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Social Media for Teachers

How can teachers use social media in their classrooms?

Social media has become such a big part of today’s world. With its popularity amongst various

age groups, it can be a great tool for teachers.

-Photo of social media platforms

Parents put a lot of trust in teachers when dropping their children off at school each day. When

children get home from school, parents usually ask how was your day today? Or what did you

do in school today? Students’ answers are usually very simple, something along the lines of I

don’t remember or it was good.

-Photo of parent and child

What better way for parents to see what their child has been learning or working on than social

media. Teachers can share student work on various platforms such as Instagram, Facebook,

and even Twitter.

-Photo of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter

When starting off the school year, teachers can share their educator accounts with parents and

guardians and let them know what they can look forward to seeing being posted throughout the

school year. Once parents are following the pages they will have instant access to everything

the teacher posts and can even turn on their notifications so they are notified when something

new has been posted.

-Photo of notifications symbol, educator accounts

Some things teachers can share are their weekly objectives, photos of student work, or students

working, as well as reminders for upcoming school events or deadlines. When parents have
time throughout their day, they can scroll through the Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram page and

get a glimpse as to how their child’s day was.

-Photo of educator account and what can be posted

When their child gets home from school, parents will be able to ask more specific questions and

even further their child’s learning past the school day. This will also help hold the children

accountable for their learning when they know their parents will be asking about it when they get


-Photo of a family

Something important that teachers need to remember before posting to social media is that they

need permission to post a photo of a child. As an educator, we have to respect students’ privacy

as well as their families especially if your class social media page is public.

-Photo of privacy

Older students who have social media accounts can even follow their class pages to stay up to

date on assignments and reminders. Also, they will take pride in everything they do in the

classroom when they see their work being shared out to their parents, which can motivate them

to work hard.

Having social media pages for your classroom allows parents and guardians to feel welcomed

into your class, which is very important since their child spends most of their day with their

teacher. With social media playing such a huge role in today’s society, what better way to

embrace it as a teacher. Social media is a great tool for teachers to start using if they haven’t

already. It can keep parents engaged, get the community engaged, as well as the students.

- Photo of social media

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