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Mental Health is Everything

Mental health is everything

It influences your feeling, behavior and thinking

Mental health is as important as physical health

You should consider it as a treasured wealth.

Mental health affects how you make your choices

Will you stay positive under life’s circumstances?

Will you continue pursuing your dream?

Will you work individually or with a team?

It is a steppingstone to build a healthy relationship with others

May it be your families, friends, and co-workers

Always be considerate, respectful, and careful

Some people might have facing dilemmas that are painful.

It impacts your ability to adapt to changes

Now that it is pandemic, the means to continue education is through technologies

Before, it is a face-to-face way of learning

But now, you are now dealing with the “new normal” setting.

Life is full of unexpected situations

You might deal it with different emotions

There are instances that it could give you sadness,

Or sometimes bring you so much happiness.

Your mental health can encounter a Ferris wheel ride

You might sometimes feel its ups and downs side

You are strong enough to conquer anything

Never give up, instead keep on trying.

If you feel pressured and frustrated today,

Remember that it is okay, not to be okay

Give yourself a break or do something that you find relaxing

For tomorrow is a new beginning.

Take care of your mental health

It is an essential component of health

Know your worth

Love your mental health.

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