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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Bidang Studi Keahlian : Semua Bidang Studi Keahlian
Program Studi Keahlian : Semua Program Studi Keahlian
Kompetensi Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian

Hari/ Tanggal : …../ ….
Waktu : 120 menit

1. Periksalah Naskah Soal yang Anda terima sebelum mengerjakan soal yang
a. Kelengkapan jumlah halaman atau urutanya.
b. Kelengkapan dan urutan nomor soal.
2. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang apabila terdapat lembar soal, nomor soal yang
tidak lengkap atau tidak urut, serta Lembar Jawaban yang rusak atau robek untuk
mendapat gantinya.
3. Isilah pada Lembar Jawaban Anda dengan :
a. Nama Peserta pada kotak yang disediakan, lalu hitamkan bulatan di
bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf di atasnya.
b. Nomor Peserta dan Tanggal Lahir pada kolom yang disediakan, lalu
hitamkan bulatan di bawahnya sesuai dengan huruf/ angka di atasnya.
c. Nama Sekolah, Tanggal Ujian, dan bubuhkan Tanda Tangan Anda pada
kotak yang disediakan.
4. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah, jumlah soal sebanyak
50 butir dengan 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban
5. Apabila anda ingin memperbaiki/ mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban
semula dengan karet penghapus sampai bersih (Jangan sampai rusak), kemudian
hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut anda benar
6. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, translator, handphone, atau alat bantu
7. Periksalah seluruh pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian
8. Lembar soal boleh dicorat-coret
Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.

Part I. Pictures.
Questions number 1 to 3.
Directions :
For each item, there is a picture on your display and four short statements about it on the audio.
They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out on your display, so you must listen carefully. You
must choose one statement — (A), (B), (C), or (D) — that best describes the picture. Then, mark
your choice.

Example :

A. The shopping carts are stuck together.

B. The basket needs to be refilled.
C. The baby strollers are on sale.
D. The trolleys are being rented.

Choice (C) “The baby strollers are on sale.” best describes What is seen
in the picture. Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer sheet.

Let’s begin with question number one.

1. Number one

2. Number two
3. Number three

Part 2 Question – Responses

Questions number 4 to 7.
Directions. :
In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English, followed by four
responses, also spoken in English. The questions and responses will be spoken TWICE. They will
not be showed on your display, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
You have to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question:

You will hear      : 
Woman : Shouldn’t We check in with the receptionist?

You will also hear : 

(A) I didn’t bring my checkbook.
(B) Yes, we should check it out.
(C) Yes, I suppose so.
(D) No, we shouldn’t.

Choice (C) — “Yes, I suppose so” — is the best response to the question. ”Shouldn’t we check in
with the receptionist?” Therefore, you should mark (C) on your answer choice.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
Part III : Short Dialog
Questions number 8 to 11.
Directions :
In this section of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations
TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear :
Woman : Do you mind if I use your computer?
Man : No. Please shut it down after you finish.
Woman : I will. Thank you.
You will read:
What will the man do?
A. Finish his work.
B. Lend his computer.
C. Borrow the computer.
D. Shut down the laptop.

Choice (B) — Lend his computer — is the best answer to the question. Therefore, you should mark
(B) on your answer sheet.

8. What does the woman say about her mother?

A. She can cook well.
B. She own the restaurant.
C. She is always in hurry.
D. She never has breakfast.

9. What does the woman think of the box office movie?

A. It was very dull.
B. It was very terrible.
C. It was very good.
D. It was very boring.

10. What will the woman do?

A. Go to her grandmother.
B. Do not do anything.
C. Go to the museum.
D. Go to Jakarta.

11. From the dialogue we can infer that the young man is?
A. He is the man’s son.
B. He is a new student.
C. He is third grade student.
D. He is good student.
Part IV. Short Talks
Questions 12 to 15.
Directions :
In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE. They will not
be showed on your display, so you must listen carefully to understand and remember what is said.
on your display, you will read two or more questions about each short talk. Each question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer choice.

