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Man versus Nature

This major theme of the story is encapsulated both in the
conflict between Aronnax and Nemo as well as Nemo and
himself. Aronnax, the “naturalist” must decide between his own
love of science and his fellow man. Nemo, who has gained
incredible power by defying nature, must reconcile his power
and his humanity.

In this novel man vs. nature is a bit more complex than the
typical man vs. nature theme, which usually entails men battling
the forces of nature. In this case, which is typical of science-
fiction, man is trying to overcome nature; man is trying to defy
nature. Captain Nemo tries to create an alternate nature, which
at the time of this novel was a foreign as living in outer space
(which Nemo says, himself).

It seems that Nemo’s ultimate goal in creating an alternative

nature, was to thwart the one into which he was born because it
created circumstances too hurtful to bear. However, in the
Nautilus, Nemo is still subject to the forces of nature. He must
find a way to create an atmosphere like that found on land; he
must battle natural creatures. It is apparent that nature has won
when Nemo uses it to end his mission. Despite his attempt to
create a new environment, he cannot escape his human
nature, his capacity to feel pain. It is this pain that drives Nemo
to kill; however, it is not enough.
Minor Themes

Captain Nemo repeatedly mentions that he is seeking revenge
for injustices he incurred while on land. Interestingly, the reader
must consider that while Nemo’s violence seems senseless
and evil, he is not necessarily different from a nation state. For
example, Nemo has declared himself sovereign; he has his
own laws; he claims he has a wealth that rivals France; and he
has his own military. At least in the cases of the Abraham
Lincoln and the final warship, Nemo was attacked first. He is
not entirely evil--he makes large donations to people in need of
them and comes to the aid of those he believes worthy. The
world in the 19th century was not quite the same as it is today.
While the nature of warfare was certainly changing, as it always
is, nations still engaged in battle over issues that would not be
considered legitimate today, such as colonization.

Nemo, technically residing in a territory controlled by no one,

having claimed land of his own, and fighting under his own flag
is not entirely different from a recognized and respected nation
that bludgeons its enemy to advance its own cause.

Liberty is another theme that pervades this novel. The world is
seeking to liberate itself of the “creature,” the Nautilus. Nemo
seeks liberty from society and from the land itself. Aronnax,
Conseil and Land seek liberty from Nemo. Yet no one is truly
If the world became free from the terrors of the Nautilus it was
only through the will of Nemo, who apparently committed
suicide. However, much like any scientific progress, they are
not free from the technology to produce another submarine
capable of the same evil. Aronnax has survived. He knows the
mechanical secrets of the ship and he is preparing to publish

Nemo seeks refuge at the sea’s bottom; yet he is repeatedly

outraged and haunted by mankind. He continues to battle
humanity and thus causes himself great mental anguish.
Moreover, he is plagued by his vengeful spirit which drives his
entire existence. He is not in control of his life.

This story is told in the first person-limited point of view. This
means it is told through the experience of the narrator, Pierre
Aronnax. He is not privy to the ideas and feelings of the other
characters. He can only tell us what he observes.

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