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Cataloging Innovation. 
An intriguing paper on the notion of idea generation came to my attention this
week. it's from the international journal of management practice which might have
suggested something rather dry and off topic. but the first named author Roy
wood head is in the school of technology at Oxford Brookes university U. K. and
researches in the field of IT service management while his co author and made a
rally at the university of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia is currently
researching value management and innovation in the context of major civil
engineering projects. So, what made this paper stand out? well seemingly its
main conclusion is that over recent years management speak has overtaken
perhaps not surprisingly some would say the actual generation of ideas within an
industry in R&D environment or elsewhere. So, the whole idea of coming up with
something new. inventing in other words has become detached from the practical
and been lost in the processes of managing information. Common sense.
Apparently, has once again been usurped by the need to organize. management
is not wholly to blame for this this juncture. the researchers hand, in fact they
point out that the reason for the split boils down to an assumption about how our
brains work in creative mode. this cognitive theory of creativity holds that ideas
are located exclusively within the human brain. this assumption would head into
Raleigh suggest has led to a dearth of research into how creativity leads to new
ideas because it seems like a problem already solved. this has stifled research
into idea generation. Now, would head into Raleigh say it is time to challenge this
assumption and to build an alternative view based on the relationship between
our intentions and their effects which could develop new perspectives on idea
generation by helping us understand that ideas are not the simply the product of
the human mind but are the product of a wide range of information sources and
responses to them. it may be obvious most ideas do not emerge spontaneously
from our subconscious. they are seated in the molded by what we sense and
information we acquire. it may be obvious but this was apparently not considered
part of the theory of idea generation. the researchers tear into the conventional
wisdom of idea generation and the approaches used in management to stimulate
R&D to appraise ideas. they have taken case studies among major technological
organizations predominantly in the oil industry as their raw materials. they
emphasized that poor performance among those charged with generating ideas
is usually seen as one as poor performance among those charged with
generating ideas is usually seen as a weakness of the individuals involved rather
than a problem with the assumptions about the standard idea generations
techniques employed. as such the researchers say under performance of better
idea generation is left unquestioned the researchers conclusions seem in
retrospect rather obvious. But they have apparently been ignored for many years
because of strongly held belief in the cognitive theory that this not bear closer
scrutiny. we believe our potential to generate new possibilities has been reduced
by the view that ideas originate within an individual the researchers state. after all
you would not expect a child to be able to design an efficient nuclear power
station or devise a recycling system for metropolis. in this notion lies the key to
better idea generation. idea generation is something to do with the way external
systems work our knowledge of the workings and inability to conceive of
alternative ways to make things happen. in other words our minds can
manipulate a new idea but the new idea emerges not endogenously but from the
relationship between mind and world.

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