mtn nae ‘by our God, to His praise, rand glory. AMEN Teh is tal Nane of God “AMEN CHAPTER x1) ‘THE ANGELS OF THE MECHANICAL ARTS s sThese. epeeanen ee ee LETTER OF QUARTER GOD NAME ANGELS THE CROSS East HCNBR A PSSE EPEE EERE THE? 168 ‘Dz. Jouy Da SAThis is the invitation to the four good angels of the East , who ‘shilled and powerful in the Mecaheical Ants: ‘YOU roun ROLY & TRUTHFUL MINISTERS OF OMND Exoceman Evocarion 169 SAThis is the invitation to the four goed angels of the South, who are skilled and powerful irr the Mechanical Arts: ‘YOU foun noty & reuTHroL AmusTaas oF OMNDOTENT God, our Creator, RoaN, Oar, ANRO, and Nroa, who ae in the Southem part of the world, and who hast by out God ‘been charged and committed with his ministry to practice, im- part, teach and communicate perfect skill in ail mechanical arts, to the praise, honour, and glory of our Ged, I, John Dee, the ized and marked slave of our Creator, fithfully, pradendly, powerfally desiring to be devout, (to the solace atid reward of those good men who arc of the Elect, but to he shame and ares te sesso ote eee ‘of our onini- potent God(, do humbly require and vehemently petition from all of you, named above, the omnipotent wisdom of the same, our God and Creator, and through this holy and mys- tical Name, HROAN, that at whatever time in the furure of my entire fe, that I would call you by name or invoke any, each, or all of you through this Name of God, HROAN, that you im- mediately come to me and appear to me, benignly, peacefully. , and visibly, and that you be friendly and favourable lunto me, and that you discharge, i t, and make ately, uly, pleaifally, manifesdy, and pefecdly any and all of my petitions concerning the Ares Mechanical as well as ‘other mechanical conclusions oF experiments. this mystical Name of God HROAN AMEN * [R OJe[o a] Dr. Jomt Dex fa as son ih of He et ‘Esocuan Evocamton 17 ies heer ‘the North, who os Lok sega are ‘YOU roum HOry & TRUTHFUL MINISTERS OF OMNIPOTENT God, our Creator, Psac, Sace, Aces, and Crsa, who are @) =: of the world, and who hast by our God Saeeeeeee to practice im ‘part teach, and communicate perfect skill in to the esas al ghey eee Cod Dee, the ‘and marked slave of our Creator, ly, prodenely, 2 pvc oe der (0 elas cor all of you, named above, through SoS eraser at anaes earnper ye ch Name, PPSAG, that at whatever time in the fature of my entire i hat Load ell you by name or invoke any, acy orl of you through this Name of God, PPSAC, that you immediately ‘come to me and appear to me, benigaly, peacefully, personally, and vibly, and that you be fiendly psd fsa engin ppc implement, and make perfect immediately, aad any and all of my eae cn ae iments, “ | | oe . : ‘THE ANGELS OF SECRET DISCOVERY ; : | SThese ate the ‘the sixteen who are skilled end Steere . LETTER OF : QUARTER GOD NAME ANGELS THE CROSS 6 , East HXGZD A South HIAOM S West PNIRX He North PZIZA R HEED EVER GREE QOGE Dr Jomy Dm 7% the the ar ee eae bead waite Enocman Evocanon ray SThis is the invitation to the of the South, who Sooty ae v YOU rour wise & TRUTHACE ANCELS OF THE OMNDOTENT tical name, HIAOM, that, at whatever time of my farare life {hat sould el or fnvoke any o ll of you through she Name cof God, HIAOM, that you come immediately, benign! Soe see ae ee =e 3, implement, and make perfect, truthfully peal omy ptt fm be done by om crea) ae re 176 Dr Joux Daa SMThis is the invitation to the ls of the West, who ar dasateanaicoriatan leo Exocmax Evocarion 7 SMThis isthe invitation tthe of the North, who Sled and power inthe Aveo mi (GB) Yo ren wre ee rare ancrts oF rm oncanormnr God, and ministers of our Creator: O you, Ziza, Izaz, Zazx, and Azz, who dwell in the Northern part of the world, and whom the ame, our God, hath asigned ard Bowed the ee ee type of man oF it might be fr the good of the Hep fr evo a, wenn, and discover, do humbly eS you, one and all, eens eeee te mystical Name, PZIZA, that, at whatever time of my fature