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San Jose, Rahziel Dominic L.

Empowering the Self

DMD-1B Dr. Bessie Cruz

1. What are Social Graces?

 Social graces are the social skills which require you to make the
correct moves in social situations. These social graces include your
etiquette at home, in school, in the workplace, and in public places.

2. What is Etiquette?
 Etiquette, a French word that originally meant ‘ticket’, came to mean
rules for behavior in the year 1600, during the days of the French
Court and rule of Louis XIV. From that day on, the word etiquette has
been used to designate the conventional use of behavior or correct
behavior that should constitute good conduct.

3. What are Manners?

 Manners mean kindness with style. Manners are the heart of courteous
behavior and the happy ways of doing things. Clearly, manners and
etiquette are synonymous because they are based on the kindness and
consideration, generosity or unselfishness, and thoughtfulness.

4. Give 3 examples of etiquette and manners

 Etiquette
- Looking eye to eye
- Excusing yourself if you burp, sneeze, cough, or fart
- Always saying thank you
 Manners
- Treat everyone the same as you want to be treated
- Be polite
- Know when to talk and when to be quiet

5. What is the importance of good morals and right conduct (gmrc)?

 Good manners show the best you have to offer and encourage others
to be their best. Practicing these manners on a daily basis makes for a
more pleasant life. Manners are important to make a good impression
on others in everyday life. They also help you to feel good about
yourself and your identity.

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