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UTILIZING FAN PAGES FOR GROWTH tan can MODULE PROGRESS (6% complete manly Way module 6 | FoR GROWTH DB ere La) ‘This Is an optional strategy, but it can deliver next level growth and engagement. Dor't allow yourself to get distracted by this, focus on your business/product page first. A Fan Page: ‘* Not a personal or company brand. + Focused on a niche topic, ‘* Doesn't look like a business. ‘+ Used to express creativity and build a business around a niche market. ‘+ Attract followers more easily (pethaps because they're not associated with selling). «+ It's a great way to build a community based on your interests/business. ‘+ Can grow very fast. + You can then expose your large audience to your products. Action Items * Decide whether a fan page is right for you now * IF yes, then implement all the previous strategies in your new account. * IF not, think about trying it later. Tools and Resources . , Vocal Media,

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