life that T shold call or invoke any of all of you through the Name of God, PZIZA, that you come to me i , benignly, and that you discharge, implement, and make perfect, truthfully, plentily, and ly: all of my petitions (to be done by one, ‘any, of all of you) concerning the secrets of any men, regardless ‘state and condition. a a Through this holy and mystical Name of God PZIZA Fe HOLY TABLE. Simla) Abus SAMS [Vide page x82, QI, number 6.] APPENDICES Avrenprx A ‘THE PRACTICE OF ENOCHIAN EVOCATION sigils Baki bith ocd be epee ‘constructed some of the requisite furniture. Inaddition, Dee com- pled Stowe 3191 (le primary source for The Excan Ee- seation) to: be collection of conjurations for we in ieee tema Al it is possible that Dee never went ‘thn srt the cxpesinei &f mote ely tat he = ‘the events in 2 separate diary that has not survived. Dee Eisele moth serene parpecin mops SAE Se with Kelly, cach diary cover- spect of his life. Te would be well in character for Bese bees atculden be topecicoras “tadical truths’ that he bad ough fo 0 many years many clues that assist in uncovering the operative of hy ane beh of mail loe ‘Sloane MS. 3191, ron the portions of Enochian evocation that feepy onan comresn scattered 180 Aprexpre A the renaissance Magi. Also, ’s inva in black Sis een cae a Serer rmatian ate gothered topeber, « cobercat pic ‘emexges of the praétice of Enochian evocation. * ‘as scribe, recording the visions ‘ceremoay. Both Scryer and Magus were expected to Iced holy Ii least while practicing che magic) 10 cultivate piety and and to abstain from the practice of black magic. Duri ‘emonies, both were drested in white linen robes, and ore magical sing wid a gold seal (shown in Book ENOCHIAN EvocaTION wer ball could easily be placed on top of the Sigil. Pps cue tee Gale Ce ‘scribed. A ted sil ‘rug’, ewo yards square. SR ieee 6 oe lee tad nes ere tee A ‘sweet # - fe ud ng ag toe hollow cylinder, slightly more than 4 inches on the inside di- ameterand about 0.5 inches thick, The basic strucaure of this table is shown in Book Two; because of its low profile, two necestary. A set of elabo- eereevy Hi ae FE EB a8 8 g i i 6 E ¢ E i i E a rove ar ‘Tus Macus was required to have a ie e conjutions were recoded for te win the tonic, For te forpplet practice of Enochian evocation, it probably would h had ring contents: Ga: Paavers ‘Taz Oxattox 10 Goo—as shown in Book Two, Chaptee Five. ‘Tur Pravan or Exoce—as shown in Book One, Chapter Two, ‘Tar FUNDAMENTAL Oszsance—as shown in Book Five. Cl Four. §2. Coxjenaions ‘THe Herrancetc Coxjurations—formed by ie sraote ofeach, King anc Pines (shown in é wit These Angelical and English. Note that the ‘key was to be repeated 30 times. wit to indicate the Airc being worked. In Sloane Ms. 339f, } the various Airesare listed in the margin. Theindivideal of the Aires are given in Book Four, Column Four. ‘Tux Invitations To THe ANcats or ta: Quaxrexs—as sho ‘Book Five, Chapters Five through Thicteen. q sance Magi would have considered this omission Seoreanesc ners : ie pu war Ae tad te ce Day ovr the determinations of God fulfilled, and his creatures kept and prserved. One conjured them to obtain a varity of semi- divine powers and capabilites. These Angels were based upon he g and the 4 compass points. 384 Aveenix A Sons of Light ho ie Sons of the of Light SOM ie inns Sechehih ence AOAYNNE ELCNSED LEENARR =LOMEO phe Table PSBNAA¥ Suze Nanas EOT?TA he Table [toaesrM SPAMLLN OEMNAD SAGACIY BOALPAE A ue 4% /CGLPPSA OOCOSRS LEAORIB ONEDPON BBANIC BNVAGE Ministers \osso0Ez NRECERB NEICIAB NOONMANABOSNIA BLSOFOO NE FsutmNa cegdbab AOmIAR EIEVIGL BRASNOD RARER H (Fi) (Wed) (Sun.) (Tues). (Thurs) (Sat) Note that the “Son of the Sons’ Hacowet had a d ‘than Paice Haconet and thus was a different: hows [beginning at midi for Prince aucaNot (Friday) are aa aa asoral onpmls spin vole soley sloear) ga Bane baa 1 snazelb waselsb acolbbn aelibna “li SAM —127M tocespm —Ocespm as Espmtioa