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Vegetarians are healthier than people who eat meat

The modern diet predicament is about whether it’s better and

healthier to eat meat, be vegetarian ,or something in between.
Around the world, people often become vegetarians for many
reasons, including health, religious convictions, compassion towards
animals, or as an attempt to help reduce the use of environmental
resources and it’s a common diet among those aiming for a healthier
body and lifestyle. So are vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters?
Scientifically speaking adopting a vegetarian diet and lifestyle, in
general, is notable for one’s health considering vegetarians appear to
have a low rate of certain diseases and chronic illnesses such as
cholesterol, hypertension, cardiac arrests, type 2 diabetes, and even
obesity not to mention that hundreds of studies state that eating lots
of fruits and vegetables can reduce the threat of having certain types
of cancer since their regime consists of eating less saturated fat,
cholesterol, and more vitamins and fiber.
Nevertheless and despite all that research shows that vegetarians
have inefficiency in some elements. For instance, they lack protein
which is mostly found in animal sources also iron, omega 3 and so on.
Long story short I believe that vegetarians are in a way healthier than
people who eat meat as they are less likely to suffer from particular
diseases non-vegetarians are more endangered by, however, it is
always a good idea to have balance in life as in not completely give
up one type of food and overindulge another.

Ghofrane Cherni

2nd form SC.ED (group 03_ 01)

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