12. What will the interested listeners probably do after hearing the information?
A. Go to the market to buy a salmon.
B. Buy sushi and salmon tempura.
C. Search the location of the restaurant.
D. Talk to the chef restaurant.

13. Which poultry item is a wonderful choice for dinner?

A. Chicken.
B. Duck.
C. Turkey.
D. Goose.

14. What does the speaker say about?

A. Beef cows diet and grass fed.
B. Dry grain only.
C. Protein.
D. Kinds of beef.

15. What cannot be fed to the beef as stated by the speaker?

A. a mix of leguminous.
B. crop silage.
C. grass silages.
D. dry grain.

This is the end of the listening section.

Now go on to the reading section on the next page.
Reading Section

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the following text.

Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One of the best tourist
attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. This beach is located in the village of
Tanjung Setia, West Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to
seven hour driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province.
This beach has not been well known by the citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world
surfers this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This beach is exactly laid on the track of
large Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves which are quite perfect for
surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually lasts from June to August with the height
which can reach up to six to seven meters with a 200 meters length.
In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach also has an ambience which is quite
natural with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm tree which grow also adorn this beach.
For local people, the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing. Some fish which are often
obtained by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so big enough that its weight can reach up
to 70 kilograms. By local residents this fish is known by the name of Iwa Tuhuk.

16. What is expected from the readers after reading the text?
A. Be aware of the beauty of the beach.
B. Be interested in visiting the object.
C. Understand the history about Lampung.
D. Know which place to stay in Lampung.

17. From the text above, we can infer that …

A. Tanjung Setia Beach is exactly located on the track of large Indian Ocean.
B. Tanjung Setia Beach isn’t laid in Lampung.
C. The visitor can’t suffers in this beach.
D. Tanjung Setia Beach has black sand along the beach.

18. “…… the best tourist attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach.” (1st paragraph)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. scenery.
B. location.
C. loveliness.
D. allure.

19. What is the text below about?

Using organic fertilizers had known since then and important for farming. Organic
fertilizers derived from animal matter, animal excreta, human excreta, and vegetable
matter. Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include animal wastes from meat processing,
peat, manure, slurry, and guano.
A. Organic fertilizers don’t make from animal matter, human excreta and vegetable
B. Organic fertilizers use for animal matter, human excreta and vegetable matter.
C. Organic fertilizers got from animal matter, human excreta and vegetable matter.
D. Organic fertilizers aren’t product from animal matter, human excreta and vegetable
Question no 20 to 21 based on following text.


1) When moving your microscope, always carry it with both hands. Grasp the arm with
one hand and place the other hand under the base for support.
2) Your microscope slide should be prepared with a coverslip or cover glass over the
specimen. This will help protect the objective lenses if they touch the slide.
3) Place the microscope slide on the stage and fasten it with the stage clips. You can push
down on the back end of the stage clip to open it.
4) Look at the objective lens and the stage from the side and turn the coarse focus knob so
that the objective lens moves downward (or the stage, if it moves, goes upward). Move
it as far as it will go without touching the slide!
5) Now, look through the eyepiece and adjust the illuminator (or mirror) and diaphragm
for greatest amount of light.
6) Slowly turn the coarse adjustment so that the objective lens goes (away from the slide).
Continue until the image comes into focus. Use the fine adjustment, if available, for fine
focusing. If you have a microscope with a moving stage, the coarse knob so the stage
moves downward or away from the objective lens.
7) Move the microscope slide around so that the image is in the center of the field of view
and readjust the mirror, illuminator or diaphragm for the clearest image.
8) Now, you should be able to change to the next objective lenses with only minimal use
of the focusing adjustment. Use the fine adjustment, if available. If you cannot focus
on your specimen, repeat steps 4 through 7 with the higher objective lens in place.
Do not allow the objective lens to touch the slide!
9) The proper way to use a monocular microscope is to look through the eyepiece with one
eye and keep the other eye open (this helps avoid eye strain). If you to close one eye
when looking into the microscope, it’s ok. Remember, everything is upside down and
backwards. When you move the slide to the right, the image goes the left!
10) Do not touch the glass part of the lenses with your fingers. Use only special lens paper
to clean the lenses.
11) When finished, raise the tube (or lower the stage), click the low power lens into position
and remove the slide.
12) Always keep your microscope covered when not in use. Dust is the number 1 enemy!

