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‘Aste goal ofthe elected band council system was to | ‘undernine traditional governance and augment asim- ‘ation, many Indigenous people refuse to vote in band leetons. Additionally, many refuse to vote in federal | election, although that trend is slowly changing and Indigesous individuals are increasingly runing for office ‘in municipal, provincial, and federal elections. ‘meaning ofthis Act, Provided lo, that any Indian ‘woman marrying an Indian of any other tribe, band ‘or body shal cease to bea member ofthe tbe, bind — ‘ continues ‘or body to whlch she formery belonged, nd become member ofthe tribe, band or body of which her Isband is a member, nd the ehlen, ue of this marrage, shal long to their ther tribe ony, ‘Am Ac forte Grad Enfrancisemet of nds, 1869" Prior to Buopean contact andthe ensuing fundamen ‘The Indian Act subjected generations Indian women (ho acquired Indian mates by marying Indian men). Not all, but many, women have fced di culty in being recogaized as both Indians and women in 3 define a statu Indian | _ solely on the basis of paternal lineage—an Indian was 2 male Indian, the wife af a mae Indian, or the child of 2 ‘male Indian Despite amendments, federal lw continues to bea quagmire that discriminates agaist, dishonours, chal societies, had roles within community government and spiritual ceremonies, and were genealy respected forthe sacred gifts bestowed upon them by the Creator, 1.1742, Joseph-Frangis Laftau, a French Jenuit mi sionary and ethnologist, wrote about his observations of ‘the role of women in the Iroquos-spaking nations: Nothing more el however, han the womes's ope ‘The Indian Ae disrespected ignored, therole of women in many ways. Tis exe, coupe ith este nous women, remains. For example, in some famies Indian women / ! | Shiemtee meters ee / Peggy J Bar writes about the rights of Indigenous ‘women on: and off reserve: les the daunting magnitude of red tape inveved, Aboriginal women are more likly to fice domestic heartless aspect ofthe reinstatement process was | abuse than ether women in Canada While picants were forced to bear. Many women, ‘women in Canad isabused by he parte, almost one travel from sometimes very remote communities [nee Abriginal women essed. fan Aboriginal to centres that had DIAND offices. The research and doc lumentation fes and travel requirements simply put the ‘he en le her home There re long wating lite for dream of reinstatement, which opened the doce o better health and education services forthe women and their chilren, ov of reach for many women who were already financially marginalized dve to their lack of “statis” The cannot doo, because ofalck housing... A present, Report ofthe Royal Commision om Aberigina eles noted Tndlan women donot have the same barman rights oF in 1996 that the amendments to Bll C-31 affected all protection of thee ight ts Canaan women.”

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