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Strongly agree with the statement. Students should get involved in community activity.

Community activities are essential to students due to it upholding a big role in making an
individual more pro-active, promotes togetherness and it increases the quality of the
school’s image. Student are now confined to their learn institutions. Involvement in
community activities improve their communication skills, and helps to develop positive skills
and a quality lifestyle.
Firstly, I strongly agree with the statement because it will enhance communication
skills. This is because student’s muggle with people from all walks of life - interact with
people of different ages and background. Such as get involved in a neighborhood gotong
royong. In other words, the students will learn to be respectful to elders, speak with
patience also creates an opportunity for acceptance from peers who have common
interests. Therefore, communication skill helps student especially during their studies,
career development, job interview, workplace, social networking.
Secondly, students should get involved in community activity because inculcates
positive skills among students. By joining this activity, it will improve personality and builds
various skills which are beneficial to their studies and career development in future. For an
instance, students will learn to become tolerant, helpful and understanding while
undertaking community projects. It is because, this activity allows student to learn what
they see, hear and do as modelled by others in the community. To sum up, the development
of positive values helps students to find new ways of thinking and problem-solving to share
among community members.
The next point is, this activity helps students to develop a quality lifestyle with less
stress. By joining this activity, the students become healthier mentally, physically and
emotionally. For an example, taking time off to unwind from studies during weekends or
semester breaks by participating in useful community activities. On top of that, this is a way
to improve their lifestyle and to stay healthy and reduce stress. Focusing on a quality
lifestyle helps students to keep their stress levels under control.
In conclusion, students should reap the benefits of community activities. They should to
strike a balance between studies and beneficial activities.

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