20. What is the text about …

A. How to make a microscope.
B. How to keep a microscope.
C. How to use a microscope.
D. How to use a mirror.

21. Which of the following modal is not true in the step no. 8?
A. should
B. touch
C. able
D. can
Text for questions number 22 to 24.
How to Clean Your Digital Camera
First, clean the body of the camera. Wipe any dust on the camera,using compressed air,
an air blower or dry cloth. Don’t use anything like window cleaning liquid, which might
damage your digital camera. Remember not to use anything that contains chemicals or oils
when cleaning the camera.
After cleaning the body, you can clean the camera lens. Use a soft cloth to wipe the
lens.only use lens cleaning fluid to clean the lens on your digital camera. Don’t forget to
wipe the lens cap for any dust. Then clean the image sensor. Use an air blower to remove the
dust. Don’t use compressed air or anything like window cleaning liquid to clean the sensor.
Finally, clean the inside of the up your camera , use an air blower to clean
the inside of the camera for any dust.

Adapted from


22. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To describe what the digital camera is.
B. To give a brief hint how to use digital camera.
C. To explain how to clean the digital camera.
D. To explain how to clean the camera lens.

23. Use the air blower to remove the dust. the underlined word has closest meaning with?
A. distinct
B. dissolve
C. clean
D. clear

24. What is the next after cleaning the body of camera?

A. Clean the camera lens.
B. Clean the inside of the camera.
C. Wipe the lens cap for any dust.
D. Clean the image sensor of the camera.
Question no 25 to 27 based on the following text.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and ornament
manufacturer. He was the inventor of dynamite. He also owned Bofors, which he had
redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major
manufacturer of cannons and other ornaments. He held 355 different patents, dynamite
being the most famous. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the
Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. He was the third
son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. Born in Stockholm on 21
October 1833, he went with my family to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father
invented modern plywood. He studied chemistry with Professor Nikolay Nickolaevich
Zinin. When he was 18, he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years
and worked for a short period under John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil
War ironclad USS Monitor.

Returning to Sweden, with his father after bankruptcy of his family business, he then
devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the save manufacture and
use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Acanio Sobrero, one of his fellow
students under Theophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin). A big explosion
occurred on 2 September 1864 at his factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm, killing five
peoplE. Among them was his younger brother, Emil.

The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his
last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has
honoured men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry,
medicine, literature and for work in peace.

25. Where did Alfred Nobel work with John Ericsson?

A. Sweden
B. the USA
C. Stockholm
D. Heleneborg

26. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Alfred Nobel devoted himself to the study of chemistry
B. His success with explosive finally led to the 1864 tragedy
C. A big explosion in Heleneborg in Stockholm killed many people
D. A big explosion destroyed his factory in Heleneborg Stockholm

27. What was Bofor’s main business under Alfred Nobel?

A. It manufactured cannons and other ornaments
B. It designed the ironclad monitor
C. It produced iron and steel
D. It produced dynamite
Number 28 to 30 Based on the following application letter!

Dian Sastrowardoyo
Jalan Elang 89
Tangerang Selatan 19837
October, 30th 2018

PO BOX 1393

JKB 11013

To whom it may concern,

I’m applying for the Project Manager position advertised through Jakarta Post. As shown in the
enclosed resume, I have a strong academic background in Chemical Engineer graduated from
Universitas Indonesia on 2007.

My current work as Project Management in various multinational company has given me

firsthand experience in the challenge associated with the development of a successful
Petrochemical Company. In addition, I have excellent managerial and communication skills
both in Bahasa Indonesia as well as English.

