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We wanted to show you what is happening with translators in this pandemic, and whether
translators are really being helpful in this whole process.

But for that we need to know a little bit about the context in which we find ourselves.


Throughout this process, the role of translation is essential so that all countries have access to
these reports and scientific studies. Although a large majority are written in English, the universal
language, there are also studies conducted in languages not so easily understood by everyone,
such as Chinese, that must be translated.

Most of the texts associated with this topic are naturally written in English, Chinese and Russian,
and they are not easy to translate.

This is not an easy type of translation, since scientific-medical translation is one of the most
complex, so the translators who take on these projects are highly qualified and do an enormous
amount of documentation work. Not to mention that they work at a dizzying pace, given the
importance of being as fast as possible in these cases.

Translators and the COVID-19

In addition to these scientific studies, translators are also taking care of transferring from one
language to other COVID-19-related content that is also relevant to society, see, instruction
manuals, media publications, personal protective equipment and safety material certificates,
company correspondence, etc.

In other words, all the information that reaches us from the various countries regarding the
pandemic passes through the hands of the translators.


As we can see, sworn translation can benefit from the massive displacement of thousands of
citizens and the imperative need to formalize procedures with the authorities. In addition to this,
there is also an increase in the number of scientific researches and publications, which implies an
increase in the number of medical-sanitary translations.

The field of interpretation, which is normally less in demand, can also be strengthened in many
cases in the face of this health crisis. Congresses will be held all over the world to address this
from a scientific point of view. This pandemic will require the help of specialized medical
interpreters in many languages. Not to mention the case of foreigners or Spaniards who will have
to make complaints to airlines. Also authorities or other type of organisms and need the help of an

In short, it is clear that an increase in the number of trips around the world means more
movement and, consequently, an increase in the number of procedures, especially benefiting
sectors such as translation.


The studies that are being carried out around the world to find out how COVID-19 reacts and what
its impact is on humans are taking place at a dizzying speed. Thousands of laboratories and
scientists around the world are focusing their efforts on analyzing how to deal with this situation,
and now more than ever, the transmission of information must be as agile as possible to fight the
virus as soon as possible. But all this would not be possible without the help of translation.

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