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How COVID 19 Affects My Life

The coronavirus has been affecting a lot of people during the past few months.
Furthermore, this disease affects so many aspects of my life. For example, I can't go out
anymore if it's really not necessary. I can't hang out with my friends or even just take a walk
with my family because we're too afraid if we catch the virus. Sometimes I apprehensive
about my family every time they get sick, especially my dad, because he's the one who's
always going out for work. I'm afraid that he's going to get infected.

Every day, I try to keep up with a healthy living. Like physical exercise, basking under
the sun, and eating good food. I always wake up at 5 a.m. to pray and then take a shower.
Afterward, I help my mom cleaning the house and cooking some food. I clean my room
every day since this pandemic started. I try to keep it as clean as possible because this virus
can stay in some stuff and air for a couple of minutes.

During this pandemic, I attempt to not go anywhere near the house, so I don't see
my friends anymore. But sometimes when I need a study partner, I will come to one of my
friend’s house to study. I didn't do it often, just once in every two weeks. If I need to go
somewhere I will prepare a lot of sanitary products like masks, hand sanitizer, and some wet
tissues. I keep those things in my bag to keep myself clean. When I arrive at my friend's
house I will constantly keep my distance from them because getting too close to people is
how the virus spreads.

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