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THERE'S DYNAMITE IN PRAISE How I Discovered Praise Power THERE'S DYNAMITE IN PRAISE How I Discovered Praise Power

deep devotional life, I would get up every morn- out asking Him for anything bothered me, just a wonderful deliverance from a nervous disorder plastic bag. She could see everyone around her, but
ing and pray for an hour. Joy usually prayed at from a theological viewpoint. I had done a consid- just before I met her. For eleven long months of she was in a different world. From time to time,
another time, and since our apartment was small, erable amount of reading on the subject of prayer, her young life, she had been tormented by a mental people peered in at her, but 'never quite under-
she couldn't help overhearing me. and one of the authors I most admired taught the oppression that had been a great trial to her. stood her fears. On Sundays, she'd go to the First
CHAPTER ONE "Honey," she said one day, with a mischievous "You're not going to live to see twenty-one," the
very practical view that prayer is made up of one Assembly of God where bet father was the pastor,
twinkle in her eye, "I would suggest that one of basic essential: asking. He taught that while praise, devil would torment her. and play the piano and vibraharp. But her heart
these mornings you make a tape recording of your thanksgiving. and singing are good. they are not "What a terrible thought!" she'd reply within wasn't in it. Through the week, she tried to busy
How I Discovered Praise Power hour-long prayer. Then instead of going through herself, not realizing the source of her thoughts.
the same as prayer. Prayer involves the simple herself with the endless duties of her managerial
all the rigors of praying like that every morning, process of asking and receiving. Now here was my "Yes, you're going to die," the devil said unfeel- position in a department store. But no matter how
you could just turn the recorder on and let it play." wife suggesting we spend a whole devotional time ingly, "—and very soon:" busy she was, still the haunting thought lingered
I was not raised in a Christian home, and knew "What do you mean by that?" I replied, some- not asking for anything—which in my mind was She'd cry and cry when those tormenting in the back of her mind: "You're going to die soon.
nothing of praise power until I was grown. I was what surprised. equivalent to not praying! thoughts came, but nothing she did drove them
It won't be long now... ."
born-again in a fine Baptist church, was called to "Honey," she said kindly, "I don't mean to em- away. She bought her clothes with the thought in
"No, Joy," I insisted. "We're going to pray. In desperation, she began a careful study of
preach as a Baptist, and began my preaching min- ban-ass you, but honestly, you say the same things Praise is all right, but we've got to pray." mind that she would die young in life, and that
God's Word to see if she couldn't find an answer to
istry in Baptist churches. every morning in exactly the same way, and it's "But, Honey," she protested, "isn't praising God possibly the dress she was buying would be among
her fears. Much to her delight, she found that God
My wife was raised in an old-fashioned Pente- just an hour of repetition." the same as praying?" her burial clothes. The incredible thing about the
makes abundant promises to His people of long
costal home. Her dad has been for many years a "It is?" I asked in amazement. "I never thought devil's ability is that he made her believe for a time
"Not at all," I replied. "Prayer is asking. The life, as well as all our heart's desires. And since her
real Holy Ghost, pioneer Pentecostal preacher. So of it that way." that GOD was telling her she was going to die.
answer to prayer is receiving. Praise is something desire was to invest her life in the Lord's service,
our backgrounds were very different. "Well, you just think about it," she replied, go- The nightly bouts of depression became unbear-
else altogether." she began to feel somewhat encouraged.
Here I was a Baptist, my wife a Pentecostal. But ing back to her work. able. She began to think that if she were going to
"I don't know—" she said doubtfully. "It seems "But what if these thoughts about death really
we have come along wonderfully for years together. Some weeks later, in our evening prayer time die so soon, she ought to stay awake and squeeze
that we hardly ever praise God." are coming from the Holy Spirit?" she'd ask her-
which we always had together, Joy said, "Honey, as much out of life as was left. She frittered away
The Baptists stand for baptism in water; the Pen- "Joy, you just don't understand," I countered. self. "What if God is trying to warn me?" So it be-
the Lord has been so good to us, why don't we just the nights doing this and that. Finally, knowing
tecostals stand for baptism in fire. You get water " Why don't you get that book on prayer out of came a seesaw existence. As long as she looked at
devote this evening to praising the Lord, instead that she had to go to work in the morning, she'd
and fire together, and you produce steam. So we my library and read the chapter about asking? I'm the Word of God, she felt at peace Rut when she
of asking. Let's just give Him thanks for all His try to get some rest. But by that time, she was too
have been steaming along all of these blessed years! sure it'll help you." Then, after a thoughtful pause. allowed her attention to return to her old fears,
benefits to us." keyed up to sleep, so she'd spent the rest of the
A few weeks after Joy and I were marled, how- I said, "Now—let's get down to business here and nothing would give her any peace except the tran-
"A whole devotional time devoted to praise?" I night tossing and turning, often struggling with
ever, I had an ego-shattering experience. I was start asking God to provide for our needs." quilizers she'd been using.
