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“The experience from the history of science yields sufficient evidence that these three concepts

provide the necessary framework to properly explain a wide range of phenomena of everyday

life. Understanding these concepts may lead to more effective teaching in geometrical optics and

allow teachers to introduce, at a later stage, new tools or models that describe the nature of light

as it is manifested in other more complex phenomena.”

- Konstantinos Korfiatis, Athanasios Raftopoulos, and Demetris Portides

Teaching is the building foundation between teachers and students as it leaves an impact by

through the influence of learning. Teachers are the models who are creative about teaching the

younger generation while the students are the most curious to question about the real world. It is

an endless field where the educators are the guide for those who are lost and confused. Exploring

the unknown is where teachers seeks to inspire the students within their field of learning. As a

middle school science teacher, I wanted my students to find the unknown knowledge that is

hidden from the world and make an impact for their future. It allows me to extend an invitation

to demonstrate the learners’ curiosity about the natural world around them. I tend to be focus-

minded as one of my strengths, and I do like to multitask with using laptops and creating new

ideas to work on making lesson plans. It helps me to make sure if I must follow through the

TEKS for the science class. Another strength I have it that I put priorities first when it comes to

collaborating, and I tend to work well with coworkers. It makes me to have a common ground

with the science teachers, and I would like to have others with opinions to think of the lesson. I

want to teach because I have the tendency to wanting to help people. Teachers must always

maintain professional levels at school to teach students. I have grown up making sure that people

are happy in both physically and emotionally, because I had gone through and I want to support

them for their safety. I have people that motivated me to be understanding as being there for each
other, and that made me want to be compassionate to my future students. We explore the

unknown together as teacher and students. I want to make connections and have the students to

become wonders of their own future.

Konstantinos Korfiatis explained that “explore the ‘‘Balance of Nature’’ metaphor in

Biology and Environmental Education, which is one of the major paradigms in the field, and its

recent scientific standing and suggest that the exclusive teaching of the ‘‘Balance of Nature’’

metaphor produces cultural, scientific and learning misconceptions about the structure and

function of nature.” We need teachers who are willing to address about the real-world problems

to the scientific field. Teachers that are exploiting the damages of human interaction towards the

wildlife, the balance of renewable and nonrenewable resources, the burning of resources that can

damage the planet, and what would expect to help find an alternative solution. We need teachers

who are willing to help and preserve the planet Earth. This will give the insight of exploiting the

real-world problems with the current events of how life is being affected by the actions that we

all can leave an impact behind.

Kevin Pugh stated “In the past, Dewey’s work has been associated with notions of

learning by doing or learning through experience. Indeed, there is a vast literature in science

education that examines the ways in which enriched forms of experience contribute to the

learning of concepts, and this literature fits nicely with many of Dewey’s ideas.” In my science

class, I want to understand that learning experience of science is important for their future. I

would like to conduct experiments with my students to explore the unknown. It would get their

minds engaged into the activities that I want to show them, but I want to keep them safe from the

dangers in lab. For all my classes, I want to have students bring their parents to open house and

have them walk around the demonstrations of the experiments that they partake in class.
I feel that collaborating with colleagues is essential because it help to operate as a

teaching community. I want to become a member with a team that incorporates the lesson plans

together and map out the details that is important for the students. The role I see in the school

community as a supportive team to collaborate and work out the lessons. That they are flexible to

time management and provide an insight help on what to teach students for their standards. I

would envision the school community supporting the development of teachers by being

responsible. That we would partake in providing positive and negative feedbacks to revise what

we need to improve. The role of the students is that they need to understand how the unknown

works in mysterious ways, and they will have to be open-minded about exploring the nature of

the world with facts and evidence. Parents are the continuous supportive role for their children as

they can pass on their knowledge and essential skills to help with their learning.

Works Cited

Korfiatis, K., Raftopoulos, A., & Portides, D. (2011). Introduction: The 5th Hellenic Conference

on the History, Philosophy and Science Teaching “The Great Scientific Theories in the

Teaching of Natural Sciences.” Science & Education, 20(10), 937–941. https://doi-

Pugh, K. J., & Girod, M. (2007). Science, Art, and Experience: Constructing a Science Pedagogy

From Dewey’s Aesthetics. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18(1), 9–27.

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