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I think that my most positive quality is that I am very practical, especially when

something needs to be done. I’m really into finding solutions to things and fixing problems.
I am specialized in fixing house issues, buildings and repairing any problem that is related to
houses. People come to me when something doesn’t work at home, and I am very glad that I
can help many friends using the skills I have. I like to do that because also that is a very nice
opportunity to meet new people but also get different jobs.

My most negative quality is that I’m not very patient. I really get frustrated when other
persons can’t find a solution for something simple. I know that I have to work more on my
patience because I like to work with persons, but sometimes I just can’t. For example, last week
I was working repairing something and I talked really rude to a coworker that can’t find a tool I
was going to use. After that I apologize with him and I realize that I need to work more on my
patience, but sometimes people don’t help.

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