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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import

User Guide
Version 13.3

Revision date: 04/01/2013

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide


Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Transaction Import Scenarios ....................................................................................................................... 4
Reasons to Use Transaction Import ............................................................................................................. 5
Importing Transactions .................................................................................................................................. 7
Transaction Import File Format ................................................................................................................. 7
Transaction Record Format Table ......................................................................................................... 7
Import Transactions ................................................................................................................................. 17
To Import Transactions ........................................................................................................................ 17
The Upload Process ............................................................................................................................ 19
Troubleshooting an Unsuccessful Transaction Import ........................................................................ 20
Tips for Successful Transaction Imports.............................................................................................. 21
Viewing Imported Transactions ........................................................................................................... 22
Avalara Support .......................................................................................................................................... 24

© Avalara Inc. All rights reserved.

AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Overview

This guide is for persons responsible for importing Transactions into AvaTax Calc or using the results of
the Transaction import. Importing Transactions allows an AvaTax Admin Console user to quickly add
many Transactions for a variety of purposes.

 This guide covers importing Transactions in the AvaTax Admin Console. This guide is not intended as a
technical implementation resource for developers.

This guide covers:

 Transaction import scenarios

 How to import Transactions
 The required format to import Transactions

Use this guide to learn how to:

 Use the Transaction import for a specific reason

 Import Transactions
 Troubleshoot the Transaction import process
 View imported Transactions

In addition to this User Guide, you may want to refer to the AvaTax Admin Console User Guide.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Transaction Import Scenarios

Transaction Import Scenarios

There are two primary scenarios in which Transactions are imported:

1. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application but have no
tax associated with them. In this scenario, the tax calculation is requested for the Transaction from
AvaTax Calc and recorded there.
2. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application and have
tax associated with them. In this scenario, the tax calculation has already been applied to the
document, but Transactions are not yet recorded in AvaTax Calc.

In either scenario, Transactions are imported to AvaTax Calc and the results of the import are available in
the AvaTax Admin Console. See Viewing Imported Transactions.

 Imported Transactions do not update your accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Reasons to Use Transaction Import

Reasons to Use Transaction Import

Importing Transactions allows an AvaTax Admin Console user to quickly add many Transactions for a
variety of purposes. If only a few Transactions are needed in AvaTax Calc, create them on the
Transaction tab of the AvaTax Admin Console.

 Importing Transactions is not done through any "connector." It is a process used to get Transactions
into AvaTax Calc.

You may find the import of Transactions into AvaTax Calc helpful in the following cases:

1. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application, but do not
have tax associated with them. Importing Transactions calculates the tax and generates an output file
(Result.csv) containing the tax for each Transaction. The results from importing Transactions answers
the question "If I had a number of invoices without tax, how would I get that information?".

Results can be entered into the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application either
manually or programmatically.

The Transaction number used in both the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS
application and in AvaTax Calc is the DocCode. Taxes display in TotalTax. Taxes may be broken out
by jurisdiction into:

CountryTax Other1Tax
StateTax (includes province taxes) Other2Tax
CountyTax Other3Tax
CityTax Other4Tax
2. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application, but do not
have tax associated with them, and are not committed in AvaTax Calc. Importing Transactions
calculates the tax, commits the Transaction, and generates an output file (Result.csv) containing the tax
for each Transaction.
3. Transactions do not exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application, but
do exist in some other application. The output file (Result.csv) from the Transaction import process is
used to enter information into the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application.
Transactions imported into AvaTax Calc have either:

o tax calculated
o tax calculated and the Transaction is committed in AvaTax Calc

4. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application, but do not
exist in AvaTax Calc. This situation can occur if the transmission of the Transaction from the
"connector" is interrupted for some reason. This may result in a posted Transaction in the accounting,
ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application that cannot be edited, but the Transaction is not
yet in AvaTax Calc.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Reasons to Use Transaction Import

