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will require to be about 7 feet square; therefore; 111 t

this tier, nine beams can be placed side by side at

10 inches centres, the load w on each being about l ,
1.~.Q. or 11 ~- tons.

The bending moment produced in each beam is

equivalent to this load uniformly distt-ibutcd over a span
of L - .l = 7 - 2 = 5 feet, and referring to table of
safe loads on page 46, it is .found that B. S. B. 11,
7 x 4 x 16 lbs. per foot, IS a suitable section for the
lower" tier.
The upper tier will be 2 feet wide, i. e., the width
of the stanchion base. In this width three beams can
be placed side by side at 9 inches centres, the load w '.1
on each being about -4-.\1.::= 33,);, tons, which is equivalent
to 'this load uniformly distributed _over a span of
L - l = 7 - 2 0:= 5 feet, and on refen;lnce to the table of
safe loads as before, it will be found that D.L.B. 17.a,
10 x 5 x 35 lbs. per foot, is a suitable section for this.
The above analysis involves the usual fundamental .,
assumptions pertaining to flexUl"e.
The exact conditions involved 1I1 these assumptions .,
are not usually obtained in gt-iIlage practice, so that
results obtained by the above analysis should be care-

fully interpn~tecl.
Our own pt-uctice In designing gl-illages is 011 the
Elws of the_ above arialy':lis.
\Vherc the loads transmitted al-e vcry large, the
gdllage I" quires special designing, and in such cases,
particulal" attention should be given to the section of
the girders with refcl-ence to their ability to carry the I
loads involved ~vithout crippling of the webs. I


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