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Date December 2nd, 2020

Name: Ha Thanh Vu
Subject: Project Evaluation – Mini Case #3
Send to CEO, cc Human Resource Department

Concerns about overworked team

The COVID 19 has brought about overwhelming, competing challenges for out company and we
must do so much to navigate the impact of the pandemic. As a result, my project team is being
given more and more projects to satisfy the urge to survive and grow during the pandemic. As a
team leader who supervise the workers and is responsible for the performance of most of the
project team members and managers, I would like to express my concern regarding the over
workload of my team recently. These days, with an increase in the number of projects that must
be carried out at the same time, my team seems overwhelmed and way too busy to finish the
assigned tasks. I have worked with my project managers to identify some signs showing that the
team is unperformed since it is better to be aware of the team’s emotions when they are on the
edge of breakdown. Once the team spirit and commitment have gone, it is very difficult to undo
the damage and impact. For example, overworked employee will create productivity plummets,
qualities deteriorate, growth stall, and customer service decline. Here are some signs that have
been noted down:
1. Poor work performance: there are some deadlines that are finished late due to
individual’s reasons. Some of the standards are not met when the deliverables are
2. Absenteeism: Frequent late and missing work from team members.
3. Working long hours: Recently, some of my developers must worked after hours, on
weekends, and holidays. The reason is simple because they have not finished the work
that they were assigned. I am worried that they do not have enough time to spend on
other valuable things.
Recommendations for project evaluation
The project evaluation process should analyze these different components or indicators that are
achieved at the end of the projects. These indicators are impacts and outcomes. Outcomes are the
changes obtained after the success of a project. These are often measurable results and benefits
that describes short-term and medium-term effect of the project. For example, new skills and
knowledge, understanding of the market or business. On the other hand, impacts should be used
to describe tangible and intangible effects of a project accomplishment. The evaluation process
should measure how close the project team meets the goal and objective. Some examples of
project’s impacts are improvements in product/service, enhanced employee’s productivity, etc.
Suggested project evaluation plan
Step #1. The project managers should prepare the draft of the evaluation process which
helps guide the work of evaluation staff or consultant. This draft also needs to include the list of
key stakeholders who have critical impact along the project life cycle. The project manager must
reach general consensus over the draft and then submit for approval from higher executives.
Copies are then distributed to the group of stakeholders who involved in the draft.
Step #2. Determine project’s outcome and impact. This step bases mainly on the project’s
goals and objectives. The evaluation process starts with the document recording the project’s
purposes and goals. Any result of a project that creates short and medium-term benefits should
be categorized as outcomes. From there, outcomes will generate future benefits and effects
which are impacts. By identifying these two indicators clearly, the analyst can understand both
projects extend of goal achievement and overall effect on the organization or business that it
focuses on.
Step #3. Select appropriate evaluation method. An appropriate method would help
determine the level of success more precisely. The selected method must be able to analyze both
results and benefits as well as the long-term or future effects of the projects. Th project team
will be responsible for information needs and source of information which mean the team should
be ready to carry out information gathering process such as survey, interviews, questionnaires,
etc. The selected evaluation method must be able to provide critical reflection and data analysis.
Step #4. Communicate and report of evaluation outcomes the leader of the evaluation
process is responsible for summarize and create a report of the quality, findings, and outcomes of
the process. All the stakeholders that are mentioned in the approved draft must have a copy of
the report.
Recommendations for evaluation report outline
- Abstract
- Brief background of the project
- Purpose, scope, and audience of the evaluation
- Methodology
- Implementation review
- Findings
- Conclusions
- Recommendations
- Lesson learned
Thank you for reading my memo about the Mini Case Study #3. We will be happy to discuss
these issues and recommendations with you further.
Best regards,

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