thought. "I don't think I'm up to that!" cold chills and tormenting imaginations.
working for Evangelist William Freeman as his I was quite stubborn about it, and she went "If only I could be sure that these thoughts about
Furthermore, the very idea of praising God with- For eleven months, it was like living in a cleat
magazine editor. Realizing the importance of a along with me. However, my wife had experienced death are not from God!" she thought. But then
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THERE'S DYNAMITE IN PRAISE How I Discovered Praise Power THERE'S DYNAMITE IN PRAISE Flow I Discovered Praise Power
it came to her very clearly one day that God would another service like this—nor another day of world So uo wonder my young bride was sold on praise! is, the Lord manifests Himself as we praise Him.
never speak anything to her by the Spirit that con- It's just too much, Lord!" And no wonder she found it difficult to understand The word inhabits means to "live in, dwell in."
tradicts His Word. And the Word said very clearly As soon as she finished playing her instrument, my strange ideas about the distinctions to be care- So this was a revelation to my heart—that the
that long, abundant life was her portion! It is the the sat down beside her grandmother on a front fully observed between praying and praising! mighty God dwells in, lives in, manifests Himself
devil who comes to kill, steal, and destroy! As she shared her experiences with me from time in our praises.
Gradually, as the Word of God did its work, Joy "Grandma, will you go home with me?" she to time, finally the truth about the power of praise I will always thank God that He used my lovely
began to be free—not all the time—but as often as whispered. "I'm really sick." Realizing that Joy began to break across my spirit I found myself bride to guide me into this praising principle. Now,
she wholeheartedly gave herself to the Word of going back to the Bible again and again to see if after these many years, the bard has kept my wife
must be quite troubled, she agreed to go. So the
God. In those times, she found herself praising what she was saying was true. The more I searched, with a strong nervous system. She has given birth
t wo of them tiptoed out of the service and walked
God more and more. And the more she praised the more I was overwhelmed with the abundance to our five healthy children, she has had two very
the block and a half to the parsonage.
Him, the greater the victory she experienced. of Biblical teaching about the importance of praise. critical miscarriages, and through it all her nerves
As soon as they entered the house, Joy went to
Finally, I began to agree to spend some of our de-
The last depression she experienced happened her bedroom and threw herself across her bed, cry- have been strong and well. Any time Satan has
votional time in giving praise to God. Amazingly,
on an Easter Sunday evening. Her grandmother ing her heart out until there were no more tears sought to afflict her nervous system, we have cou-
I discovered greater blessings, more joy and more
had come to visit the family for the day. Easter to cry. Grandmother, realizing that Joy wanted to rageously employed praise power and God has re-
marvelous things happening as we praised the Lord
Sunday was always a very busy day for Joy's family, be alone, sat in the living room and prayed silently. sponded by healing those nerves.
and in the midst of all the hurry and scurry, hardly As Joy lay there pouring her heart out to God, I have often said that no person will ever have
I soon learned that prayer and praise are the two
anybody noticed that Joy was in another of her again the Holy Spirit began to tell her to start a nervous breakdown who practices praise power.
wings of spiritual power. There is no conflict. "In
dark times. praising God. She knew it was a crucial moment Why? Because God inhabits our praises, and where
everything by prayer and supplication with thanks-
When they all went to church that evening, Joy when the Lord was asking her to yield herself once God is working, no nervous condition can prevail.
giving let your requests be made known unto
was feeling about as low as anyone could feel. She and for all to a life of praise. This was her only Fear, worry, grief, frustration—all of these nega-
God," declared Paul in Philippians 4:6, Also,
played the piano as usual. And when it came time way out tive factors that help produce a nen'ous breakdown
"Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with
for the choir to sing, she played the vibraharp as "Here I am, Lord!" she cried. "I yield myself to are routed through joyful praise to God.
thanksgiving" (Colossians 4:2). So as I opened my
beautifully as ever. But inside she was at the break- you!" And from the depths of her being there I've never known a Christian who practices
heart to the Word, slowly I began to drop my prej-
ing point. welled up a mighty torrent of praise to Got praise power to land in a mental hospital. Praise
udices against praise, and discovered some tremen-
"Oh, God," she cried within herself, as she me- From that night on, Joy was free. No more tran- is so harmonious with God's expectation of us, that
dous workings of God in my life.
chanically guided the mallets over the keyboard, quilizers were needed. Any time a cloud of depres- it is the power that makes our lives fragrant with
I encountered this great scripture: 'Thou art
"I can't stand anymore! I've done everything I sion came, she found that praising the Lord com- heaven's best.
holy, 0 thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel"
know to do. I've prayed. I've fasted. I can't stand pletely dispelled these spirits of gloom and heavi-
(Psalm 22:3). The Lord inhabits our praises. That

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