Spmioe Pmises zem— goa Gglppss clppsag ippsoge spsaggl rsagglp sagelpp ag avezoe Oe20%@ 0220000 trlnanl alnanil inanllr Nanllel Exocetan Evocation: ws The i ees ee angels, "ig were the Kings and Princes for the days. ered et te tp Good Aogel at the close of Book Two shows the peiaticy secon of ach of he ees. ‘Cariously, the planetary atcibutions ‘es that maori ths adil Siete ‘with the planets By ation, itis fate angel had pipekesaertiates oe ‘Sownay. ‘Monpay Bosocs. ‘Sol of Sol Buomaza = Luna of Lama Bomroeo: - Soll Vaur Basten’). Kame af See Hablibo Sol ofLuna_—-Baspalo. Lama of Mercury Bacad — SolofSeumn Delma Tau of pice Bags Sol of: ‘Bragiip- Eas of Mack Banat Sol of Jupiter Bris ‘Lima of Sol Boncfon Sol of Mars Hane of Vee ‘TursDAY ‘Wepnespay Basats: — MarsofMars Bxasror Mercury of Mrcry Buars. MasofSol Bune) Mexcury of Jopitr Bapnido —-Marsof Ves Bazpama. Mercury of Mars Bodie Mex oR bares Beceiol agen ead Besieged Msc of Seeeew:Blemape. Mecery of Veiee Binofon. —-Marsof. Barfort = Mercury of Lana Bmiles — Marsof Jupiter Blligan Mercury of Satur ‘THurspaY Famay Brveron Jupiter of Jupiter Bazicon Venus of Venus Brovowo Jupiter ofMasBacniot Vans of Lana Bamelo Jupiter of Sol ‘Venus of Saturn eee a rye pci here Blngef i Venus of Jupiter ‘Bartiro jupiter of Sarum Bermale Venus of Mars Baldago JerofMac Bega YaunofSel {2 Tae Avcms of THE Ams ‘Tae ox msascarar Angels of the Aires arc lised in tabular focm im Book Four. CouuMn One gives the name of the country over which each. Ange! rules. These are based on Ptolemy's Geography. Coxmia Two gives the name of cach Angel, which is the asthe name of the part of the Earth ax imposed by God. Corume Tues gives the sigil for each Angel. These are tived from the Great Table of the Quisters, by is an ‘overlay’ ust belonging sw other Angels, git he i ans) and te Toca “Tasrrom’ are generated for the central cross. “Lax ass the ‘L’ at the botwom right comer of the Wester g ‘These sigils are not given in Sloane sts. 3191, but are here for completeness. Note also that 2 sigil is given im table for an entity Laxpsct, which is not in the o1 Aires. Corsuar Four gives the Aire in which the Angel dwell. Zuncnor for Pisces, 7. Atrvous for Cancer, 8. 4 pttarius, 9. Zanznc for Virgo, 10. Lavavors for J 1. Zincaaw for Capricorn & 12. AxeALoG for Taurai. ‘Exocatan EVOCATION 187 Covcun: Ercx gives the tribe of Isrel that corresponds to the ‘Angelic King and each sign of the Zodiac. Coat Nie eye eng pons Stl be Bed Vaoan in the Gee Angel bey i we bc ale 0 Vous whe CY. Tarswans ‘Tux use of various talismans were considered necessary for the practice of evocation magic in general, and were probably used for Enochian evocation as well. Only one Enochian talisman has survived: a beautiful gold disk in the British Museum. A True Relation shows an engraving of his disk on page preceding Tu Hoty Tass; the talisman commemorates a vision that Kelly liad of the Angels of the Quarters: "A Vision. The sign of the love of God toward his faithful. Four ssumpruous and bel coke week oad Sage Daas thrice. "58 The sign ofMajesty, the Cloth ofthe pascage was cast ‘SE In the West a cloth, the seins of many Dragons, green; garlic C ‘SMI the North, the clot, Hair-coloured, Bibery juyee. 188 Appenprx AL ‘The Trumpets sound once. The gates open. The four Castles are moved. Pfpabeen at ay recone ‘Trumpets are a Pyramis, — repens fie’ ao six, ae is in St Spee acre Gakowerealjcce am opposite to pause. apr They cen womb. Reach the wse for the gold disk is not kn = = old ds aoe now i ay he Magi was dficy required to construct 2 talisman for cach group of Angels that he wished to conjure. se of wet wood withthe churn 5. Tausmans ro tas Anerts of tas Quaxmas None of ras Angels of the Quarters have their own signatures, a fict that would seem to indicate the relatively exalted seatus of buses nga of Paley: ~2Q2pereF ou nad tsarrexna pl & Jee eee Ee ord 5 tl on Es

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