5. Transactions exist in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application, and in
AvaTax Calc, but an Exemption Certificate is received and is not the reflected in the Transaction in
either system. To have a proper audit trail, resolve a situation like this by:

a. Completely reversing the original Transaction

b. Adding the Exemption Certificate information
c. Re-importing the original Transaction

The initial credit nets out to the original Transaction, and the leftover amount is the new Transaction
with the appropriate Exemption Certificate information now applied. This is essentially how the
Transaction would have shown up if the Exemption Certificate information was available at the time of
the original Transaction.
6. Consumer Use Transactions are not entered in the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or
POS application, but are imported to AvaTax Calc. This may be the case if the sales tax is not paid on
Transactions with a vendor. In this case, Consumer Use Transactions for a period are imported into
AvaTax Calc and resolved at one time.

 Imported Transactions do not update your accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS
application, regardless of the state of the Transaction.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Importing Transactions

Importing Transactions
Importing Transactions allows you to add many Transactions to the AvaTax Admin Console without
repeatedly typing or selecting values for each field. Once imported, Transactions are managed in the
AvaTax Admin Console in the same manner as any other Transaction.

The following Transaction format table is for reference only. To save time and increase the accuracy of
your Transactions, use the predefined import file templates provided. Templates in Microsoft® Excel®
(.xls) and Comma Separated Value (.csv) file formats are available after logging in to the AvaTax Admin
Console. Click Help and in the Help window, click Search and search on “transaction import format” to
access the import templates.

Transaction Import File Format

New Transactions can be recorded or existing Transactions can be updated (unless they have been
locked during the Liability Worksheet approval process in preparation for filing tax returns forms).

Typically, two different types of customers import Transactions into AvaTax Calc:

 Avalara customers with no direct integration link between their accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-
commerce, or POS application and the AvaTax service

These customers use a batch file to upload Transactions directly from the AvaTax Admin Console.

 Avalara customers with a direct integration of the AvaTax service into their accounting, ERP, e-
commerce, m-commerce, or POS application to generate sales tax calculations

These customers import new Transactions or update existing Transactions. The end result of the import
is the same as performing a Transaction adjustment using the user interface provided on the
Transactions tab of the AvaTax Admin Console. Importing Transactions does not update information
within the accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS application.

 The number of records allowed in one file is 100,000.

Transaction Record Format Table

The imported file requires one row for each line to be imported for a particular document. For example, a
three line item invoice document requires three unique rows to record the entire invoice document. Each
row includes both document level information (document date, document number, customer code, etc.)
and document line information (line number, item code, item amount, etc.).

The column headings in the import file must use the labels exactly as shown below. The individual data
fields must conform to the Type (Size) and Use restrictions listed.

The table below contains one row for each column of the Transaction import file. References to “column”
in a description refer to the column in the header row of the Transaction import file.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Importing Transactions

Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
A ProcessCode Integer (1) Required The ProcessCode determines the processing
option for the document:
 0) Void transaction
 1) Tax override – a new transaction
without tax calculation
 2) Tax override - adjusted
transaction without tax calculation
 3) New transaction
 4) Adjust existing transaction
 5) Tax override – transaction without
tax calculation that provides an
accrued tax amount (typically used
for use tax).
 6) Accrued Tax Override – adjusted
transaction without tax calculation
that provides an accrued tax amount
(typically used for use tax)

 ProcessCode 0 requires the
DocCode, DocType, and
CompanyCode of the existing
document to be voided. No other
column values are required for a
voided transaction.
 For ProcessCode 1 or 2, input the
tax override amount desired in the
TotalTax column (column AP).
 For ProcessCodes 5 and 6, input the
accrued tax override amount desired
in the TotalTax column (column AP)
and enter 0 in the Amount column
(column N).

B DocCode String (50) Required The invoice, credit memo, or return number

The number must be unique at the Company level

C DocType Integer (1) Required The type of document:
 1) Sales Invoice
 3) Purchase Invoice
 5) Return Invoice
 7) Inventory Transfer Invoice

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
D DocDate Date (10) Required The invoice, credit memo, or return date

Date formats must be either mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-

mm-dd. Use the date format which most closely
resembles the date format used in your
accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or
POS application.

