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Marriage is not just about being in relationship between two people but also, it is a

relationship rooted in human nature and thus, ruled by natural law. One of the most
controversial topics in society for so many years is the issue about legalization of same-sex
marriage in the Philippines. Same-sex marriage consists of LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) Community is a union or marriage between two people
with the same sex through in church or civil ceremony.

Same-sex marriage is a very controversial issue in the Philippines, both social and
religious. A man is for woman only and a woman is for man only. Same-sex marriage should
not be implemented in our country because it will violate natural law, adding burdens to the
annulment systems, to validate and to promote the homosexual lifestyle. And foremost, it
neglects the sacredness of marriage and does not acknowledge the words of God. Also, same-
sex marriage has great impact on children. They will be the one who will suffer. They are the
most vulnerable that needs protection from any harmful. So, legalization of same-sex
marriage should not be implemented for them to be protected. This issue is both about
religious issue and human right issue. We must always remember that God comes first before
anything else even our own greed.

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