Missing Person (?) Complaint! Urgent Help Needed!

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NAME- Sarawati (most common name) or ‘The Goddess of Knowledge’

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- She has many forms, we know a few of them, any of which might
help you find her.

• female, beautiful, average height, long ‘flowy’ hair, usually seen in a white saree with
a silver border, oh and also, she plays veena very well.
• Oh and also a River. We are mainly interested in looking for her river form, this is the
state we last found her traces in.
BIRTH PLACE- Rajasthan-Harayana Belt, also was seen near Himalayas, near and around the
Indus Valley Civilization

• She says she loves swans, it’s claimed she even rides one. Now why swans you ask?
umm, the question is why wouldn’t you choose swans, they’re amazing, they’re
believed to tell water away in milk. And a few of the ducks she likes, can pick up the
pearl-holding oysters, signifying the need to look for the positive in the negative, kind
of what she stands for.
• known for her extreme love for music, books,art and knowledge.
• Plays Veena extremely well.

MARITAL STATUS- Not Known accurately. She’s been to linked to Brahma, who created her,
which makes him her father. Also, she’s been refered to as Vishnu’s first wife.
LAST SEEN- she was last seen as a dry water bed, as stated in the Mahabharata, while Balrama
was on a pilgrimage from Dwaraka to Mathura, and have said to pass by the Saraswati River.
Also, Mahabharata has said to fought on the banks of this river.
Some people say that she has currently taken her invisible form and is now flowing
somewhere underground. She is said to meet her close alias Yamuna and Ganga at the ‘Triveni
Sangam’ everyday.
POSSIBLE REASONS OF DISAPPEARING- there are a lot of claims regarding this-

• Some say she disappeared due to the climate change, which caused all the other major
rivers which supplied water to her, like Yamuna meeting with Indus River.
• Some say that she is hiding, as when Bramha created her, She was so beautiful that
he was infatuated by her, and to protect her from others, he hid her underground,
which makes sense if we put our belief in the theory of her secret meets with Yamuna
and Ganga. And her occasional showing up on the surface was because she was tired
of her run and came up on the surface.
• There are many stories regarding why and how she originated, most common one is,
when the sages on the planet sought help to lord Vishnu to bring ‘fire of knowledge’
on earth, because they thought that knowledge was the only thing that would help
connect heaven and earth forever. They chose fire because it had all the 5 elements.
To this, Vishnu took help from Brahma as he is the creator, who in turn finally took
help from Saraswati, who said she’ll take the fire to Earth, but would need something
‘flowy’ like water to take it.

When she did that, she started evaporating and noticed she had to reach to the sages
as quickly as she could, which she did, and then flew through the Himalayas, to cool
down her temperature. Which is why some people believe that the River Saraswati
had a high temperature. And then disappeared completely as her motive to come was
successful and hence evaporated with time completely.
• Some say that when Ganesha and Ved Vyas sat to write Mahbharata down on her
banks, and asked her to flow more gentely, she didn’t listen and Ganesha cursed her
that she would disappear completely someday.
• Some say that when the sages asked her to go with them in different directions so that
they can quench their thirst, she split herself into smaller streams and eventually
become so small that she eventually disappeared.

Although the exact reason for her disappearance is not known, well, to be fair, some
people argue about her existence too. The Government of India is looking for her too,
some traces have been claimed to be hers. Talks of her appearance in the Rann of
Kutch also exist.

A different school of thought also believes that she exists but it is possible that her
name changed. She is even compared to an Iranian River, as they both project some
People say she’s still here, underground, flowing through somewhere. Physically and
metaphorically, who is Saraswati? Is she the human-looking lady to lives a ascetic life, or a
river? Whatever form she takes, what does she signify? What is common in all the form she
The perennial thurst for and of knowledge.







[BBA(B) 2018-21]


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