 12/30/2012 for mm/dd/yyyy format
 2012-12-30 for yyyy-mm-dd format

E CompanyCode Text (25) Optional The Company Code used by AvaTax Calc.

If CompanyCode is not specified, AvaTax applies

the Company Code as selected during import
generation parameters
F CustomerCode Text (50) Required The code used by your accounting, ERP, e-
commerce, m-commerce, or POS application to
identify a customer (e.g. customer ID, customer
number, etc.)
G EntityUseCode Text (25) Optional The Entity Use Code used to trigger customer-
level tax rules

Custom codes are supported in addition to the

following AvaTax standard codes. Entity Use
Codes for the United States and Canada are
A) Federal government (United States)
B) State government (United States)
C) Tribe / Status Indian / Indian Band (both)
D) Foreign diplomat (both)
E) Charitable or benevolent org (both)
F) Religious or educational org (both)
G) Resale (both)
H) Commercial agricultural production (both)
I) Industrial production / manufacturer (both)
J) Direct pay permit (United States)
K) Direct mail (United States)
L) Other (both)
N) Local government (United States)
P) Commercial aquaculture (Canada)
Q) Commercial Fishery (Canada)
R) Non-resident (Canada)
MED1) US MDET with exempt Sales Tax
MED2) US MDET with taxable Sales Tax
H LineNo Text (10) Required The line number of the Transaction

The LineNo used for a Transaction must uniquely

identify each line on the document. The
recommended pattern is a sequential numbering
of the lines: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
I TaxCode Text (25) Optional The AvaTax System Tax Code or Custom Tax
Code associated with the item or SKU used on the
Document Line

The TaxCode is not needed if the ItemCode

(column K) is mapped to a Tax Code in the
AvaTax Admin Console for your Company.
J TaxDate Date (10) Optional The TaxDate is an optional parameter used to
override the date used for sales tax calculation.
AvaTax Calc normally uses the Doc Date (column
D) for sales tax calculations.

Date formats must be either mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-

mm-dd. Use the date format which most closely
resembles the date format used in your
accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or
POS application.

 12/30/2012 for mm/dd/yyyy format
 2012-12-30 for yyyy-mm-dd format

 The TaxDate override functionality is
typically used on Return Invoice
(credit memo) transactions requiring
a tax calculation date reflecting the
original invoice date, and a
transaction date reflecting the
current reporting period.

K ItemCode Text (50) Conditional The item code or SKU identifying the product,
service, or charge

If ItemCode is mapped to an AvaTax System Tax

Code or Custom Tax Code in the AvaTax Admin
Console (Organization tab, Items sub-menu), the
Transaction import functionality makes the correct
association to trigger system or custom Tax Rules.

ItemCode is required only if the Company

(CompanyCode – column E) is participating in the
Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP), and the
state (DestRegion – column V or OrigRegion –
column AA) is participating in the Streamlined
Sales Tax Project as well.

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
L Description Text(255) Optional A description of the Document Line item

The Description is required when a TaxCode

(column I) is specified, if the Company
(CompanyCode – column E) is participating in the
Streamlined Sales Tax Project (SSTP) and the tax
address is in an SST state.

M Qty Number Optional The quantity of items included on the Document


Fractional numbers to four decimal places are

accepted for Qty (e.g. 2.5678). The default for Qty
is 1.

 Quantity is not used as a multiplier
for the amount field. Quantity is used
to calculate the per-item sales
amount (unit price) for sales tax caps
and thresholds.

N Amount Number Required The total sale amount (extended amount) for the
Document Line item (Quantity * Unit Price)

 Enter the Amount as a negative
value for return invoices (DocType 5
– column C).

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
O Discount Number Optional The trade discount allocated to the Document Line

The Discount decreases the taxable or non-

taxable Amount. AvaTax handles discounts at the
document header level.

