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Reanna Huerbana

EDU 214

It isn’t a good thing when a small farm town in Colorado starts to have multiple

disappearances. It started with chickens. A few chickens disappeared from Mr. Jones’

farm, another few were missing from Old Sally’s, and Miss Honey’s one and only chicken was

found mauled along her gate. Eventually, the blame was shifted on to the bears, but when

the town sheriff found adult bears ripped apart and half eaten, she knew. It was something

more terrifying than a natural predator feasting on easy prey.

A month goes by, and life goes on. Mr. Jones and Old Sally get new chickens, Miss

Honey adopted a Pug named Bubbles, and the whole town relaxed a bit. Everything changed

when Mr. Jones and found a man hunched over another animal. There was blood everywhere

when the hunched-over man turned to face Mr. Jones. He was shocked and screamed for

help. He ran as fast as he could to the police station. When Mr. Jones described him, it was

almost too terrifying for everyone at the station. The mysterious man was grotesque and smelled

of death. His skin was pale and eyes bloodshot and dripping with blood. His mouth had meat and

blood dripped down to his clothes. His hair was brown with streaks of white. Mr. Jones thought

for a second and it reminded him of his late brother Bob and his brown and white hair. He didn’t

think much of it.

The next day, the small town was on a search for the mysterious man, who Mr. Jones had

described eating his cow. Mr. Jones thought again about his brother and wanted to pay his

respects. His scream was heard from across the town when he found his brother’s grave dug

from below and the coffin clawed out. It was his brother- his brother was undead and hungry.

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