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San Jose, Rahziel Dominic L. Dr.

Bessie Cruz
DMD-1B Empowering the Self

1. What is the title of the movie?

-The title of the movie is Disney’s “The Kid”

2. Characters and their description

- Russ Duritz (Bruce Willis) is a wealthy L.A. image consultant, he is rich but cynical
and impolite.
- Rusty Duritz (Spencer Bruslin), the 8 year old Russ who mysteriously appeared in
Russ’ timeline. He innocent, pure, and playful. He helps Russ take a new leaf on life.
- Russ’ secretary, Janet (Lily Tomlin), keeps up with Russ’ attitude and helps him in his
everyday work.
- Russ’ assistant, Amy (Emily Mortimer), a cheerful and kind person, she has feelings
for Russ and helps him to change.

3. What are the barriers that can be found in the movie why they can’t be empowered?
- Russ had two barriers why he can’t be empowered. He lacks awareness that he is
impolite and cynical. He also demonstrates egoism, where he treats himself as the
foundation of morality.

4. Signs or scenes that tells us that the main character is on his way to empowerment
- The scene where Amy found out that Russ took the tape that was meant not to be
broadcasted since they exploited innocent children for a corrupt politician. Since
then, He became nicer to his 8 year old self and decided to help him get back on his
5. Lessons on being an empowered person and realizations
- After I watched the movie, I realized that in order to change, we must be willing to
change. We must first acknowledge the flaws that makes us a bad person and be
willing to change it to fully empower, not only our selves, but people that loves us
and supports us as well.

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