This background, combined with over ten years of Ethylene Plant Operation as Project
Management, has given me a unique perspective that would be particularly valuable in meeting
the responsibilities of this position, as described in your position. I am and independent
individual who capable to work under pressure.

I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my qualifications in more detail
and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Dian Sastrowardoyo

28. Who wrote the application letter?

A. Project Manager.
B. Dian Sastrowardoyo.
C. Jakarta Post.
D. Chemical Engineer.

29. What are the skills that applicant presented on the application letter?
A. Managerial and communication skills
B. Public speaking and communication skills
C. Accounting and managerial skills
D. Bahasa Indonesia and English
30. I am and independent individual who capable to work under pressure.
The underlined word has the same meaning to…
A. Irresponsible
B. awkward
C. competent
D. professional

Question no 31 to 33 based on following announcement.


To : All employees
Effective date : January 28th, 2020
Subject : Staff uniforms

All employees are required to wear a uniform during work hours. This is to make it
easier to distinguish them from customers. Women should wear pink blouse with black
pants or black knee-lenght skirt. Men should wear black pants with red or orange shirt.



31. Where can you find the announcement?

A. At school
B. In a bank
C. In a library
D. In a company

32. What can you get from the announcement?

A. All staff should wear uniforms
B. Women should wear pink blouseuniforms
C. Men should wear white pants uniforms
D. All employees not allow to wear uniforms

33. Which statement is TRUE about the announcement in the text?

A. On january 28th, 2020 is effective day for staff to start working.
B. A manager wants to increase new employee in their company.
C. On january 28th, 2020 is effective day to wear staff uniforms.
D. Women should wear black and pink knee-lenght skirt
Questions no 34 to 36 refer to the following invitation.
Jl. GatotSubroto 111

June 23rd, 2018

Post Comp
Albany Road 444
New Zealand

Dear Sir,
We have been invited to be the one of the partners in your business in Jakarta. We
are interested in becoming distributors for your software products. Would you like to send
us your latest catalogues, descriptive brochures and terms?
Our company deals with hardware. Therefore we would like to add software to our
sales range. Our annual report is also enclosed. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Anton Budiman
Marketing Manager

34. Who would probably receive the invitation of the letter?

A. Human Resource Development
B. Marketing Manager
C. Secretary Manager
D. General Manager

35. Based on the text, what would probably Mr. AntoBudiman do?
A. Wait for the invitation
B. Invite the owner of the company
C. Call the company to give him catalogues
D. Ask the company to deliver the catalogues

36. Our company deals with hardware.

The italic word in the above sentence, has a similar word to ….
A. negotiate
B. bargain
C. trade
D. barter
Questions no 37 to 38 based on the dialog given.
Brad :
What are you doing this weekend?
Matt :
I’m not sure yet. Why?
Brad :
Well, my parents are having a barbeque on Sunday. Would you like to come?
Matt :
Are you sure it’s OK? Your parents don’t know me.
Brad :
Of course. They always like to meet my friend. Some of m sister’s friends will be
there, too. It’ll be a lot of enjoyment.
Matt : OK. That sounds nice. Can I bring anything?
Brad : Oh, no. we already have everything we need.

37. From the text we can infer that ….

A. Family habits during the weekend
B. Things to prepare for a barbeque
C. A small party at Matt’s house
D. An invitation to a barbeque

38. What is Matt going to do?

A. He is not going to do anything
B. He is ignore his friend’s invitation
C. He is very pleasure to accepted his friend’s invitation
D. He is neglect his friend’s invitation

Questions no 39 to 40 based on the dialog given in each number

39. Ami : What’s wrong with you? You look so pale.
Eric : Well … I feel tired and dizzy.
Ami : I think you have to lie down and take a medicine.
The synonym of the underlined phrase above is …
A. Wellness
B. Fit
C. Salubriousness
D. Unhealthy

40. Elsa : What do you think about the new rules of school’s hours? I really don’t like the ideas
that I should wake up earlier than before?
Eko : I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.
Where does the dialogue take place?
A. in a zoo
B. in a restaurant
C. in the classroom
D. in a movie
Questions 41 to 42: complete the following text with the words provided.
To : All students and teachers

Come and (41)… our new chemistry laboratory. Lots of new things here like as thermometer,
microscope, volumetric pipette etc are available. The event will be (42)... on:
Date : March 12th, 2020
Time : 08.30 a.m
Venue : Chemistry Laboratory at 1st floor

Don’t miss this free event. Every students have to bring notebook to accomplish your report.
If you make an excellent resume, you will get a reward.
You can also enjoy our amazing chemistry trial.

