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Exercise 11.

Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect

1. Look! Somebody has broken (break) the window.
2. I wonder if John has forgotten (forget) my number. I has been expecting
(expect) him to call for the past two hours.
3. You look very upset. What has happened (happen)?
4. Haven`t you finished (not finish) that book yet? You have been reading (read) it
for more than a week.
5. The meat must be nearly ready. I have been cooking (cook) it for nearly an hour.
6. What have you been doing (do) for the last two hours? – I have been sitting (sit)
here working at this problem.
7. I have lost (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it?
8. My brother is an actor. He has appeared (appear) in several films.
9. Sorry! I’m late. – That’s all right. I haven`t waiting (not wait) long.
10. She has just sold (sell) two of her paintings. – She’s lucky. I have been
painting (paint) for five years and I haven`t sold (not sell) a single picture yet.
11. He has been sleeping (sleep) since ten o’clock. It’s time he woke up.
12. I have pumped (pump) up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?
13. That boy has eaten (eat) seven ice-creams.
14. That helicopter has been flying (fly) round the house for the last hour; do you
think it’s taking photographs?
15. We have walked (walk) ten kilometers.
16. We have been walking (walk) for three hours.
17. I have been working (work) for him for ten years and he never once say “Good
morning” to me.
18. The radio has been playing (play) since 7 a.m. I wish someone would turn it
19. He has been studying (study) English for two years and doesn’t even know the
alphabet yet.
Exercise 13. Underline the correct form.
6. On the morning of the accident, Mr Davis just finished/had just finished a night
shift at a local factory, and didn't have/hadn't had any sleep for 24 hours.
7. I'm sorry I didn't answer/wasn’t answering the phone earlier, but I was
painting/had been painting the ceiling in my bedroom.
8. The office Marlowe was visiting was on the 15th floor, and unfortunately, the
lift wasn’t working/hadn't been working, so by the time he arrived at the top of the
stairs, he was/had been out of breath.
9. On Christmas morning when they woke up/were waking up, the children looked
eagerly out of the window. It snowed/had been snowing, and the garden was
covered in a thick white carpet.
10. After the two film stars landed/were landing at the small airport, they left
quickly in a van that was waiting/had been waiting for them since the early

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