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Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil – LIPI

Escuela de Educación – ECEDU

CEAD: zcsur Cali

INGLÉS A1- (900001ª_527)

Unidad 2- Task 4 – Speaking


Maryi Daniela Mosquera Torres


Profesor tutor:
Carlos Mauricio Cerquera

Santiago de Cali/Abril/2020
1. Ejercicio escrito que le sirvió de guion.

My name is Maryi Daniela Mosquera Torres. I am from Cali Colombia. I am twenty five
years old. Iam a child pedagogy student and work on Thursdays as a teacher of recreational
activities at the German school of Cali. I live with my husband and my Little daughter. My
favorite hobby is whatching movies or going for a walk with my family. My favorite sport
is cycling, I am a mountain biker with my husband. My favorite tv show is the programs of
bear gylls

This is my family
My mother is Esther, she is forty eigth years old, she is a from Cali Colombia. She works as
a freelance, my mother is very beautiful and good mother, she is black hair, her eyes are
brown. She is short. My brother is Camilo, he is twenty-three years old, he is my best
friend, he works as an operational assistant in the call center of Claro, he is tall, he is thin,
his hair is black. My husband is Victor, he is thirty seven years old, he is very handsome
and excellent husband and father. he has worked in successful stores for sixteen years as a
supply supervisor, he is very tall and skinny, he has black hair. Last and not least is my
daughter Elaia. She is three years old. She is beautiful with dark brown eyes and her gaze is
piercing and gorgeous. She is brown and wavy hair. She is very small but smart.
Thanks a lot

2. Enlace al audio (mp3) donde hace su práctica oral (presentación personal,

descripción de la familia)

3. Enlace de video (YouTube o Vimeo) donde hable de su información personal y

describa a su familia.

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