Head of laboratory

41. A. go
B. visit
C. back
D. see

42. A. starts
B. start
C. held
D. hold

Questions 43 to 50 : choose the appropriate option to complete the dialog or sentence.

43. Andre : It’s hard to learn this new software
Dodi : Don’t say that. It just need practice. If you practice it more , …….
A. You will understand the program.
B. You would be able to create the program.
C. You wouldn’t use the program anymore.
D. You could explain the program to others.

44. Romi : This machine shop is clean now. It is more comfortable than before.
Fahmi : Of course, because yesterday ………
A. I am cleaning it.
B. I clean it.
C. I am going to clean it.
D. It cleaned it.

45. Mrs. Andria : So, what makes you interested to apply on the position of Chemical Engineer
in this company?
Bayu : I’m interested to apply as Chemical Engineer due to my capability.
___________. Besides, I graduate from Chemical Engineering with
Cumlaude 3.70. Not only that, I also have skills and experiences to promote
my ability.
A. I don’t think so, Ma’am. Working in this company is my dream job.
B. I feel that I capable to get that position.
C. I strongly believe that there should be me in your company.
D. I think your company need someone new to fill the position.

46. Doctor : What do you usually have for dinner?

Patient : I usually have fast food.
Doctor : Something spicy?
Patient : Hot and spicy food at eight is the best way to warm my body before going to
bed. Doctor: At eight? What time do you have your lunch?
Patient : Usually at 12. I always feel nauseated in the morning so I usually just skip the
breakfast. Sometimes I’ll just grab some chips, and I’ll have my lunch at 12. If
I’m feeling hungry, I will get more snacks in the afternoon.
Doctor : It’s a hint of a stomach disorder. You sure need to change your eating behavior.
Never skip your breakfast, eat three times a day, no fast food and less spicy
Patient : ____________________.
A. Eat spicy food is my favorite thing to do, Doctor.
B. I don’t think so it’s necessary.
C. That’s going to be hard, but I’ll try.
D. It’s a good idea!

47. Waiter : Good afternoon, welcome to our store. May I help you ma’am?
Costumer : Could you show me, where is the suit?
Waiter : With my pleasure, follow me ma’am
Costumer : Thank you.
Waiter : You are welcome.
Costumer : Excuse me. ____________________
Waiter : Do you want another size Ma’am.
Costumer : Give me L size, please.
Waiter : Okay, wait a moment Ma’am
A. This size is too big for me.
B. Where is the small size?
C. Ok, I will take it
D. This one please.

48. Liana : Niar, are you okay?

Niar : No, I’m not good. _________________
Liana : What did you eat before?
Niar : I don’t know, I can’t remember it.
Liana : Do you want me to take Medicine for you?
Niar : Yes, please. Thank you
Liana : you are welcome.
A. I have a headache
B. I have stomachache
C. My throat hurts
D. I have a toothache
49. Eshal : Last week we went to laboratory and we had an assignment but I haven’t done my
assignment. I lost my chemistry book.
Abizar : Don’t worry. You ...... or search in the google.
Eshal : Ok I’ll try.
A. can borrow a book in the library
B. can borrow a book in the laboratory
C. cann’t borrow a book in the library
D. cann’t borrow mine

50. Kania : Where will we go for our science project?

Reva : How if we go to PT kimia, we will find something new in that place.
Kania : ....................... let’s go there
A. I don’t think so
B. I disagree
C. That sounds great
D. I cann’t

- end of the test -

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