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Today im going to talk about hydrogen as a energy source but first I want to emphasize that

hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe approximately 70% of the universe is
made by hydrogen but we need hydrogen in a gas form in order to use this as a energy just to give
an example a big portion of our sun is made by hydrogen but we don’t have enough money to go
to the sun to take some hydrogen from it so here in the earth we have a place that we can made
hydrogen and that is the water as we know by our high school knowledge water is made up of
hydrogen and oxygen that is H2O and using a process called it … whats the word … o yes
electrolysis that is a way to separate hydrogen in a gas form. Uses : Hydrogen is used as a fuel for
cars and something that I never realize is that this is used as a fuel for rockets that goes to space it
is because it is powerful than the common oil

Why use hydrogen instead oil

Its imoortant to note that every time we burn oil it relases dangerous gases that damage the
environment and contribute to the global warming

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