However, the Transaction import functionality is

designed to place discounts at the line level.
During Transaction import, AvaTax Calc treats
discounts in the following manner:
1. Discounts applied at the line level in
imported Transactions are
accumulated for the total document.
2. AvaTax redistributes the total
discount by prorating the document
discount amount across all the lines
that had a discount amount assigned
to them.

Tax is calculated based upon the “new” prorated

discount amount now found at the line level. Any
lines on the document that did not have a discount
remain at a $0 discount.
P Ref1 Text (50) Optional A user-defined reference

Q Ref2 Text (50) Optional A user-defined reference

R ExemptionNo Text (25) Optional The Exemption Certificate number if applicable

The population of ExemptionNo generates a sales

tax exemption for the Document Line item to which
the Exemption Certificate is applied. The
ExemptionNo is not required unless:
 Exemption Certificate Options for the
account are set to Required
 You are an SST seller and therefore
are required to use Exemption
Certificate Management System
(ECMS)-generated Exemption
Certificates to cover exemptions for
SST States

 SST Sellers are required to use
ECMS generated Exemption
Certificates to cover exemptions for
SST States

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
S RevAcct Text (50) Optional The revenue account for this Transaction

The RevAcct is a user-defined reference

identifying general ledger account.
T DestAddress Text (50) Optional The destination or ship-to street address

The LocationCode (column AD) can be imported

in the DestAddress to identify an address set up in
Locations in the AvaTax Admin Console. When
importing a LocationCode, DestCity, DestRegion,
DestPostalCode, and DestCountry should be left
U DestCity Text (50) Optional The destination or ship-to city

V DestRegion Text (2) Required The destination or ship-to state or province two
character abbreviation
W DestPostalCode Text (10) Required The destination or ship-to Postal Code

Use the:
 five digit ZIP Code (12345)
 nine digit ZIP+4 Code (12345-6789)
 six character Canadian Postal Code
(A1B 2C3)

X DestCountry Text (2) Optional The destination or ship-to country

Y OrigAddress Text (50) Optional The origin or ship-from street address

The LocationCode (column AD) can be imported

in the OrigAddress column to identify an address
set up in Locations in the AvaTax Admin Console.
When importing a LocationCode, OrigCity,
OrigRegion, OrigPostalCode, and OrigCountry
should be left blank.
Z OrigCity Text (50) Optional The origin or ship-from city
AA OrigRegion Text (2) Required The origin or ship-from state or province two
character abbreviation
AB OrigPostalCode Text (10) Required The origin or ship-from Postal Code

Use the:
 five digit ZIP Code (12345)
 nine digit ZIP+4 Code (12345-6789)
 six character Canadian Postal Code
(A1B 2C3)

AC OrigCountry Text (2) Optional The origin or ship-from country

AD LocationCode Text (50) Optional The LocationCode identifies the sales location
(outlet) for the Document Line.
AE SalesPersonCode Text (25) Optional The SalesPersonCode identifies the salesperson
for the Document Line.

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
AF PurchaseOrderNo Text (50) Optional The PurchaseOrderNo identifies the purchase
order for the Document Line. Can be used to
match against single-use Exemption Certificates
created in the Exemption Certificate Management
System (ECMS).
AG CurrencyCode Text (3) Optional The ISO Currency Code

The CurrencyCode defaults to USD.

AH ExchangeRate Number Optional The conversion rate from CurrencyCode to the
(8.6) company base currency

The default for ExchangeRate is 1.0.

 ExchangeRate is for reference only.

AI ExchangeRateEffDate Date (10) Optional The effective date of the exchange rate

The default for ExchangeRateEffDate is the

DocDate (column D).

Date formats must be either mm/dd/yyyy or yyyy-

mm-dd. Use the date format which most closely
resembles the date format used in your
accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or
POS application.

 12/30/2012 for mm/dd/yyyy format
 2012-12-30 for yyyy-mm-dd format

AJ PaymentDate Date (10) Optional Reserved for future use.

