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The Exposure Triangle

Introduction To ISO
Recap – expression tips

Smiling and laughing is contagious

Pay compliments and/or Talk about stuff that makes them feel great

Get help ask a family member or friend to entertain them

Play a silly game

Today's class
By the end of this session you will be able to
• Describe the exposure triangle
• Explain the effects of ISO
How do we know if the exposure is correct?
What are the key elements that effect exposure?
Exposure - Capturing the Light


• ISO Sensor sensitivity
• In basic terms, as you increase your ISO number, your photos will grow
progressively brighter.
• ISO can help you capture images in darker environments so you can
be more flexible with your aperture and shutter speed.
• But at what cost? And how important is that? How does it compare to
ASA in film and its grain?
• Lower the number, the finer the image quality
• What should we consider when selecting an ISO setting?
ISO when?
When there is not enough
light for a certain job and a
flash is not suitable or

Think of some examples?

Canon ISO Setting

• If possible, always select

the lowest possible ISO
for finest quality
• Select the ISO button and
rotate top dial to select
• In teams of 3 – One shoot, one model, one direct. Rotate rolls after each shot
• Frame the shot, think about composition and expression (refer to last weeks online
class – expression tips
Task • Take 8 shots, each times but each time increase the ISO by 1 stop:
• 100 - 200 – 400 – 800 - 1600 - 3200 - 6400 - 12800
• Open them in photoshop, create a new copy (save as) cropped very tight (same
proportion each time) and label them with the ISO that was used
Sway On Sway

Briefly describe what ISO is and when/why we need

Describe to use

Identify Identify the positives and negatives of using ISO

Add your 8 images with an annotation stating what

Add ISO was used
Final thoughts
• High ISO will create noisy images!
• Only crank it when there are no
other options
• Modern digital cameras are
designed with excellent low light
• Get to know your camera's
capabilities, how far can you push

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