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Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

1. Anand wishes for a magic apple to make Meera better, and to bring his
father home. His mother reminds him that magic only occurs in storybooks.
What does Anand learns about magic as the story unfolds?

How does magic help Meera at the beginning of the story?

How is Anand indirectly responsible for Meera's healing?

Does his mother's attitude toward magic change after Abhaydatta's visit?

In what ways does magic help Anand on his quest?

What are the limitations of magic and its relationship wish wisdom,
understanding, and courage?

Which of these gifts proves to be the most important to Anand on his

2. Family and family life are very important in India. How does Anand's
feelings for his family almost keep him from going with Abhaydatta?

Why does his mother allow him to go?

Does his mother expects him to return?

Explain how the Brotherhood of Healers becomes a family to Anand and


3. Anand is working at the tea stall when he first notices Abhaydatta. What
draws his attention to the old man?

How does Abhaydatta know that Anand has the desire to enter the secret
domain of the world of magic?

What is the role of the conch leading Abhaydatta to Anand?

4. Think about the relationship between courage and fear. What gives Anand
the courage to go on the journey with Abhaydatta?

At what point does he doubt his decision?

How do his doubts feed his fear?

Think about Anand's most fearful moments. What gives him the courage to
fight the evil forces and continue his journey?

5. Why is Abhaydatta willing to take Nisha, the sweeper-girl along?

Think about her role in the story. What is she searching for?

How is she a sidekick to Anand?

There are times when Anand is jealous of the girl. When does he experience
the most jealousy?
How does he reconcile his jealousy?

6. Abhaydatta gives Anand the conch to carry. Why doesn't Abhaydatta want
Nisha to know about the conch?

Do you agree with Anand's decision to disobey Abhaydatta and tell Nisha
that he is carrying the conch? Why or why not?

What is Nisha's reaction when she sees it?

How does this reveal the difference between the two children, and their
individual contributions to the mission?

7. How does Abhaydatta prepare the children for the danger that he is certain
will come upon them?

Why does he tell Anand and Nisha the Tale of the One-Eyed Deer?
8. Anand and Nisha encounter the evil forces of Surabhanu, a former
member of the Brotherhood who wants possession of the conch. How
does Anand deal with the evil powers?

Explain the conch's message: "It's a wise fool who knows his own folly."

9. Describe Anand's feelings when he discovers that Nisha has been admitted
to the Brotherhood.

What does Abhaydatta mean when he tells Anand, "We cannot choose you
until you have made a choice yourself" ?

10. Think about Anand's choice to remain in the Silver Valley. What
contributes to his final decision?

Why does the Brotherhood make him the Keeper of the Conch?

11. Anand's journey to the Silver Valley reveals important messages about
trust, love, and power. How do these messages apply to real life?
12. Why is Anand the Brotherhood's only hope?

How is the Brotherhood Nisha's only hope? What other elements of hope are
in the story?

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