AK TaxIncluded Number Optional TaxIncluded indicates that tax is included in the
Amount (column N).

AvaTax calculates the Taxable (column AN) and

TotalTax (column AP) amounts from the
TaxIncluded value.
 0 or blank) Tax not included in
Amount (column N)
 1) Tax included in Amount (column

AL DestTaxRegion Number Optional Either the four character signature code or up to a

(10) 10 character TaxRegionId. Reserved for future
AM OrigTaxRegion Number Optional Either the four character signature code or up to a
(10) 10 character TaxRegionId. Reserved for future

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
AN Taxable Number Output only The computed taxable amount of this Document
Line, based upon the Discount (column O), Tax
Rules, and sales tax exemptions.

The Taxable value is computed by AvaTax and

output in the Results.csv file.
AO TaxType Text (1) Output only The TaxType indicates the tax rate type applied to
the Transaction.

 E) Excise tax rate
 S) Sales tax rate
 U) Seller Use tax rate

AP TotalTax Number Input or The total tax calculated by AvaTax Calc.

For ProcessCode (column A) 1 or 2, use the tax
amount desired.

For ProcessCode (column A) 0, 3, or 4, the value

is output only.

To distribute a lump sum tax amount across

multiple lines, specify the TotalTax paid on the first
line and leave TotalTax blank for the remaining
lines. If specifying tax per line, then you must use
0 to indicate no tax on a line rather than leaving
TotalTax blank.
AQ CountryName Text (200) Output only The name of the taxing country
AR CountryCode Text (2) Output only The code associated with the taxing country
AS CountryRate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the taxing country
AT CountryTax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the taxing country.
AU StateName Text (200) Output only The name of the taxing state or taxing province
AV StateCode Text (2) Output only The code associated with the taxing state or
AW StateRate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the taxing state or
(8.6) taxing province
AX StateTax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the state or taxing
AY CountyName Text (200) Output only The name of the taxing county
AZ CountyCode Text (3) Output only The code associated with the taxing county
BA CountyRate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the taxing county
BB CountyTax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the taxing county.
BC CityName Text (200) Output only The name of the taxing city
BD CityCode Text (10) Output only The code associated with the taxing city
BE CityRate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the taxing city
BF CityTax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the taxing city.
BG Other1Name Text (200) Output only The name of the first special tax jurisdiction (STJ)
BH Other1Code Text (10) Output only The code associated with the first special tax
jurisdiction (STJ)
BI Other1Rate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the first special tax
(8.6) jurisdiction (STJ)

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Column Column Type Use Description

Heading (Size)
BJ Other1Tax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the first special tax
jurisdiction (STJ).
BK Other2Name Text (200) Output only The name of the second special tax jurisdiction
BL Other2Code Text (10) Output only The code associated with the second special tax
jurisdiction (STJ)
BM Other2Rate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the second special
(8.6) tax jurisdiction (STJ)
BN Other2Tax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the second special
tax jurisdiction (STJ).
BO Other3Name Text (200) Output only The name of the third special tax jurisdiction (STJ)
BP Other3Code Text (10) Output only The code associated with the third special tax
jurisdiction (STJ)
BQ Other3Rate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the third special tax
(8.6) jurisdiction (STJ)
BR Other3Tax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the third special tax
jurisdiction (STJ).
BS Other4Name Text (200) Output only The name of the fourth special tax jurisdiction
BT Other4Code Text (10) Output only The code associated with the fourth special tax
jurisdiction (STJ)
BU Other4Rate Number Output only The tax rate associated with the fourth special tax
(8.6) jurisdiction (STJ)
BV Other4Tax Number Output only The tax amount calculated for the fourth special
tax jurisdiction (STJ).
BW ReferenceCode Text (50) Optional Used to track Merchant Code for mobility reporting
or for user defined use.
BX BuyersVATNo Text (25) Optional The buyer's VAT registration number.

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Import Transactions Why Am I Importing Transactions?

