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“Team Sports teach you how to get along with other people. A true mark of your character.” –
Chris Jordan.

Volleyball acts as an alternative and highly efficient means of reaching fitness goals in a
fun engaging way. It would be a great bonding activity with friends and family for effective
communication and coherent relation. Aside from the physical and mental building blocks,
playing volleyball also provides essential learning and other benefits when dealing with real-life
situations. In fact, we can obtain values, knowledge, and skills for a life-distilled experiences.

As a student, playing the game will surely develop my holistic aspects and underpins the
virtue of unity. It is quite challenging but interesting activity that may build up hand-eye
coordination, fast thinking, confidence, achieving goals, learning from mistakes, concentrations,
and time management skills. Knowing the sport is like achieving our purposes because we tend
to learn ideals and tactics as our coping mechanisms to survive and win the game. In order to
successfully learn how to play volleyball, we must first understand the objects or basics of the
game. These will help us to be prepared and aware in different violations, procedures, and
mechanics as essential facts in performing the activity.

The resemblance of the game in an organization or family has something to deal with
teamwork, making them stronger, building good relationships, supporting each other and giving
pieces of advice when such a need arises. Above all other consideration, rising in solidarity could
forms unshakable defense and moving beyond adversary can make a difference.

Most often, struggles are inevitable. We can’t escape however we can settle. Just like
playing volleyball, losing the game doesn’t mean a failure but a beneficial support with diverse
realizations. Consequently, it can relieve our stress and empower ourselves for a healthy

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