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Amiyah Youmans

Mr. Gleasman

Storytelling Project



My story time is about when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. We started dating

back in 2017, for about a 1 years going on to 2. I was a cheerleader at Allendale-Fairfax High

school while he played football at Barnwell High. He always assumed I was cheating on him

because I am well known at my school and had friends at his. Time has pass, and we are now

seniors in high school. Even though I had things going on at my school, I attended and supported

his senior prom so as mines, went to his football games when I didn’t have to cheer, and also

attended his graduation. Being a great girlfriend, we made a promise before going off to college.

My freshman year of college I use to travel 3 hours to see him because he attended Lander


Our relationship was a little rocky b

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