To add many Transactions, import a file of
Importing Transactions allows you to add
Transactions in a predefined import file format.
many Transactions to the AvaTax Admin
Console at one time. Importing saves you
To Import Transactions time and effort as well as reduces errors.
1. On the Tools tab, click Import Data.

2. On the New: File Import screen, select the Type of file to import.

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3. Select a Company.

4. Click Browse to select the file to import. You can import files with .xls, .xslx, and .csv extensions. All
other file types cause an error message to appear.

5. Click Upload.

 The time required to import Transactions varies depending on the number of records imported.
 The number of records allowed in one file is 100,000.
 Importing Transactions does not update your accounting, ERP, e-commerce, m-commerce, or POS

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The Upload Process

After you click Upload, you can view the import status of the file from the Import Status screen. The
percent complete for files still importing is displayed in the Status column. The time required to import a
file varies depending on the number and type of records imported. Click Refresh to update the Status

Transaction Import Results

A successful file import results in a Status of Completed and a Result hyperlink in the File column. Click
the Result hyperlink to open the Result.csv file and view tax information for each Transaction that
imported successfully. The imported records also appear on the Transactions tab.

An unsuccessful file import results in a Status of Errors, an Error hyperlink, and possibly a Result
hyperlink in the File column. Click the Error hyperlink to open the Error.csv file and view the error
message in the last column for each Transaction that failed to import. Click the Result hyperlink to open
the Result.csv file and view tax information for each Transaction that imported successfully.

In either case, the format of the Result.csv or the Error.csv reflects the fields used in the Transaction

 The Import Status screen displays information for both file imports and AvaTax Certs updates. The File
Name column in the Import Status List displays:

o The file name for imported files

o AvaCertUpdate_<date>_<time> for AvaTax Certs updates

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Troubleshooting an Unsuccessful Transaction Import

To troubleshoot an unsuccessful Transaction import, examine the resulting Error file from the Import
Status screen.

1. On the Tools tab, click View Imported File Status.

2. On the Import Status screen, click the Error hyperlink in the File column for an imported file. Open
Error.csv and view the error message in the last column for each record that failed to import.

3. Make the necessary corrections to the records and delete the last column of error messages.
4. Save the file with a new name.
5. Import the file.

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Tips for Successful Transaction Imports

 Verify that you are using the correct file format. The AvaTax Admin Console Help provides templates
with the correct headers for Transaction imports. After logging in to the AvaTax Admin Console, click
Help. In the Help window, click Search and search on “transaction import format” to access the import
 Try a trial import of a few records to increase your familiarity of the import process before importing
larger numbers of records.
 Adhere to size limitations for each field. For example, DestCountry only allows two characters. Size
limitations appear below the import templates in Help.
 If the import returns an Error Status, an error file is produced listing the rows that did not import. The
reason the row failed to import is identified in the last column. All rows not found in the error file
imported successfully. You can delete all rows and columns in the original file that imported successfully
and only fix and re-import the rows that caused errors.

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Viewing Imported Transactions

Imported Transactions are assigned a Batch Code and can be viewed from the Import Status screen.

To View Imported Transactions

1. On the Tools tab, click View Imported File Status.

2. On the Import Status screen, click the Action Menu button for an Import Type of

3. Click View.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Importing Transactions

4. The Transaction screen displays all records with the Batch Code of the imported Transactions file.

 Transactions imported into the AvaTax Admin Console are not added to your accounting, ERP, e-
commerce, m-commerce, or POS application.
 The maximum number of Transactions that can be imported from one file is 100,000.

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AvaTax Calc Transaction Import Version 13.3 User Guide Avalara Support

Avalara Support
If you have questions about AvaTax, please contact Avalara Support with our toll free number (1-877)
780-4848, option 2. Standard support hours are 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pacific, Monday through Friday.

Requests for assistance can also be placed online via the AvaTax Admin Console (https://admin- ).

Log in to the AvaTax Admin Console, and select Chat or Submit A Case from the Home tab.

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