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Continuing with the theme the first developments

First Developments

In the origins of the television different mechanical solutions were exposed, like the disc of
Nipkow, in 1884; However, these mechanical systems were discarded for the benefit of
current, fully electronic pickup systems.

In 1925 the Scottish inventor John Logie Baird made the first real experience using two discs,
one on the transmitter and one on the receiver, which were attached to the same axis so that
their rotation was synchronous and separated by 2 mm.

The first public television broadcasts were made by the BBC One in England in 1936 the TF1 of
France in 1935; And CBS and NBC in the United States in 1930. In both cases mechanical
systems were used and the programs were not broadcast with a regular schedule.

18 eighteen 84 eighty-four

19 nineteen 25 twenty-five

19 nineteen 35 thirty-five

19 nineteen 30 thirty

Primeros desarrollos

En los orígenes de la televisión se expusieron distintas soluciones mecánicas, como el disco de

Nipkow, en 1884; sin embargo, se desecharon estos sistemas mecánicos en beneficio de los
sistemas de captación totalmente electrónicos actuales.

En 1925 el inventor escocés John Logie Baird efectúa la primera experiencia real utilizando dos
discos, uno en el emisor y otro en el receptor, que estaban unidos al mismo eje para que su
giro fuera síncrono y separados por 2 mm.

Las primeras emisiones públicas de televisión las efectuó la BBC One en Inglaterra en 1936 la
TF1 de Francia en 1935; y la CBS y NBC en Estados Unidos en 1930. En ambos casos se
utilizaron sistemas mecánicos y los programas no se emitían con un horario regular.

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