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Warm up
 Do you often take a taxi?
 Where did you last go by a taxi?
 Do you tip taxi drivers? If so, how much?
 Do you think it’s always safe to use a taxi?
 Do you think taxi drivers should know every road?

Take (verb) to move something or someone from
one place to another

How long (adjective) what length or duration

Get (verb) to reach or arrive at a particular place

About (adverb) a little more or less than the stated
number or amount

Thirty (number) the number 30

Minute (noun) one of the 60 parts that an hour is
divided into, consisting of 60 seconds

Usually (adjective) normal; happening, done, or used most

Total (adjective) including everything:
the total cost

Change (noun MONEY) the money that is returned to someone
who has paid for something that costs
less than the amount that they gave
Key phrases

Where can I take you?

Could you take me to the Sun hotel?

How long does it take to get to the hotel?

It takes about 30 minutes.
How long does it take to get to the...?

airport Bus station university

beach mall city center


Taxi driver: Where are you going?

Passenger: Could you take me to the sun hotel?
Taxi driver: Sure.
Passenger: How long does it take to get to the hotel?
Taxi driver: It usually takes about 20 minutes.

Passenger: Can you stop here, please?

Taxi driver: Okay. The total is 25 dollars.
Passenger: Keep the change.

Taxi driver: Where ___________?

Passenger: __________________________?
Taxi driver: Sure.
Passenger: How long ______________________?
Taxi driver: It usually ______ about ______ minutes.

Passenger: Can you ________, please?

Taxi driver: Okay. The ___________ dollars.
Passenger: Keep the _________.
Let's read
Taxi driver: Hi. Where are you going?
Passenger: To the train station, please.
Taxi driver: Shall I put your bag in the trunk?
Passenger: No thanks. I'll keep it with me. How long will it take to the station?
Taxi driver: About 30 minutes. Are you in a hurry?
Passenger: Yes, I'm a bit late.
Taxi driver: We can take the expressway. There's an extra charge, okay?
Passenger: That's okay, thanks.
Taxi driver: Fasten your seatbelt, please.
Passenger: Okay.
Taxi driver: Here's the expressway. Can I have $3 for the fee?
Passenger: Here you are.
Taxi driver: Are you catching a train at the station?
Passenger: Yes, I'm going to the beach to meet some friends.
Taxi driver: Okay. Here is the station.
Passenger: Thank you. How much is it?
Taxi driver: $55.
Passenger: Here's $60. Keep the change.
Taxi driver: Thanks. Don't forget your things.
Passenger: Okay. Bye. Have a good day!
Check your understanding

1. Where does the passenger want to be taken?

to the beach
to an expressway
to catch a train

2. How much luggage does the passenger have?

one bag
two bags

3. Just before getting out of the taxi, the passenger gives the driver
a tip
her things
the expressway toll

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